Boone County Police Departments
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County Sheriff 2016 Business Plan
Boone County Police Department Employees
Boone County taxpayers benefit if the county’s police protection is evaluated from a holistic point of view instead of individual police department “silos.” It is appropriate to consider that all seven police departments together serve each citizen in Boone County because of the mutual aid agreements between the police departments – every police department in Boone County will respond to assist an individual police department if needed.
It is also useful to consider how the total employees in the seven Boone County police departments have increased from 128 in 2012 to 147 in 2016 (excluding those employees who are not full-tine or permanent). The number of total police department employees per 1,000 Boone County citizens was 2.17 in 2012, and increased to 2.30 in 2016. The breakdown listed next of 2012 and 2016 employment in the seven Boone County police departments was obtained from the municipal and county budgets that can be accessed online from the “Line-Item Budget Estimate” Report link on the Indiana Gateway for Government Units web page at NOTE: The Boone County populations of 59,062 in 2012; 63,344 in 2015; and 63,907 in 2016 was obtained from the STATS Indiana web site at
Advance Police Personnel
Boone County Sheriff’s Office Personnel
Jamestown Police Personnel
Lebanon Police Personnel
Thorntown Police Personnel
Whitestown Police Personnel
Zionsville Police Personnel
2015 Salaries Paid To Boone County Police Department Employees
Listed next is a breakdown of 2015 salaries paid to police department employees in Boone County. A total of $6,839,304 in salaries was paid in 2015 to 161 police department employees throughout Boone County. Not every police department employee was full-time or permanent. Every one of the 63,344 men, women, and children in Boone County paid an average of $108 for police protection salaries in 2015. The salary and employee data was obtained from the 2015 Employee Compensation Report that can be accessed through the Indiana Gateway webpage at
Advance Police Personnel
Boone County Sheriff’s Office Personnel
Jamestown Police Personnel
Lebanon Police Personnel
Thorntown Police Personnel
Whitestown Police Personnel
Zionsville Police Personnel
Boone County Criminal Interdiction Team
Boone County Sheriff Mike Nielsen reported to the Boone County Council on June 14,2016, that additional manpower is needed to form a Boone County Criminal Interdiction Team. The Criminal Interdiction Team would have members from various police departments throughout Boone County. The Criminal Interdiction Team would be “proactive” in using techniques such as field interrogation in which police officers stop persons they believe to be suspicious based on reasonable cause, question them about their activities, and sometimes search the individuals and their vehicles. The initial focus of the Criminal Interdiction Team would be to arrest heroin dealers.
Why do our Boone County police departments need additional staffing to form a Boone County Criminal Interdiction Team? Why can’t the existing personnel in our Boone County police departments work together to form a Criminal Interdiction Team the same way they have established a SWAT team and two Fatal Alcohol Crash Teams?
Sheriff Nielsen observes that “we can’t arrest our way out of the heroin problem.” Indeed, various recovery and mental health programs are in place through our Bone County Jail and our Boone County Community Corrections Department to reduce the heroin demand by effectively treating addicts. The over-prescription of pain medications is a particular problem in creating Indiana heroin addicts. These facts bring up the question, shouldn’t more resources be put into controlling the demand for heroin before adding more police personnel? Will the creation of a new Boone County Criminal Interdiction Team add significantly to the efforts of the existing Boone County and Hamilton County Joint Drug Task Force?
Boone County Sheriff Mike Nielsen, Zionsville Police Chief Robert Knox, Lebanon Police Chief Tyson Warmouth, and Whitestown Police Chief Dennis Anderson were advised that any answers they wish to provide to the above questions will be appreciated.
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County Sheriff 2016 Business Plan
This page was last updated on 07/27/16.