Interstate 69 Information

Watchdog Indiana Home Page  

Watchdog Indiana Position: 

The I-70 / US 41 route is preferable to the proposed new terrain interstate primarily because it is at least $1 billion cheaper. Additional concerns include the following: (1) costs for new terrain interstates always escalate, (2) taxes will increase or tolls will be imposed because the political climate does not support spending cuts for interstate construction, (3) the positive economic impact of highway projects is exaggerated, (4) unnecessary environmental damage would result.


Indiana Department of Transportation Information:

U.S. 231 From I-70 to I-65 Environmental Assessment/Study

I-69 Evansville to Indianapolis Preferred Route 3C Information

I-69 Evansville to Indianapolis Tier 2 Studies

I-69 Community Planning Program


PRO Websites:


Students for Interstate 69

Bloomington for I-69


CON Websites:

COUNT US! County Under New Terrain I-69

Green Scissors

Indiana I-69 Highway:  Battle Against the Boondoggle


Watchdog Indiana Home Page  

This page was last updated on 03/19/10.