"Major Moves"
NOTE: The 2006 "Major Moves" Indiana House Bill 1008 was made Taxpayer Friendly when the Governor signed the 2011 Indiana Senate Bill 473 on May 10, 2011. SB 473 provides that General Assembly approval is required to impose tolls on the I-69 extension between Indianapolis and Evansville! The Governor may no longer approve without General Assembly consent the imposition of public-private tolls on I-69 between Martinsville and Evansville.
Watchdog Indiana Position on the original "Major Moves" legislation:
The "Major Moves" Indiana House Bill 1008 signed by Governor Mitch Daniels on March 15, 2006, is Taxpayer UNfriendly because it authorizes a toll road for an I-69 extension between Martinsville and Evansville.
No Indiana Governor (through the Indiana Finance Authority) should be allowed to lease and toll any Indiana highway except the Indiana Toll Road. Because tolls present a significant expense to affected Hoosier working families, the authorization of I-69 tolls should be rescinded.
Leasing an I-69 extension in return for toll-imposing authority is not necessary to build an I-69 extension. "Major Moves" projects include $694 million for a new terrain I-69 extension from Indianapolis to Evansville as well as a $500 million Next Generation Trust Fund. The "Major Moves" expenditures should be combined with the Next Generation Trust Fund proceeds and future federal monies to build a new terrain I-69 extension without state tax increases and tolls.
Removing the I-69 toll road authorization will make "Major Moves" Taxpayer Friendly because of the benefits listed next.
(a) The $3.7 billion net proceeds from leasing the Indiana Toll Road will make state gas tax increases unnecessary for at least the next ten years.
(b) Some needed highway improvements throughout Indiana can be completed more quickly.
(c) An increase in good-paying highway jobs will benefit Indiana economically the next few years.
(d) Individuals who use the Indiana Toll Road for a nonbusiness purpose will be able to use electronic, pay-without-stopping tolling equipment on the Indiana Toll Road without paying increased tolls for a period of time.
This page was last updated on 05/11/11.