Aaron Smith
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One man awake
Can awaken another.
The second can waken his next-door brother.
The three awake can rouse the town,
By turning the whole place upside down.
And the many awake, make such a fuss,
They finally awaken the rest of us.
One man up with the dawn in his eyes
by Helen Kromer
BIOGRAPHY (NOTE: My 2023 Lebanon City Council District 5 Campaign Letter is included below following this Biography.)
I was born the first half of the preceding century (1949), and grew up in Macon, GA.
I have been married to Jessica since 1971, and we moved to Lebanon, Indiana, on September 10, 2001. My son Eric (a recent 11-year high school English teacher), my daughter-in-law Joanne (a pediatrician), my granddaughter Fiona (Fi-Bird), and my grandson Garrett (G.J.) live in Westfield, Indiana.
After my graduation from Georgia Tech in 1973 with a B.S. in Industrial Management, we moved to Richmond, Virginia, where we lived until 1975. From 1975 until 1979 we lived in Salem, Virginia. We moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1979 and lived there until 1982. We returned to Salem, Virginia, in 1982 and remained until 2001.
From 1974 to 2000, I worked in the Loss Prevention departments of three major property and casualty insurance companies as a risk management consultant to commercial policyowners (23 years), as a Special Agent with a major financial services firm (1 year), and as a Financial Specialist with a major regional bank (2 years). I was semi-retired until 2005 and then worked as a full-time pharmacy technician with a home care company until 2007, at which time I again retired.
Some of my professional qualifications are listed next.
Certified Safety Professional (CSP) 1993 - 1998
Associate in Loss Control Management (ALCM) 1993
Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) 1996
Associate in Risk Management (ARM) 1997
Virginia Life and Health 45-hour study course completion 1997
National Association of Securities Dealers Exam 63 passed 1998
National Association of Securities Dealers Exam 6 passed 1998
Virginia Life and Health Insurance Agent 1998-1999
Virginia Life and Annuity Agent 1998-1999
Virginia Property and Casualty Insurance Agent 1998-1999
Certified Pharmacy Technician 2005
Politically, I am now a determined Democrat. I was a proud Independent for about 40 years, striving to make my decisions by respectfully analyzing all points of view (even though I was somewhat dismayed by the confusing vilification games of both Republicans and Democrats who each extol the virtues of their positions while always presenting the opponent's positions as negatively as possible). The riotous insurrection at the nation's Capitol on January 6, 2021, made me a Democrat. Too many MAGA supporters threaten our democratic way of life by blindly supporting an authoritarian style of government that refuses to respect the outcomes of fair and free elections.
Listed next are some highlights of my community involvement and civic activism over the years.
Devonshire Community (Charlotte, NC) Association Founder and Chairman 1980-1982
East Salem Scrappers (recreation soccer) Coach 1983-1984
East Salem Recreation Club President 1984-1985
East Salem Jayhawks (recreation baseball) Coach 1986
Salem High School PTSA President 1989-1990
Virginia Referendum Advocates Founder and Treasurer 1991-1995
Salem Taxpayers Association Founder and Treasurer 1994-1998
Roanoke (VA) Toastmasters Club Treasurer 1997-1998
Watchdog Salem Founder 2000-2001
Watchdog Indiana Founder 2001-present (inactive)
Watchdog Lebanon Founder 2001-present (partially active)
ReadUP substitute tutor at Hattie B. Stokes Elementary School 2012-2015
Watchdog Vigilance Founder 2016-present (inactive)
Lebanon Utility Service Board mayor-appointed member 2018-present
Elected Boone County Center 12 Precinct Democratic Chair 2022-present
Hello Fellow Voter!
The “tipping point” reason I am a Democratic Party candidate for Lebanon City Council District 5 is the national disgrace that is January 6, 2021, when a mob of MAGA supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, assaulted police officers, and damaged property in an attempt to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power that is a cornerstone of our constitutional government. MAGA supporters refuse to accept the 2020 Presidential election as free and fair, and contend that January 6 was a lawful protest whose convicted criminals should be pardoned. The frightening truth is that MAGA supporters are a clear and present threat to our rule of law because they want to ignore those laws that we follow regarding our elections and criminal prosecutions..
I believe that MAGA supporters must be opposed at every level of government to help preserve and protect our precious rule of law from the threat of totalitarianism. The Democratic Party through its support of serious efforts to understand how and why January 6 actually occurred is now leading the way to help achieve the more perfect union envisioned by our Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.
While I would not be a candidate if there were no January 6, I believe that some local issues need attention. I support at least 70 percent of the votes my November 7 incumbent opponent has cast over the years. However, I do not believe my incumbent opponent works hard enough at his public service – he rarely attends working sessions where detailed information is provided about important local issues.
An historically important current local issue is Lebanon’s role in how the LEAP District should be developed. As a five-year member of the Lebanon Utility Service Board, I have been able to carefully study and take part in the LEAP decisions with an emphasis on protecting our utility ratepayers and taxpayers from improperly subsidizing deep-pocketed developers. I believe our Mayor in his LEAP leadership role has done a good job of serving the best interests of our ratepayers and taxpayers, and I look forward to continue giving him my support.
I do differ from our Mayor and my November 7 incumbent opponent on one important matter. They think property tax payers are well-served if property tax rates are maintained. All we need to do is to look at our property tax statements to understand that maintaining the same property tax rate is no good when assessed values and property tax payments are significantly increasing. I will be a Council Member who looks first at the budgets that drive our property tax increases.
I differ from my November 7 incumbent opponent on some utility matters. He voted last year to eliminate $403,000 in availability fees for the Angilee Gardens residential developer. Utility availability fees are important to make certain that developers pay their fair share to benefit from using our local utilities. My incumbent opponent also continues to accept the maximum allowed PILOT (Payment In Lieu Of Taxes) payments from Lebanon Utilities. Our City Council has the option of not accepting the PILOT payments, which will take $674,319 from our Lebanon Utilities this year for deposit in the City’s General Fund reserve. The City has ample revenues without the PILOT payments, and our Lebanon Utilities need every utility bill dollar to meet the City’s utility needs without any more rate increases.
On May 20, 2001, Gerald R. Ford stated: “The ultimate test of leadership is not the polls you take, but the risks you take. In the short run, some risks prove overwhelming. Political courage can be self-defeating. But the greatest defeat of all would be to live without courage, for that would hardly be living at all.”
I’m not so sure that my City Council run is actually courageous, but I cannot sit idly by and not do what little I can to oppose MAGA supporters. I hope I am able to help our community demonstrate a proper respect for law, truth, and democracy. My Republican friends will certainly disdain my Democratic label, but they know that I will be energetically focused on what I think is good public policy.
I would like your vote on November 7. Please contact me if you want more information from me – or if you want to let me know what you think is important. I would like to meet you!
Best regards,
Aaron Smith
2625 Countryside Drive
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-891-1439
E-mail: taxless3@comcast.net
Paid for by One Man Awake Committee
FEBRUARY 11, 2003
Piled on a
table in the Rotunda of the Statehouse is a stack of slick color pamphlets
explaining “Your Indiana General Assembly” in simple, childlike terms.
“They (legislators) come together to study, debate and pass laws that
make Indiana a better place to live and raise a family,” it says in
part. “If you’re like most Hoosiers, you’ll agree that the
democratic process is alive and well in our state. The better day that we
all strive for is coming. We, the people, must help it along.”
No one with a double-digit IQ believes that condescending fable, but at
least one man is dedicated to helping along the- We the People- principle.
His name is Aaron Smith, a citizen, of the people.
The Public Health Committee of the Indiana House of Representatives was
scheduled to begin its hearing at 10:30 a.m. but Citizen Smith arrived 30
minutes early to secure a front row seat to remind his elected
representatives of the We, the People stuff.
“I always sit in the front row so they can see me and I can hear
everything they say,” explained Citizen Smith as he opened his thick,
spiral notebook, pulled a legal pad from his briefcase and lined up his
note-taking pencils.
Aaron Smith is a lobbyist in the purest, best sense of the term. He
lobbies on behalf of We, the People, residential homeowners specifically,
whose taxes the legislature continues to raise in order to replace the
taxes it eliminates for corporations.
Smith, 54, a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology and a retired
insurance executive, formed Watchdog Indiana three years ago to monitor
legislative double-talk and fiscal trickery. He is the founder, treasurer
and only member of Watchdog Indiana, yet he is in the Statehouse nearly
every day, testifying, taking notes, and issuing bulletins on his web
site, www.watchdogindiana.org.
His lobbying budget last year was $339.92, which came from his own pocket,
except for a $45 contribution from his son, Eric. He spent $58 on Downtown
parking, $61.02 on postage and the remainder on computer stuff. So far
this year, he’s spent $30.
He’s not paid $400 an hour to seek tax breaks or weaken environmental
regulations to benefit a corporation, which is a legal entity, not a
person. He doesn’t wear a tailored dark suit, the uniform of the
corporate lobbyists who congregate in the halls outside the House and
Senate chambers whispering into cell phones and punching Palm Pilots.
He’s paid nothing, wears a plaid shirt, tennis shoes and doesn’t have
a Palm Pilot.
Unlike the dark-suit, corporate lobbyists, he can’t afford to take his
elected representatives to Pacer games or lunch at the Skyline Club, buy
them expensive gifts or make lavish campaign contributions in return for
tax breaks and other favors. Smith’s group of one is non-partisan and
wouldn’t make campaign contributions if it had money. Consequently, one
ordinary citizen with no gifts to offer is largely ignored by the 150
legislators, despite the We, the People pamphlet platitudes.
“I know they laugh at me behind my back and think I’m an oddball,”
said Smith, patiently waiting for the hearing to begin. “You have to
have a thick skin to do what I do.”
In last year’s General Assembly professional lobbyists spent $18.9
million to influence legislation, an average of $126,000 per legislator.
In many states that practice is called bribery. Massachusetts, Wisconsin
and South Carolina prohibit lawmakers from taking anything from a
lobbyist, even a candy bar. Iowa sets a $3 daily limit on gifts. In
Indiana, there is no limit on on free dinners, gifts, or Pacer tickets a
legislator can accept from a lobbyist. If the gift costs less than $100
the lobbyist doesn't even have to report it.
Maybe that’s why some candidates spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
to win a seat in the General Assembly-a part time job that pays less than
$50,000 a year.
The extraordinary amounts of special interest money produce predictable
results. Indiana is among the most polluted, unhealthy states in the
country and the tax burden is rapidly shifting from corporations to
ordinary homeowners in the form of increased taxes.
“The average homeowner and taxpayer is not well-served by our elected
representatives,” said Citizen Smith, who is remarkably optimistic,
despite the daunting odds. “I just think the average person needs to be
heard down here,” he said.
Julia Vaughn, executive director of Common Cause/Indiana, a citizens
advocacy group, has vigorously urged legislative and lobbyist reform for
17 years, largely to no avail. She applauds Aaron Smith’s valiant
efforts to change a system drenched in special interest money and driven
by the black-suited professional lobbyists bearing expensive gifts.
“I wish there were more of him,” she said. “Legislators generally
treat individuals like Mr. Smith as if they were the scum of the earth. I
have great respect for anybody to show up, get in their face and say,
‘I’m not going away.’ The legislature shouldn’t belong to the
professional law firm lobbyists and the Chamber of Commerce. The playing
field is not level. The system is rotten. Indiana has some of the weakest
lobbying laws in the country. You can hand cash to a legislator and it’s
not called a bribe in Indiana.”
Vaughn represents 2,500 Common Cause members in Indiana.
The 10:30 a.m. hearing began promptly, which is unusual. Sometimes they
begin three or four hours late, or are cancelled at the last minute,
leaving ordinary citizens wandering around wondering what happened.
Usually they are held in cramped, overheated basement rooms in the
Statehouse. Usually there are no microphones, so people in the back
can’t hear and there are no nameplates to identify individual
legislators. Only the professional influence peddlers can follow this
bewildering system.
“It’s designed to discourage individuals from participating and it’s
done on purpose,” says Vaughn.
“The average person is lost,” says Smith. “I’m just starting to
figure it out after three years."
The hearing was held to discuss Gov. Frank’s O’Bannon’s Energize
Indiana economic stimulus plan, most of which Citizen Smith says is a good
idea. However, he disapproves of the governor’s plan to borrow against
Indiana’s future tobacco company settlement money to finance non-health
related portions of the plan.
After three hours of testimony by professional lobbyists, state officials
and Lt. Gov. Joe Kernan, Committee Chairman Charlie Brown finally called
Aaron Smith’s name. He stood up and read his prepared text.
“My name is Aaron Smith. I reside in Lebanon. I represent no one but
myself,” he told committee members, most of whom paid no attention. One
legislator removed his shoe and was scratching his foot. Smith presented
his views. No one asked him any questions. He sat down and continued
scribbling notes and studying his financial spreadsheets. When the hearing
concluded two hours later, he drove 40 miles home to Lebanon to discuss
the day’s activity with his wife, Jessica.
“It was a great day,” he told her.
The Smiths moved to Lebanon three years ago from Salem, Va., to be near
their only child, Eric, and their only grandchild. Smith’s civic
activism began in Salem 13 years ago when he formed the Salem Taxpayer’s
“My ideas were unwelcome,” he recalled. “But I believed in what I
was doing.”
Smith’s Watchdog Indiana office is in a corner of his modest Lebanon
home. Four file cabinets are filled with government financial documents.
He tracks and analyzes government spending on computer spreadsheets. His
knowledge of complex state finances has attracted the attention of a few
legislators who even know his name.
“Aaron knows his stuff,” concedes Republican State Rep. Jim Buck of
Kokomo. “Some of his ideas are good.”
Smith doesn’t confine his good government activities to the Statehouse.
He’s currently annoying Boone County officials who plan to build a
library addition. Smith regularly appears at library board meetings to
denounce the expansion as excessively lavish.
He recently rose before dawn to hear several state legislators address a
7:30 a.m. community meeting in a Lebanon hospital. Naturally, he arrived
early bursting with good government enthusiasm, a prepared We, the People
text, notebooks and pencils.
“Gotta sit in the front row,” he said, scrambling for his seat. “I
want ‘em to see me.”
They saw him. State Sen. Jeff Drozda and Rep. Jeff Thompson, who represent
Smith’s district, stopped by to pay respects. Not surprisingly, since
Citizen Smith is a voting constituent, they praised his struggle and
agreed good government is a good thing.
“Aaron has more influence than a paid lobbyist,” insisted Thompson.
“Although I think the professional lobbyists are fine people, too.”
Drozda muttered something along those lines, then rushed to the podium
where he told the crowd, “We need to be vigilant in protecting our
children” from sexual predators.
When it was Citizen Smith’s turn to speak, he read a statement railing
against the 2002 legislature’s multi-year phasing out of the business
inventory tax and replacing the lost revenue by jacking up taxes on
residential homeowners.
“No Statehouse lobbyists represent residential homeowners. We must rely
on you, our elected representatives to look after our interests,” he
concluded. They nodded solemnly and repeated their support for good
government and cracking down on sexual predators.
Later, Smith explained that most state legislators, if they even notice,
view him as a puzzling curiosity, an intruder into their private, gilded
“First of all, they ignore me and wonder what kind of a nut I am, a
citizen petitioning his government? How odd is that? Then they wonder what
I really want,” he explained. “The corporate lobbyists in suits are
down there working to shift more and more business taxes onto us
individuals. If the average Hoosier understood this they’d be mad as a
So why bother? Why drive 80 miles round trip to the Statehouse, pay to
park, wait, wait and wait some more to deliver a three-minute statement,
be ignored and patronized by a system purposely designed to humiliate and
lock out ordinary citizens and make a mockery out of We, the People?
Good question, says ordinary Citizen Smith, who leaned back in his chair
and thought about that.
“Going back to Salem, Va., my failures greatly outnumbered my
successes,” he said in his slow, deliberate voice. “When you’re a
citizen activist, you fail constantly but you really only fail when you
quit trying. When you quit trying, they win.”
Then he thought some more, adjusted his thick glasses and thought some
more. He always thinks before speaking.
“I like to remind them about We, the People.”
One-man watchdog keeps eye on taxes, spending
OCTOBER 18, 2006
The Indianapolis Star
Aaron Smith, semi-official watchdog of Indiana taxation and spending habits, sent an eight-item survey to legislative candidates running in the Nov. 7 election.
The questions were simple and straightforward: Should the state's budget expenditures be no more than total revenues for the next biennium? Should the state pay for full-day kindergarten? Do you anticipate the need for any state gas tax increases the next 10 years?
Smith e-mailed or mailed the survey to 220 legislative candidates. The response rate as of last weekend: 9.5 percent. If that sounds low, Smith says it's not surprising: "The last thing a candidate wants to do is go on record in a substantive way."
Whether he receives a survey back or not, Smith posts what he knows about incumbents and challengers on his Web site: www.watchdogindiana.org. Each candidate is labeled as taxpayer friendly, taxpayer unfriendly or uncertain. Only 18 of 220 candidates received the taxpayer-friendly label, and 132 are listed as uncertain because of limited or mixed public records. Smith also distributes his material to an e-mail list of 7,527. Smith is the prototype of the new citizen activist: a one-person shop who, thanks to the Internet, can influence political happenings from his desktop computer. He admits his impact is limited, but he takes some credit for the May 2 primary election defeat of Senate President Pro Tem Robert Garton, R-Columbus.
Smith considered Garton an enemy of family-friendly taxation policies and regularly publicized his views. In March 2006, Watchdog Indiana sent an e-mail to 790 Bartholomew County residents opposing local income tax language in a budget bill Garton backed. "Any property tax relief promised by (Garton) must be viewed with skepticism," the e-mail said. "The real truth is that Sen. Garton and his General Assembly cronies, along with the last two governors, through their betrayal and incompetence, have already laid plans to turn a promised 16.3 percent homeowner property tax reduction into a 26.3 percent increase in just four years."
Smith backs up his strong language with research. He carefully studies revenue, spending and long-term debt numbers and analyzes the effect of any proposed tax policy changes.
Smith played a similar activist role in Virginia before moving to Lebanon in 2001 so he could be closer to his grandchildren. Age 57 and a political independent, Smith is employed as a pharmacy technician. But his passion is taxation and finance, and how government policies affect working families.
When he assesses candidates, he looks for three things: Are they results-oriented, compassionate, fiscally responsible? He wants politicians to "take no more money than they need because families need the money we make to live our lives as fully as possible."
Control of the House may come down to election results in just 12 districts on Nov. 7, and Smith would like to influence three of them. In House District 86, he's urging a vote against taxpayer unfriendly incumbent, David Orentlicher, D-Indianapolis; in House District 69, he's urging support for the taxpayer-friendly challenger David Cheatham, Democrat of North Vernon; and in House District 31, he's promoting incumbent Timothy Harris, R-Marion, even though he labels him as uncertain on his Web site.
He's targeted two Senate districts as well. He's hoping to defeat taxpayer-unfriendly incumbent Johnny Nugent, R-Lawrenceburg, in District 43 and elect taxpayer-friendly Libertarian Kenn Gividen in District 41, where Garton lost the primary.
Smith's Web site doesn't attach party labels to candidate names. "Voters need the discipline to consider what the candidates stand for, separate from the parties," he says. "Every Libertarian is not taxpayer friendly. Every Democrat is not taxpayer unfriendly."
Cheatham, a Democrat favored by Watchdog Indiana, said he was aware of Smith's organization before he received the survey, and filled it out as a matter of course. "I get a lot of candidate questionnaires in the mail. I try to respond to as many as I can."
It's an attitude Smith wishes more candidates shared. But he holds citizens equally responsible. "The low response rate is a result of our apathy," he says. "People need to take time out of their lives to contact their candidates and say, 'Look, respond to these questions.' ''
NEAL is a teacher at St. Richard's School in Indianapolis and adjunct scholar with the Indiana Policy Review.
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This page was last updated on 08/04/23.