Ronald Reagan Parkway
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The Ronald Reagan Parkway will be extended 9.8 miles from CR 600 North in Hendricks County to I-65 Exit 133 in Boone County. Of the 9.8 miles of roadway in the Ronald Reagan Parkway Project, 46% is in Boone County and 54% in Hendricks County. The Project starts in Hendricks County and extends through portions of Boone County, Zionsville, and Whitestown.
Most of the Project's 9.8 miles of roadway will be constructed on new terrain east of State Road 267 through 90 parcels of mostly farm land - agribusiness access will have to be maintained, and drainage tiles will have to be protected. The roadway will intersect with State Road 267 at County Road 550 South in Boone County. State Road 267 will be improved from County Road 550 South to the I-65 Exit 133 interchange. The roadway will have two lanes in each direction with a 115-foot wide right-of-way. There will be a new CSX railroad crossing, 5 bridge/culvert structures include a new bridge across White Lick Creek, and several at-grade intersections, The Environmental Assessment has been completed and a FONSI was issued on March 7, 2011.
The Indiana Department of Transportation will select an engineering firm to design the Project interchange at I-65 Exit 133. The engineering firm that is hired by Boone and Hendricks counties to complete the preliminary engineering and design work for the remainder of the Project will need to work closely with the INDOT engineering firm. The Project's engineering firm will also serve as a Corridor Manager to oversee the various Project phases.
The stated goal of the Boone County and Hendricks County Commissioners is to complete this Ronald Reagan Parkway Project in just 5 years!
The estimated cost of the Ronald Reagan Parkway Project is at least $75 million. Boone County will pay 46%, or $34.5 million, of this $75 million estimated total Project cost - Hendricks County will pay 54%, or $40.5 million. Hendricks County is the contractual agent and will send invoices to Boone County to be reimbursed for its 46% share as expenses occur.
In addition to local revenues from Boone County, Whitestown,
and Zionsville, possible funding sources include the following:
State transportation budget
State local road and bridge matching grants
State revolving loan fund
Federal transportation budget
Federal 20/80 matching funds administered by the state
TIGER discretionary grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation
FASTLANE grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act public/private bonds
U.S. Economic Development Administration public works grant
County bonds
COIT special county and municipal distribution in 2015
Wheel Tax
It is anticipated that State and Federal funding options will be limited if the Ronald Reagan Parkway Project is rushed to completion in just 5 years. It is likely that local funds will have to cover up to 60% of the total cost it the Project is finished in only 5 years. This means that Boone County taxpayers would have to shell out $4.14 million in local tax dollars each year from 2017 through 2021 to cover 60% of Boone County's $34.5 million share of the Project's cost ($34.5 million times 0.60 divided by 5 years).
Interlocal Agreement
The Interlocal Agreement to perform preliminary engineering and design work for the Ronald Reagan Parkway Project is posted below.
Request For Qualifications
The Request For Qualifications posted below describes the scope of work associated with the preliminary engineering and design work for the Ronald Reagan Parkway Project. The Boone County Council approved on February 9, 2016, $800,000 from the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund for the Boone County share of the cost to have the preliminary engineering and design work completed. American Structurepoint was selected on June 6, 2016, to perform the preliminary engineering and design work.
April 29, 2016
This Request for Qualifications is the official notice of needed professional services for Hendricks and Boone Counties, Indiana.
Hendricks and Boone Counties are seeking an Engineering Consultant to provide Engineering and Corridor Management services for the extension of the Ronald Reagan Parkway from CR 600 North in Hendricks County to its terminus at Interstate 65 in Boone County. This is a 9.8 mile roadway on new alignment that includes a railroad crossing, 5 bridge/culvert structures, several at-grade intersections, an intersection with existing SR 267 south of Whitestown and improvements to existing SR 267 from that point to the current SR 267/I-65 Interchange. The project extends through portions of Hendricks County, Boone County, Zionsville, and Whitestown. The Environmental Assessment has been completed and a FONSI was issued on March 7, 2011. Estimated construction cost is approximately $75 million. It is anticipated that final design for the project will be divided up by segments/phases to be contracted to other Consultants but under the oversight of the Corridor Manager.
Engineering services will include:
Completion of an AI to the original EA
Detailed survey of proposed alignment
Establishing typical section and horizontal/vertical grades for the entire length of roadway, including intersections
Corridor subsurface utility investigations and utility coordination
Pavement design
Geotechnical Investigation
Traffic Analysis and Engineering
Other services will include:
Assisting counties with identification and procurement of construction funding; alternative delivery methods may be considered, such as Public Private Partnerships, Design Build, etc.
Developing and maintaining overall corridor schedule and budget
Assisting counties with determination of project phasing for both final design and construction
Corridor drainage coordination
Railroad coordination
Right of way management and acquisition services
Project oversight and plan review of the final design of the roadway to ensure consistency of designs performed by others
The Commissioners may modify the final scope of work during selection and contract negotiations.
Pricing information is not to be included with your proposals. It is our intention to evaluate the information submitted and select the firm based on qualifications and our team’s knowledge of your firm’s performance and capabilities. Applicants will be evaluated and shortlisted; shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. The two Counties will be parties to an Interlocal Agreement for joint funding, but it is anticipated that the Contract will be with Hendricks County.
Any interested consultant should respond by submitting six copies of their proposal of not more than 20 pages to:
John E. Ayers, PE
Hendricks County Engineer
Hendricks County Government Center
355 South Washington Street, #209
Danville, Indiana 46122
Only qualifications received by the county prior to 12:00 pm (local time) on ______________, 2016 will be given consideration.
The Hendricks County and Boone County Commissioners intend to proceed with the selection process without delay but reserve the right to use as much time as they consider necessary to analyze the proposals. The Hendricks County Commissioners and Boone County Commissioners also reserve the right to reject any and all proposals.
Bob Gentry, President
Phyllis A. Palmer, Vice President
Matthew D. Whetstone, Member
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This page was last updated on 08/27/16.