Boone County Departments & Offices Employment
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Data has been accumulated regarding the number of 2008 and 2012 Full Time and Part Time employees in our Boone County departments and offices. As a point of further comparison, corresponding cumulative 2008 employment data has also been obtained for the following 26 Indiana counties (these counties, like Boone County, are among the 36 most populated Indiana counties): Allen, Bartholomew, Cass, Dearborn, DeKalb, Elkhart, Floyd, Grant, Hamilton, Hendricks, Henry, Howard, Jackson, Johnson, Kosciusko, Lawrence, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Noble, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, Vanderburgh, Vigo, Warrick, Wayne. The accumulated Full Time and Part Time county employees data has been divided by the county population to determine the per capita employment by county department and office. All of this data is listed next.
Boone County Departments & Offices Employment |
Compared With Twenty-Six Selected Indiana Counties |
(Compiled June 1, 2012) |
Sources: |
(a) "Boone County Employees As Of 05/17/12" from the Boone County Auditor (copy available on request). |
(b) STATS Indiana |
(c) Association of Indiana Counties 2008 Annual County Factbook |
|||||| |
Note: The selected Indiana counties are twenty-six of the thirty-six most-populated counties and include |
Allen, Bartholomew, Cass, Dearborn, DeKalb, Elkhart, Floyd, Grant, Hamilton, Hendricks, Henry, Howard, |
Jackson, Johnson, Kosciusko, Lawrence, Madison, Marshall, Morgan, Noble, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, |
Vanderburgh, Vigo, Warrick, and Wayne counties. |
Number OF Employees |
Abbreviations Key: |
2008 Selected FT = 2008 Full Time Employees in the 26 Selected Counties (does not include elected officials) |
2008 BC FT = 2008 Boone County Full Time Employees (does not include elected officials) |
2012 BC FT = 2012 Boone County Full Time Employees (does not include elected officials) |
2008 Selected FT = 2008 Full Time Employees in the 26 Selected Counties (does not include elected officials) |
2008 BC FT = 2008 Boone County Full Time Employees (does not include elected officials) |
2012 BC FT = 2012 Boone County Full Time Employees (does not include elected officials) |
Departments & Offices |
2008 Selected FT |
2008 BC FT |
2012 BC FT |
2008 Seleted PT |
2008 BC PT |
2012 BC PT |
Sheriff & Jail Uniformed |
1,640 |
27 |
129 |
0 |
Sheriff & Jail Civilian |
1,307 |
32 |
180 |
0 |
Sheriff & Enhanced 911 |
64 |
12 |
Auditor |
308 |
9 |
8 |
27 |
1 |
2 |
Treasurer |
136 |
3 |
3 |
39 |
3 |
4 |
Assessor |
163 |
3 |
3 |
58 |
2 |
0 |
Recorder |
120 |
3 |
3 |
30 |
0 |
3 |
Clerk & Election* |
604 |
9 |
8 |
47 |
3 |
8 |
Coroner |
29 |
0 |
0 |
91 |
4 |
6 |
Prosecutor |
685 |
16 |
20 |
89 |
0 |
7 |
Probation |
516 |
8 |
13 |
48 |
0 |
2 |
Circuit Court |
180 |
5 |
5 |
47 |
0 |
2 |
Superior Courts |
544 |
7 |
7 |
51 |
0 |
3 |
Highway & Bridge** |
1,089 |
36 |
28 |
86 |
0 |
0 |
Courthouse Maintenance |
235 |
6 |
5 |
44 |
0 |
1 |
Planning Commission |
171 |
5 |
3 |
38 |
0 |
11 |
Public Health |
594 |
12 |
10 |
137 |
6 |
16 |
Extension & 4-H |
89 |
4 |
4 |
28 |
0 |
0 |
All Other Offices |
2,631 |
11 |
22 |
1,126 |
1 |
35 |
11,041 |
196 |
206 |
2,295 |
20 |
112 |
*Part Time Election employees not included from Bartholomew, Henry, and Vigo counties (225,791 population). |
**Lawrence County not included (45,922 population). |
Population Data |
2008 Population for the 26 Selected Counties = 2,661,667 |
2008 Boone County Population = 46,107 |
2012 Boone County Population = 57,481 (2011 population data is the latest available for Boone County) |
Employees Per Capita |
Abbreviations Key: |
2008 Selected FT = 2008 Full Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents in the 26 Selected Counties |
2008 BC FT = Boone County Full Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents |
2012 BC FT = Boone County Full Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents |
2008 Selected PT = 2008 Part Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents in the 26 Selected Counties |
2008 BC PT = Boone County Part Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents |
2012 BC PT = Boone County Part Time Employees Per 10,000 Residents |
Departments & Offices |
2008 Selected FT |
2008 BC FT |
2012 BC FT |
2008 Selected PT |
2008 BC PT |
2012 BC PT |
Sheriff & Jail Uniformed |
6.16 |
5.86 |
0.48 |
0 |
Sheriff & Jail Civilian |
4.91 |
6.94 |
0.68 |
0 |
Sheriff & Enhanced 911 |
11.13 |
2.09 |
Auditor |
1.16 |
1.95 |
1.39 |
0.10 |
0.22 |
0.35 |
Treasurer |
0.51 |
0.65 |
0.52 |
0.15 |
0.65 |
0.70 |
Assessor |
0.61 |
0.65 |
0.52 |
0.22 |
0.43 |
0 |
Recorder |
0.45 |
0.65 |
0.52 |
0.11 |
0 |
0.52 |
Clerk & Election* |
2.27 |
1.95 |
1.39 |
0.19 |
0.65 |
1.39 |
Coroner |
0.11 |
0 |
0 |
0.34 |
0.87 |
1.04 |
Prosecutor |
2.57 |
3.47 |
3.48 |
0.33 |
0 |
1.22 |
Probation |
1.94 |
1.74 |
2.26 |
0.18 |
0 |
0.35 |
Circuit Court |
0.68 |
1.08 |
0.86 |
0.18 |
0 |
0.35 |
Superior Courts |
2.04 |
1.52 |
1.22 |
0.19 |
0 |
0.52 |
Highway & Bridge** |
4.16 |
7.81 |
4.87 |
0.33 |
0 |
0 |
Courthouse Maintenance |
0.88 |
1.30 |
0.87 |
0.17 |
0 |
0.17 |
Planning Commission |
0.64 |
1.08 |
0.52 |
0.14 |
0 |
1.91 |
Public Health |
2.23 |
2.60 |
1.74 |
0.51 |
1.30 |
2.78 |
Extension & 4-H |
0.33 |
0.87 |
0.70 |
0.11 |
0 |
0 |
All Other Offices |
9.88 |
2.39 |
3.83 |
4.23 |
0.22 |
6.09 |
41.53 |
42.51 |
35.82 |
8.64 |
4.34 |
19.48 |
*Part Time Election employees not included from Bartholomew, Henry, and Vigo counties (225,791 population). |
**Lawrence County not included (45,922 population). |
Listed next are comparisons by department and office for the Total (Full Time plus Part Time) Employees Per 10,000 County Residents.
0.83 2008 Selected Counties Assessor
1.08 2008 Boone County Assessor
0.52 2012 Boone County Assessor
2012 Boone County 37% less than
the 2008 Selected Counties
1.26 2008 Selected Counties Auditor
2.17 2008 Boone County Auditor
1.74 2012 Boone County Auditor
2012 Boone County 38% more than the 2008 Selected
0.86 2008 Selected Counties Circuit Court
1.08 2008 Boone County Circuit Court
1.21 2012 Boone County Circuit Court
2012 Boone County 41% more than the 2008 Selected
2.46 2008 Selected Counties Clerk & Election
2.60 2008 Boone County Clerk & Election
2.78 2012 Boone County Clerk & Election
2012 Boone County 13% more than the 2008 Selected
0.45 2008 Selected Counties Coroner
0.87 2008 Boone County Coroner
1.04 2012 Boone County Coroner
2012 Boone County 131% more than the 2008 Selected
1.05 2008 Selected Counties Courthouse Maintenance
1.30 2008 Boone County Courthouse Maintenance
1.04 2012 Boone County Courthouse Maintenance
2012 Boone County 1% less than the
2008 Selected Counties
0.45 2008 Selected Counties Extension & 4-H
0.87 2008 Boone County Extension & 4-H
0.70 2012 Boone County Extension & 4-H
2012 Boone County 56% more than the 2008 Selected
4.49 2008 Selected Counties Highway & Bridge
7.81 2008 Boone County Highway & Bridge
4.87 2012 Boone County Highway & Bridge
2012 Boone County 8% more than the 2008 Selected
0.78 2008 Selected Counties Planning Commission
1.08 2008 Boone County Planning Commission
2.43 2012 Boone County Planning Commission
2012 Boone County 212% more than the 2008 Selected
2.12 2008 Selected Counties Probation
1.74 2008 Boone County Probation
2.61 2012 Boone County Probation
2012 Boone County 23% more than the 2008 Selected
2.90 2008 Selected Counties Prosecutor
3.47 2008 Boone County Prosecutor
4.70 2012 Boone County Prosecutor
2012 Boone County 62% more than the 2008 Selected
2.74 2008 Selected Counties Public Health
3.90 2008 Boone County Public Health
4.52 2012 Boone County Public Health
2012 Boone County 65% more than the 2008 Selected
0.56 2008 Selected Counties Recorder
0.65 2008 Boone County Recorder
1.04 2012 Boone County Recorder
2012 Boone County 86% more than the 2008 Selected
12.23 2008 Selected Counties Sheriff & Jail
12.80 2008 Boone County Sheriff & Jail
13.22 2012 Boone County Sheriff & Enhanced 911
2012 Boone County 8% more than the 2008 Selected
2.23 2008 Selected Counties Superior Courts
1.52 2008 Boone County Superior Courts
1.74 2012 Boone County Superior Courts
2012 Boone County 22% less than
the 2008 Selected Counties
0.66 2008 Selected Counties Treasurer
1.30 2008 Boone County Treasurer
1.22 2012 Boone County Treasurer
2012 Boone County 85% more than the 2008 Selected
14.11 2008 Selected Counties All Other Offices
2.61 2008 Boone County All Other Offices
9.92 2012 Boone County All Other Offices
2012 Boone County 30% less than
the 2008 Selected Counties
50.17 2008 Selected Counties TOTAL
46.85 2008 Boone County TOTAL
55.30 2012 Boone County TOTAL
2012 Boone County 10% more
than the 2008 Selected Counties
In this time of Great Recession and the resulting decline in county revenues, one would hope that the current per capita employment in our Boone County departments and offices has (a) NOT increased since 2008 and (b) is no more than 2008 average of the 26 selected counties.
However, the conclusions listed next (which result from an analysis of all the accumulated data) reveal that the per capita employment in MOST of our Boone County departments and offices is higher than what would be indicated if efficiencies necessitated by the Great Recession (including a hiring freeze) had been conscientiously implemented.1.
The current Total 2012 Boone County employees per 10,000 residents is 18% more than the Total 2008 Boone County employees per 10,000 residents.2.
Total 2012 Boone County Full Time employees per 10,000 residents is 16% less than the total 2008 Boone County Full Time employees per 10,000 residents.3.
Total 2012 Boone County Part Time employees per 10,000 residents is 349% more than the total 2008 Boone County Part Time employees per 10,000 residents.4.
Total 2012 Boone County employees per 10,000 residents is 10% more than the 2008 average for the 26 selected counties.5.
Total 2012 Boone County Full Time employees per 10,000 residents is 14% less than the 2008 average for the 26 selected counties.6.
Total 2012 Boone County Part Time employees per 10,000 residents is 125% more than the 2008 average for the 26 selected counties.7.
The Boone County Assessor office today has (a) 52% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) no Part Time employees compared with two in 2008, (d) 37% less Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Assessor average, (e) 15% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Assessor average, and (f) no Part Time employees compared to the 2008 selected counties Assessor average of 0.22 per 10,000 residents. It should be noted that effective July 1, 2008, the duties of township assessors in all townships in which the number of real property parcels is less than 15,000 and in townships with a trustee-assessor were transferred to the elected county assessor. Boone County Assessor Lisa Garoffolo reported on June 1, 2012, that seasonal employees were used in the past but there all part time funds were given up when the Boone County Council requested a 10% reduction.8.
The Boone County Auditor office today has (a) 20% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 29% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) 59% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 38% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Auditor average, (e) 20% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Auditor average, and (f) 250% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Auditor average. Boone County Auditor Melody Price reported on May 30, 2012, that her office has one permanent Part Time employee that works one day per week (which was cut from two days last year to accommodate budget constraints) and one other person that works more seasonally. Auditor Price also reported that her payroll personnel must track health, dental and vision insurance payments because Boone County is self-insured, and that the state and federal governments have imposed more responsibilities for tracking grants.9.
The Boone County Circuit Court today has (a) 12% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) two Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 41% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Circuit Court average, (e) 26% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Circuit Court average, and (f) 94% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Circuit Court average.10.
The Boone County Clerk office today has (a) 7% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 29% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) 114% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 13% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Clerk average, (e) 39% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Clerk average, and (f) 632% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Clerk average.11.
The Boone County Coroner office today has (a) 20% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) no Full Time employees (just like in 2008), (c) 20% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 131% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Coroner average, (e) no Full Time employees compared to the 2008 selected counties Coroner average of 0.11 per 10,000 residents, and (f) 206% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Coroner average.12.
The Boone County Courthouse Maintenance department today has (a) 20% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 33% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) one Part Time employee compared to none in 2008, (d) 1% less Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Courthouse Maintenance average, (e) 1% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Courthouse Maintenance average, and (f) the same Part Time per capita employees as the 2008 selected counties Courthouse Maintenance average.13.
The Boone County Extension & 4-H department today has (a) 20% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) no Part Time employees (same as in 2008), (d) 56% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Extension & 4-H average, (e) 112% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Extension & 4-H average, and (f) no Part Time employees compared to the 2008 selected counties Extension & 4-H average of 0.11 per 10,000 residents.14.
The Boone County Highway & Bridge department today has (a) 38% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 38% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) no Part Time employees (same as in 2008), (d) 8% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Highway & Bridge average, (e) 17% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Highway & Bridge average, and (f) no Part Time employees compared to the 2008 selected counties Highway & Bridge average of 0.33 per 10,000 residents.15.
The Boone County Planning Commission department today has (a) 125% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 52% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) eleven Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 212% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Planning Commission average, (e) 19% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Planning Commission average, and (f) 1,264% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Planning Commission average. An interlocal agreement has been approved where the City of Lebanon will pay the $32 per hour rate of pay for Boone County Area Plan Commission Executive Director Rachel Cardis to assist Lebanon’s plan commission and board of zoning appeals with development issues from 8 a.m. to noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. Nine of the eleven identified Part Time employees appear to be members of the Area Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.16.
The Boone County Probation department today has (a) 50% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 52% more Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) two Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 23% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Probation average, (e) 16% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Probation average, and (f) 94% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Probation average.17.
The Boone County Prosecutor office today has (a) 35% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) under 1% more Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) seven more Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 62% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Prosecutor average, (e) 35% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Prosecutor average, and (f) 270% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Prosecutor average. Boone County Prosecutor Todd Meyer reported on May 31, 2012, that “Most, if not all of this office's part time employees are paid out of funds that are not taxpayer funds. Rather, these employees are paid out of user fee funds, e.g., traffic ticket deferral, pre trial diversion and check deception program funds. I believe this office employs one part time attorney (the juvenile court deputy prosecutor) who is paid out of taxpayer funds and that is the way it's been in this office for sometime, at least since before 2008.”18.
The Boone County Public Health department today has (a) 16% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 33% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) 114% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 65% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Public Health average, (e) 22% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Public Health average, and (f) 445% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Public Health average. Boone County Health Department Administrator Cindy Murphy reported on June 1, 2012, that one Part Time employee is funded by the local county budget and the remaining Part Time employees are funded by “outside” sources – two (including one summer intern) funded by the Local Health Maintenance Fund, one funded by the Local Trust Fund, two funded by the Tobacco Grant, and a “pool” of ten as-needed cessation instructors and Tobacco Adult Allies (for the Youth Voice Group) funded by the Tobacco Grant.19.
The Boone County Recorder office today has (a) 60% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) three Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 86% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Recorder average, (e) 16% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Recorder average, and (f) 373% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Recorder average.20.
The Boone County Sheriff office today has (a) 3% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 13% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) twelve Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 8% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Sheriff average, (e) 1% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Sheriff average, and (f) 80% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Sheriff average. Boone County Sheriff Ken Campbell made the following observations on May 31, 2012: “While numbers and statistics can be a good thing, it is often not the “big picture.” One needs to view it from a greater perspective. One needs to consider total numbers of Calls for Service, 911 and Administrative Calls to the Communications Center answered, numbers of inmates, requirements of public safety from the Federal and State government (unfunded mandates), numbers of State Troopers actually available to cover calls in the County, warrants served, civil process served, Detective Investigations, Drug Investigations, numbers and miles of transports of inmates to court, medical, and more. Also, Part-Time personnel are often more cost effective than hiring additional full-time personnel (no benefit package, etc.). Furthermore, if we hire from our part-time ranks, it reduces the training time for the new employee making them an effective employee for us more timely and again more cost effective. Finally, I am confident we did have part-time personnel in our Communications Division and our Enforcement Division in 2008 and I believe you note we had none. Also, I am not sure it is a proper comparison for us to be compared with some of the other counties you noted such as Allen, St. Joseph, Tippecanoe, etc.”21.
The Boone County Superior Courts today has (a) 14% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) three Part Time employees compared to none in 2008, (d) 22% less Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Superior Courts average, (e) 40% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Superior Courts average, and (f) 174% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Superior Courts average.22.
The Boone County Treasurer office today has (a) 6% less Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 20% less Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) 8% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 85% more Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average, (e) 2% more Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average, and (f) 367% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average. Boone County Treasurer Deanna Willhoite reported on May 30, 2012, that the Treasurer office Part Time employees are seasonal only and Part Time budgeted dollars have been reduced from $10,500 in 2008 to $3,500 in 2012.23.
All Other Boone County departments and offices today have (a) 280% more Total per capita employees than in 2008, (b) 60% more Full Time per capita employees than in 2008, (c) 2,668% more Part Time per capita employees than in 2008, (d) 30% less Total per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average, (e) 61% less Full Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average, and (f) 44% more Part Time per capita employees than the 2008 selected counties Treasurer average. The number of Part Time employees devoted to Voter Registration and Reassessment appear to be a concern. Boone County Auditor Melody Price reported on May 30, 2012, that some appointed board members are listed as Part Time employees.The foregoing conclusions confirm the Taxpayer Friendly opinion that,
instead of imposing a Public Safety Local Option Income Tax and a regressive Wheel Tax to meet any temporary revenue shortfalls resulting from the Great Recession, an offer of employment to fill a vacated position should not be extended until approved by the Boone County Council. If Boone County department heads and elected office holders cannot find additional non-personnel savings to offset any revenue shortfalls, they should consider reducing the number of Full Time county employees in the following departments and offices (listed in the order of preference where personnel savings appear to be most likely without significant reductions in public service outcomes): Extension & 4-H, Prosecutor, Circuit Court, Auditor, Highway & Bridge, Probation. Also, reducing the number of Part Time employees appears to be a reasonable possibility for the Circuit Court, Clerk, Coroner, Recorder, Sheriff, Reassessment, and Voter Registration functions.Watchdog Indiana Home Page
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This page was last updated on 06/26/12.