Pertinent Historical Data
Vigilance Home Page
Care Policies
The content of this web page is arranged under the following
A. National Health Expenditures
B. Federal Government Health
Programs Spending
C. National Debt History
A. National Health Expenditures
See the following historical data:
A.1. 1960-2015 Per Capita National Health Expenditures
A.2. Glossary
A.3. 2015 National Health Expenditures by Source of Funds
A.4. 2015 National Health Expenditures by Type of Service or Product
B. Federal Government Health Programs Spending
See for the historical data listed next.
B.1. Federal Medicaid spending began in 1962.
B.2. Federal Medicare spending began in 1966.
B.3. Total federal government health programs spending as a percentage of all federal outlays first crossed the 5% threshold in 1968, the 10% threshold in 1977, the 15% threshold in 1991, the 20% threshold in 1995, the 25% threshold in 2007, and the 30% threshold in 2015.
B.4. Total federal government health programs spending as a percentage of gross domestic product first crossed the 1% threshold in 1968, the 2% threshold in 1976, the 3% threshold in 1990, the 4% threshold in 1995, the 5% threshold in 2007, and the 6% threshold in 2010.
B.5. Total federal government health programs spending had grown to 31.6% of all federal outlays and 6.6% of gross domestic product in 2016.
B.6. The total federal government health programs spending had grown to $1.2188 trillion in 2016, and was distributed as follows: 49% Medicare, 30% Medicaid, 5% Veterans Medical Care, 4% Defense Health Program, 3% Health Insurance Assistance, and 9% Other Health.
C. National Debt History
See for the historical data listed next.
1. Fiscal Years 1962-2016 Gross Federal Debt As Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
2. Fiscal Years 1962-2016 Gross Federal Debt Increases and Decreases
3. Fiscal Years 1962-2016 National Debt Composition
4. Social Security NOT Included In National Debt
5. Single-Payer Health Care System National Debt Impact
Vigilance Home Page
Care Policies
This page was last updated on 01/24/18.