Local Lebanon and Boone County Government Meetings Schedule
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Watchdog Lebanon Home Page
"The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive
citizenry." William F. Buckley, Jr.
It is time for everyday Lebanon residents to assert that our elected and
appointed local government officials must be fiscally responsible and stop
subsidizing development that does not pay for itself. One way to accomplish this
goal is to “watch” our thirty-five Lebanon and Boone County government
bodies that are responsible for the oversight of tax dollars and utility rates paid
by Lebanon
Our elected and appointed public servants are often unduly influenced by pro-developer
interests because the problems created by their manipulations are
poorly covered by the local media. Concerned Lebanon residents must resolve to
closely “watch” our local government bodies and publicize their findings.
One way we can “watch” our local government bodies is to attend their
meetings or watch them on TV and YouTube.
The Indiana General Assembly passed a law that allows an everyday citizen to request that he or she be sent their local government body meeting agendas by E-mail. Listed next is a sample text that can be used to E-mail a meetings notice request to your local government bodies.
Hello (local government body meetings notice contact),
In accordance with Indiana Code 5-14-1.5-5(b)(3), please
provide notice to me by electronic mail of any meetings, executive sessions, and
rescheduled or reconvened meetings of the (name of local government body). It is
assumed that you can easily complete this request by adding my E-mail address to
the electronic mail notices that you send to the news media.
Best regards,
(your name)
E-mail: (your E-mail address)
Some City of Lebanon and Lebanon Utilities meetings are shown live on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5.
Some recorded City of Lebanon meetings are posted on a YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/LebanonIndiana-TheFriendlyCity.
Some recorded Lebanon Utilities meetings are posted on a YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcFYv765v07-X8cCmNBuwpw.
Listed next is detailed information about our local Lebanon and Boone County government meetings schedule – including meetings locations, contacts, and websites.
Lebanon Board of Works
Description: The Board of Works has three members, the Mayor and two
members that are appointed by the Mayor. The Board of Works is responsible for
approving appropriations and contract bids as well as overseeing public safety.
A Board member may hold other appointive or elective positions in the Lebanon
city government. The Lebanon Clerk-Treasurer is the clerk of the Lebanon Board
of Works.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The second and fourth Mondays of every
month at 7:00 PM (the meeting will take place the the next day on Tuesday if there is a
holiday on Monday). These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 7:00 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following
Tuesday at
10:00 AM and the following Wednesday at 2:00 PM).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contacts: Debby Shubert, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Phone (765) 482-1201,
Fax (765) 482-8883, E-mail dshubert@cityoflebanon.org
and Tonya Thayer, Lebanon Clerk-Treasurer, Phone (765)
482-1218, Fax (765) 482-8883, E-mail tthayer@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Board of Zoning Appeals
Description: Under Indiana law (IC 36-7-4-900), the Board of
Zoning Appeals is responsible for the following: (1) granting of developmental
standards variances, (2) granting of variances of use, (3) granting of special
exceptions/conditional uses, and (4) appeals from administrative decisions. The
Board members are Ron Edwards (term expires December 31,2017), Laurie Gross
(term expires December 31,2019), Chad Kyker (term expires December 31,2019), Bruce
Pauley (term expires December 31,2019), and
Gordon Perry (term expires December 31,2019).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
(a meeting will be held the following Tuesday if the first Monday falls on a
holiday). These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 7:00 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following
Tuesday at
10:00 AM and the following Wednesday at 2:00 PM). The five Board members include
Bruce Pauley (appointed by the Lebanon City Council on December 14, 2014).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor Council Chambers, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.cityoflebanon.org/cityplanning/lbza_board.html.
Meetings Contact: Kristi Spencer, Lebanon City Planning Department Office
Manager, Phone (765) 482-8845, Fax (76) 482-8873, E-mail kspencer@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Common "City" Council
Description: The Common Council is the legislative branch of city
government. The Council's primary functions are to pass the laws (ordinances) of
the city and to approve the budgets and spending of money collected by the city.
The current Lebanon City Council Members are Keith Campbell (765-482-6082),
Copeland (765-482-5817), Dan
Fleming (765-335-2170), Mike Kincaid (317-341-5934),
Corey Kutz
(765-414-0704), Jeremy Lamar (765-482-4662),
and Dick Robertson (765-891-2604) and their
E-mail addresses are: kecampbell@cityoflebanon.org;
john.dcopeland5@gmail.com; daniel.fleming88@gmail.com;
mikekincaid22@gmail.com; ckutz@cityoflebanon.org;
jlamar@lamar-lamar.com; dick.robertson67@yahoo.com
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The second and fourth Mondays of every
month at 7:30 PM (the meeting will take place the the next day on Tuesday if there is a
holiday on Monday). These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 7:30 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following
Tuesday at
10:00 AM and the following Wednesday at 2:00 PM).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.cityoflebanon.org/council/index.cfm.
Meetings Contact: Debby Shubert, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Phone (765) 482-1201,
Fax (765) 482-8883,
E-mail dshubert@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Community School Corporation School Board
Description: LCSC School Board members serve 4-year terms. The
current School Board members are (1) Tom Merritt (who resides within
unincorporated Center Township and whose term expires December 31, 2014); (2)
Robert Wirey (who resides within unincorporated Worth Township and whose term
expires December 31, 2014); (3) David Herr (who resides within unincorporated
Perry Township and whose term expires December 31, 2016); (4) Michael Burtron
(who resides within the City of Lebanon and whose term expires December 31,
2016); and (5) Michele Thomas (who resides within the City of Lebanon and whose
term expires December 31, 2016). The E-mail addresses for LCSC School Board
members Michael Burtron, David Herr, Tom Merritt, Michelle Thomas, and Robert
Wirey are: burtronm@leb.k12.in.us; herrd@leb.k12.in.us;
merrittt@leb.k12.in.us; thomasmm@leb.k12.in.us;
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Meeting notifications are posted on the Meetings Website a minimum of two
business days prior to the date of the announced meeting and placed on the
entrance point of the scheduled meeting site.
Meetings Location: Lebanon
High School, Herman B. Wells Community Room at 510 Essex Drive, Lebanon, IN
Meetings Website: http://www.leb.k12.in.us/schoolboard.asp
Meetings Contact: Dr. Robert L. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools (E-mail TaylorB@leb.k12.in.us)
or Shelly Ladd, Executive Assistant (E-mail LaddS@leb.k12.in.us).
Lebanon Department of Parks Board
Description: The current members of the Parks and Recreation Board
are Laurie Gross (term expires December 31, 2018), Shirley McClaine (term expires December 31,
2020), Mike Burns (term expires December 31, 2018), John Lasley (term expires
December 31, 2020), Michele Thomas (appointed by the Lebanon
Community School Corporation School Board, term expires December 31, 2019), and Karen Galvin
(term expires December 31, 2015), and their E-mail addresses are: lgross@lebanon-utilities.com;
mike@meskb.com; jlasley@sbcglobal.net;
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first Wednesday of each month at 7:00
PM. These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 7:00 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following
Friday at
10:00 AM and 2:00 PM).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.cityoflebanon.org/parks/parks_board.cfm.
Meetings Contact: Becky Batalis, Lebanon Parks and Recreation Department
Administrative Assistant, Phone 765-482-8860, E-mail bbatalis@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Economic Development Commission
Description: In accordance with Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1-7, the
Lebanon Economic Development Commission may favorably recommend that an economic
development target area be designated for a specific geographic territory that:
(1) has become undesirable or impossible for normal development and occupancy
because of a lack of development, cessation of growth, deterioration of
improvements or character of occupancy, age, obsolescence, substandard
buildings, or other factors that have impaired values or prevent a normal
development of property or use of property; (2) has been designated as a
registered historic district; or (3) encompasses buildings, structures, sites,
or other facilities that are listed on the national register of historic places,
listed on the register of Indiana historic sites and historic structures, or
determined to be eligible for listing on the Indiana register by the Indiana
state historic preservation officer. In accordance with Indiana Code 36-7-12-5,
one commission member is selected by the Lebanon Mayor for a three-year term,
one commission member is nominated by the Boone County Council for a one-year
term, and one commission member is nominated by the Lebanon City Council for a
two-year term. The current commission members are Laurie Gross (Secretary), David
Koehler (President), and Jeff Wolfe (Vice President?).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: None.
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Debby Shubert, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Phone (765) 482-1201,
Fax (765) 482-8883,
E-mail dshubert@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Historic Preservation Commission Board
Description: Lebanon's Historic Preservation District
includes 75 buildings and extends roughly north to south from Memory Hall to the
Lebanon Municipal Building, and west to east from the Lebanon Post Office to
Indianapolis Avenue, excluding some (but not all) residential areas. The
District was created by a Lebanon City Council vote on June 25, 2012, along with
a set of guidelines for the commercial structures covering such building
features as roofs, awnings, signs and storefronts. The Commission Board approved
residential guidelines on August 1, 2012, for buildings that may currently be
used for businesses but were originally residential; these guidelines include
foundations, porches and steps, roofs, fences and garages. When an owner is
going to do work to the exterior of a building in the District, he or she must
fill out an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness that must be
presented to the Board for approval. The Board is able to award grants (using
funds from the Lebanon Redevelopment Commission) to help eligible owners improve
building exteriors. It appears the Board members are appointed by the Lebanon Mayor with
the approval of the Lebanon City Council. Roger Swinney (rswinney@statebankoflizton.com,
is the Board President. The other voting Board members
are Steve Horton (765-482-2931), Preston Myers (pmyers@cityoflebanon.org), George
Piper (gpiper1968@gmail.com), and Linda Ridgway (lridgway@lebanon-utilities.com,
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first Thursday of each month at
6:00 PM. Some meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 6:00 PM the day of the meeting.
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building 2nd floor, 401 S. Meridian St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Kristi Spencer (Lebanon Planning & Zoning
Administration Department Office
Manager, Phone 765-482-8845, Fax 765-482-8873, E-mail kspencer@cityoflebanon.org)
and Rebecca Smith (Community Preservation Specialist from the Indiana Landmarks
Central Regional Office in Indianapolis, E-mail rsmith@indianalandmarks.org).
Lebanon Plan Commission Board
Description: Under Indiana law (IC 36-7-4-405), Plan Commissions
are responsible for the following: (1) preparing a comprehensive plan; (2)
preparing a zoning ordinance and a subdivision control ordinance; (3) making
recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the text of the
zoning ordinance or subdivision control ordinance; (4) making recommendations to
the legislative body on proposals to amend the zoning map (rezonings); (5)
approving or denying proposals to subdivide land, based upon compliance with the
subdivision control ordinance; (6) approving development plans; and (7)
assigning street addresses. The current Board members are Jack Bland (765-482-7445), Keith
Campbell (kecampbell@cityoflebanon.org), Laurie
Gross (lgross@lebanon-utilities.com),
Kevin Krulik (765-482-3038), Steve Large (slarge60@gmail.com,
appointed by the Lebanon City Council on December 14,
2014), Gordon Perry (gperry@hntb.com,
appointed by the Lebanon Mayor in 2016), and Robert Waples (bwaples@lebanon-utilities.com,
appointed by the Lebanon City Council on December 14,
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM (the meeting will take place the the next day on Tuesday if there is a
holiday on Monday). These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 7:00 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following
Tuesday at
10:00 AM and the following Wednesday at 2:00 PM).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Second Floor, 401 S. Meridian
Street, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.cityoflebanon.org/cityplanning/lpc_board.html.
Meetings Contact: Kristi Spencer, Lebanon Planning & Zoning
Administration Department Office
Manager, Phone (765) 482-8845, Fax (765) 482-8873, E-mail kspencer@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Public Library Board of Trustees
Description: The current Board members are Karen
Galvin (galvin.karen@att.net, appointed by the Boone County Council, term expires December 31,
2020); Brittany Gunter (bristan123@gmail.com,
appointed by the Lebanon Community School Corporation School Board, term expires
October 20, 2022); Richard Milam (rkmilam@mymetronet.net,
President, appointed by the Boone County Board of Commissioners, term
expires December 31, 2022); Lorrie Monn (Lorrie.monn@gmail.com,
by the Boone County Council, term expires December 31, 2020); Barb Springer (band-master@sbcglobal.net,
Secretary, appointed by the Lebanon Community School Corporation School Board, term
expires February 17, 2023); Kendra Whipkey (whipkeyk@gmail.com,
appointed by Lebanon Community School Corporation School Board, term expires
July 22, 2022); and Aaron Wilhoite (ajwilhoite@gmail.com,
Treasurer, appointed by the Boone County Board
of Commissioners, term expires July 1, 2024).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The fourth Tuesday of each month at
4:15 PM.
Meetings Location: Lebanon Public Library upstairs meeting room on the second floor at 104 E. Washington St., Lebanon,
IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://bccn.boone.in.us/LPL/about/board.html.
Meetings Contact: Beau Cunnyngham, Lebanon Public Library Director, E-mail
Lebanon Redevelopment Authority Board
Description: The Board of Directors is composed of three Lebanon
residents who are appointed by the Lebanon Mayor for a three-year term and may
be "removed for cause" by the Lebanon Mayor. The Authority is
organized for the following purposes: (1) financing, constructing, and leasing
local public improvements to the Lebanon Redevelopment Commission; (2) financing
and constructing additional improvements to local public improvements owned by
the Authority and leasing them to the Lebanon RDC; (3) acquiring all or a
portion of one or more local public improvements from the Lebanon RDC by
purchase or lease and leasing these local public improvements back to the
Lebanon RDC, with any additional improvements that may be made to them; (4)
acquiring all or a portion of one or more local public improvements from the
Lebanon RDC by purchase or lease to fund or refund indebtedness incurred on
account of those local public improvements to enable the Lebanon RDC to make a
savings in debt services obligations or lease rental obligations or to obtain
relief from covenants that the commission considers to be unduly burdensome.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings:
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Utility Conference Room 204 at 401 S. Meridian St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Debby Shubert, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Phone (765) 482-1201,
Fax (765) 482-8883,
E-mail dshubert@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Redevelopment Commission
Description: Current RDC members are Lynda Lambert (lynda@mytraditionsrealty.com,
765-481-9210), Jim Morog (jim.morog@gmail.com),
Jason Nicolaou (ajnicolaou@gmail.com,
317-403-2068), and Robert
Taylor (TaylorB@leb.k12.in.us).
In accordance with Indiana Code
36-7-14-6.1, three of these RDC members are appointed by the Lebanon Mayor
(Linda Lambert, Jason Nicolaou, Robert Taylor) and
two of these RDC members are appointed by the Lebanon City Council (Jim Morog,
one vacancy). The Lebanon
Mayor also appoints a non-voting RDC advisor who must be a member of the Lebanon
Community School Corporation School Board -
Tom Merritt was selected the non-voting RDC advisor by the Lebanon Community School
Corporation School Board on January 13, 2014. The Lebanon Mayor or Lebanon City
Council that appointed a RDC member may summarily
remove that RDC member from office at any time (Indiana Code 36-7-14-9).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The second Monday of each
month at 6:00 PM (the meeting will take place the the next day on Tuesday if there is a
holiday on Monday).
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building Utility Conference Room 204 at 401 S. Meridian St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Debby Shubert, Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Phone (765) 482-1201,
Fax (765) 482-8883,
E-mail dshubert@cityoflebanon.org.
Lebanon Storm Water Management Board
Description: The Lebanon Storm Water Management Board addresses all mechanisms of Storm
Water Control and Quality issues for the City of Lebanon. Current Board members
are Carol Cunningham (ccunningham@co.boone.in.us),
Dick Robertson (dick.robertson67@yahoo.com),
and Tom Temple (Ittemple@ilines.net).
In accordance with Indiana Code 8-1.5-5-4, the Lebanon mayor appoints the Board
members, not more than two of whom may be of the same political party. The
Lebanon mayor may remove a Board member at any time when, in the judgment of the
mayor, it is for the best interest of the Board.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first Monday of each month at
PM. A meeting will take place the the next day on Tuesday if there is a
holiday on Monday).
Meetings Location: The Utility Conference Center Room 204 on the second floor of the
Lebanon Municipal Building at 401 S. Meridian Street.
Meetings Website: http://www.cityoflebanon.org/stormwater/meeting_dates.cfm.
Meetings Contact: Tonya Thayer, Lebanon Clerk-Treasurer, Phone (765)
482-1218, Fax (765) 482-8883, E-mail tthayer@cityoflebanon.org
AND Vanessa Fisher, Water/Wastewater/Stormwater Operations
Assistant, Lebanon Utilities, Phone 765-482-8843, Fax 765-482-8801, E-mail vfisher@lebanon-utilities.com.
Lebanon Utility Service Board
Description: Administration of Lebanon Utilities is under the
authority of the Lebanon Utility Service Board. The Utility Service Board is
made up of five members. No more than three can be of the same political party
and all must reside in the City of Lebanon. Three of the members are appointed
by the Mayor and the other two are appointed by City Council. They are appointed
to a (4) four year term. The appointments take place in April and November so
that all five board members terms do not expire at the same time. The current
Board members are Gary Ladd (gary@laddengr.com), Dan Lamar (dlamar@lamar-lamar.com),
Neil Taylor (taylorneilm@yahoo.com), James
Urban (jurban9000@mymetronet.net), and Allen Woods (allen.woods@edwardjones.com).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The Wednesday after the first Monday and
the Wednesday after the third Monday of every month at 5:00 PM. These
meetings are televised live to the public on Comcast Channel 19, AT&T U-Verse
Channel 99, and Metronet Channel 5 at 5:00 PM the day of the meeting (and
used to be replayed the following day, Thursday, at
10:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 8:00 PM).
Meetings Location: The City Council Chambers on the second floor of the
Lebanon Municipal Building at 401 S. Meridian Street.
Meetings Website: http://www.lebanon-utilities.com/usb_meetings.html.
Meetings Contact: Michael Martin, Lebanon Utilities General Manager,
E-mail mmartin@lebanon-utilities.com.
Call (765) 482-8838 for more information about the
meetings or to obtain an agenda of the next meeting.
Boone County Alcoholic Beverage Board
Description: The Board investigates all applications for alcoholic
beverage retailer and dealer permits in Boone County. The Board is made up of
four persons – one appointed by the Boone County Board of Commissioners (Bill
Sutton, 765-482-5174, term expires December 31, 2017); one
by the Lebanon Mayor (Matt Drury, 765-485-2700, mdrury@strawmyerdrury.com,
mdru73@aol.com); one by the Boone County
Council (Aaron Smith, 765-891-1439, taxless3@comcast.net,
term expires December 31, 2016); and one designated
representative of the Indiana Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (who is usually an
Officer of the Indiana State Excise Police - currently Jeremiah Gillam,
765-362-8815, jgillam@atc.in.gov).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first Wednesday of each month at 10:30 AM.
Meetings Location: Lebanon Municipal Building.
Meetings Website: http://www.in.gov/atc/2709.htm.
Meetings Contact: Todd Stauffer, Alcohol & Tobacco Commission
Controller, Phone (317) 232-2436, E-mail TStauffer@atc.IN.gov.
Boone County Area Plan Commission Board
Description: Under Indiana law (IC 36-7-4-405), Plan Commissions
are responsible for the following: (1) preparing a comprehensive plan; (2)
preparing a zoning ordinance and a subdivision control ordinance; (3) making
recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the text of the
zoning ordinance or subdivision control ordinance; (4) making recommendations to
the legislative body on proposals to amend the zoning map (rezonings); (5)
approving or denying proposals to subdivide land, based upon compliance with the
subdivision control ordinance; (6) approving development plans; and (7)
assigning street addresses. The current Board members are Tad
Braner (tadbraner@att.net, appointed by
the Lebanon Community School Corporation School Board on December 18, 2012, term
expires December 31, 2016), Ken Hedge
(khedge@co.boone.in.us, Boone County
Surveyor), Dan Fry (dfry@thehomenationalbank.com,
a resident of Advance appointed by the Town Council of Advance,
term expires December 31, 2018?), John Merson (jmerson@witham.org,
a resident of the
unincorporated area of the County appointed by the Boone County Board of
Commissioners on December 21, 2015, term expires December 31,2019), Jay Schaumberg
resident of the unincorporated area of the County last appointed by the
Boone County Council on February 9, 2016, current term expires December 31, 2019),
Alan Wilhoite (andywilhoite@yahoo.com,
a resident of the unincorporated area of the County appointed by
the Boone County Board of Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018),
and Curt Emanuel (cemanuel@pudue.edu, Boone County Agriculture Extension Educator).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The 2016 public hearings are scheduled at
7:00 PM on January 6, February 3, March 2, April 13, May
4, June 1, July 6,
August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2, and December 7.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=63.
Meetings Contact: Carla Hedrick, Administrative Assistant, Phone (765)
482-3821, Fax (765) 483-5241, E-mail chedrick@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Board of Commissioners
Description: The Board of County Commissioners serves as the executive
and administrative authority for the county. It controls, maintains, and
supervises county property; audits and authorizes claims against the county;
receives bids and authorizes contracts; supervises construction and maintenance
of roads and bridges; appoints certain county and township officials; performs
certain election functions; and serves on the Board of County Finance. The Boone
County Commissioners are Marc Applegate (317-769-6991, marc.applegate@gmail.com),
Don Lawson (765-436-7405, dlawson@frontiernet.net),
and Jeff Wolfe (765-482-7560, wolfe.jeff@comcast.net).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The first and third Mondays of each
month at 9:00 AM. If a Monday is a Holiday, the
Commissioners will meet the next day on Tuesday at 9:00
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=108.
Meetings Contact: Karen Lasley Maue, Boone County Commissioners
Administrative Assistant, Phone (765) 483-4492, E-mail klasley@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Board of Health
Description: Current Board members are Paulette Burger (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31,
2019), Portia Edens
(appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018),
Crystal Jones (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31,
2019), Byron Loveless (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term
expires December 31, 2018), Gabrielle Nicholas (gnicholas@indyreads.org,
appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2019), Steve Sailor (appointed by the
Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018), Herschell Servies, and Tricia
Wright (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31,
Scheduled 2017 Meetings: January 18, March 15, May 17, July 19,
September 20, November 15. All meetings are at 6:00 PM.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=130.
Meetings Contact: Vickie Foster, Office Manager,
Phone (765) 482-3942 option 6, E-mail VFoster@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Board of Zoning Appeals
Description: Under Indiana law (IC 36-7-4-900), the Board of
Zoning Appeals is responsible for the following: (1) granting of developmental
standards variances, (2) granting of variances of use, (3) granting of special
exceptions/conditional uses, and (4) appeals from administrative decisions. Two
of the Board members are Terry Brandenburg (appointed by the Boone County Board
of Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018) and ( Alan Wilhoite (appointed
by the Boone County Board of Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The 2016 public hearings are scheduled at
7:00 PM on January 27, February 24, March 23, April 27, May 25, June 22, July
27, August 24, September 28, October 26, and December 21.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=63.
Meetings Contact: Carla Hedrick, Administrative Assistant, Phone (765)
482-3821, Fax (765) 483-5241, E-mail chedrick@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Community Corrections Advisory Board
Description: The Community Corrections Advisory Board is made up of
various judicial, law enforcement, school administrators, treatment providers,
and lay persons per Indiana Code 11-12-2-2. The 2015 Board members are Mike
Nielsen (Sheriff), Todd Meyer (Prosecutor), Kassie Frazier (Division of Family
Resources Director, Vice President), Huck Lewis (Lebanon Mayor), Matthew Kincaid
(Judge), Bruce Pettit (Judge), Jeffrey Edens (Judge), Dave Truitt (Public
Defender, President), Tracey Christner (Victim Advocate), Bart Stevens
(Ex-Offender), Matthew T. Gentry (County Council), Donna Hankins (Probation
Officer), Nancy Hendrickson (Educational Administrator), Steve Tyler (Mental
Health Administrator), Tammy Tidd (Lay Person). Kevon Orr (Lay Parson), Martin
Berg (Lay Parson).
2017 Regularly Scheduled Meetings: (Note:
there is no December 2016 meeting.) January 9, March 20, May 15,
August 21, October 16, and December 11 (if needed) at 12 Noon.
Meetings Location: Community Corrections Office, 127 W. Main St., Suite
200, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=461.
Meetings Contact: Kari Ragsdale, Community Corrections Executive
Director, Phone (765) 482-2484, E-mail kragsdale@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Convention & Visitors Bureau Board
Description: The Boone County Convention & Visitors Bureau awards
grants twice a year to those organizations who sponsor events, festivals and
annual attractions or who work to promote and grow tourism in Boone County.
Three of the members were appointed by the Boone County Commissioners (on
January 3, 2017) with terms
expiring December 31, 2018 - Kent Esra, Steve Jacob, Jason Pluckett. Other members
include Paulette Dowden (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires December 31,
2017), Larry Lee, Wendy McMann (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires December 31,
2017), Tom Santelli, and Jeff Wolfe (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires December 31,
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: Eleven times a year on the second Tuesday of that
month at 4:30 PM. No meeting is held in December.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecvb.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=3.
Meetings Contact: Jeri Day, Executive Director, Phone (765) 484-8572,
E-mail info@boonecvb.com.
Boone County Council
Description: The Boone County Council is the fiscal body for the Boone
County government. The current Boone County Council members are Brian Buchanan, John Hume, Steve Jacob,
David Rodgers, Tom Santelli, Kevin Van Horn, and Marcia Wilhoite; and their
E-mail addresses are: brian@buchananhauling.com;
jchume@tds.net; stevejacob@tds.net;
drodgers@ilines.net; santelt@msn.com;
kvanhorn@co.boone.in.us; wilhoite@ilines.net
Regularly Scheduled 2016 Meetings: (second Tuesday of each month)
January 12 at 8:30 AM, February 9 at 8:30 AM, March 8 at 6:30 PM, April 12 at
8:30 AM, May 10 at 8:30 AM, June 14 at 6:30 PM, July 12 at 8:30 AM, August 9 at
6:30 PM, September 13 at 8:30 AM, October 11 at 8:30 AM, Wednesday
November 9 at 8:30 AM,
December 13 at 5:00 PM.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=125.
Meetings Contact: Crystal Raub, Deputy Auditor, Phone (765) 483-5248,
E-mail craub@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Drainage Board
Description: A regulated drain can be either an open ditch or a tile
drain or a combination of both. The Indiana Drainage Code gives the Board the
ability to create new drains when petitioned by 10% of the landowners in the
drainage shed by acreage, owners of 25% of the assessed valuation within the
drainage shed or by the County Commissioners or the City or Town Council for
road and street drainage or a School Board to drain school property. The Board
can construct, maintain, reconstruct or vacate a regulated drain. The Board
maintains a drain by putting the drain back to its original specifications by
dredging, repairing tile, clearing, removing obstructions, or other work
necessary to keep the drain in proper working order. The Board must have
hearings for the construction, maintenance, reconstruction and vacation. Current
Drainage Board members are Marc Applegate, Dave Chance (5420 E 675 N, Lebanon,
IN 46052, phone 317-443-8365, chancefarms@earthlink.net,
appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2018), Donnie Lawson, Byron Loveless (1982 N 1175 W, Thorntown, IN 46071,
phone 765-794-4626, byronl@guts.com,
appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term expires December 31, 2019), and Jeff Wolfe.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The third Monday of each month at 8:30
AM. The meeting will be held on the next Tuesday if the
regularly scheduled Monday is a county holiday.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Kathy Clawson, Phone (765) 483-4444, E-mail kclawson@co.boone.in.us
and Kenneth Hedge, Boone County Surveyor, Phone (765) 483-4444, E-mail khedge@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Economic Development Commission
Description: One of the three members of the EDC is appointed annually
to serve a 3-year term. Initial 2012 EDC appointments included Jeff Wolfe (by
the Boone County Board of Commissioners for a 3-year term), Steve Jacob (by the
Boone County Council for a 2-year term), and Mike Kincaid (by the Lebanon City
Council for a 1-year term). The Indiana Code Chapter 36-7-12 gives the EDC extensive powers regarding the
improvement or promotion of job opportunities, industrial diversification, water
services, and availability of pollution control facilities in Boone
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: None - as needed.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: None.
Meetings Contact: Karen Lasley Maue, Boone County Commissioners
Administrative Assistant, Phone (765) 483-4492, E-mail klasley@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Election Board
Description: The Members of the Boone County Election Board are Jessica
Fouts (Boone County Clerk), Rebecca McClure (Republican), and Jim Whelan
2017 Meetings: January 20 at 11:00 AM, April 21 at 11:00 AM, October
20 at 11:00 AM.
Meetings Location: Back Room of the Boone County Clerk's office at 212
Courthouse Square, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Jessica Fouts, Boone County Clerk, Phone 765-482-3510,
E-mail jfouts@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Emergency Management Advisory Board and Local Emergency
Planning Committee
Description: Some of the members are Don Lawson (appointed by the Boone
County Commissioners and term expires December 31, 2016) and Mike Martin
(appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires December 31,
Scheduled 2016 Meetings: The Board and Committee will meet at 8:00 AM on
January 26, May 17, August 16, and October 18.
Meetings Location: Basement meeting room of the Boone County Jail.
Meetings Website: http://www.bccn.boone.in.us/ema/index.htm
Meetings Contact: Mike Martin, Director, Phone 765-483-4428, E-mail wmartin@co.boone.in.us
Boone County Hospital Association
Description: The Hospital Association is responsible for issuing bonds as
needed in accordance with Indiana Code 16-22-6 to construct or renovate Witham
Memorial Hospital buildings. The Boone County Board of Commissioners appoints
five Boone County residents as directors who serve rotating 4-year terms. One director appointees
is Ed Schilling (Chairman whose term expires 2017). The term of Thelma Theobald (Vice Chairman)
was to expire in 2015 (it is uncertain if she was reappointed). Russ
Roberts is a director whose term will expire December 31, 2019. Margaret
Walters was reappointed to a term that expires December 31, 2020. The
identity of the fifth director is uncertain.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: Quarterly? An annual meeting is required.
Meetings Location: North Pavilion Community Room, Witham Health
Services, 2705 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Carla Terrill Gwinn, Witham Health Services Executive
Assistant, Phones (765) 485-8115 and (765) 485-8118, E-mail cgwinn@witham.org
or James A. L. Buddenbaum, Parr Richey Obremskey Frandsen & Patterson LLP,
Capital Center South Suite 300, 201 North Illinois Street, Indianapolis, IN
46204, Phone (317) 269-2500, Fax (317) 269-2514, E-mail jbuddenbaum@parrlaw.com?
Boone County Property Tax Assessment Board of Appeals
Description: State law allows a 45 day window to appeal property tax
assessments after the Notice of Assessment (Form 11) is mailed. In order to
appeal, the Boone County Appeal Worksheet must be completed by the taxpayer and
submitted to the County Assessor. The Appeal Worksheet is applicable for both
appeals on valuation (grade, trending, etc.) and appeals for correction of error
(square footage, features, etc.). The taxpayer should provide evidence that
their property is valued too high. Examples of such evidence include an
appraisal, a closing statement, and comparable property assessments and/or
sales. (Please note that you are NOT required to have an appraisal in
order to appeal, but if you have one you can use it.) The Property Tax
Assessment Board of Appeals (PTABOA) reviews the Appeals on Valuation. If you
would like to be present at the hearing, make note of that at the top of the
form. Keep in mind that an appeal may result in the PTABOA raising your
property's value, maintaining it or lowering the assessment. The PTABOA shall
provide a copy of their determination to the petitioner (Form 115). A petitioner
may appeal the PTABOA decision to the Indiana Board of Tax Review. The appeal
must be made within thirty days after the mailing date of the PTABOA
determination (Form 115), and is filed with the State. A copy of the Indiana Board
of Tax Review appeal must also be sent to the County Assessor. After being heard
by the Indiana Board of Tax Review, taxpayers may also seek review by the
Indiana Tax Court. The current PTABOA members are George Anderson (realtor
appointed by the Boone County Commissioners whose term expires December 31,
2017); Charlie
Ewing (appraiser appointed by the Boone County Council whose term expires
December 31, 2016); Bob Guernsey (farmer appointed by the Boone County
Commissioners whose term expires December 31, 2017); Carol
Nist (realtor appointed by the Boone County Council whose term expires December
31, 2016); and Heidi Wolff (realtor appointed by the Boone County Commissioners
whose term expires December 31, 2016). Three of the five members will serve at
each meeting where appeals decisions are made.
Scheduled Meetings: The PTABOA will meet each
Wednesday at 8:30 AM beginning in September and ending about December 14 (or when all appeals have
been heard). Meetings usually continue until 3:30 PM or later. The Boone County Assessor
will probably schedule informal hearings on Tuesdays beginning August 12.
Meetings Location: Boone County Assessor Office, 115 Courthouse Square, Lebanon, IN
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=91.
Meetings Contact: Lisa Garoffolo, County Assessor,
Phone (765) 482-0140, E-mail lgaroffolo@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Redevelopment Commission
Description: The current Commission members are VACANT (appointed by the Boone County
Council and term expires December 31, 2016),
Ben Lawson (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires
December 31, 2017), Tom
Lingafelter (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners and term expires December
31, 2017), Mark Ransom (appointed by the Boone County Commissioners, term
expires December 31, 2017), and Marcia Wilhoite. Judi Hendrix,
Western Boone Community Schools Superintendent, attended her first meeting as a non-voting
schools representative on June 19, 2015, and was reappointed by the Boone County
Commissioners for a term that expires December 31, 2016 (BUT Ms. Hendrix will
resign as WeBo School Superintendent effective August 1, 2016).
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The third Friday of each month at 2:00
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=122
Meetings Contact: Karen Lasley Maue, Boone County Commissioners
Administrative Assistant, Phone (765) 483-4492, E-mail klasley@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Sheriff's Office Merit Board
Description: Three of the five Board members were appointed by the
Boone County Sheriff - Don Geisler
(term expires January 1, 2018), Bob Harris (term expires January 1, 2016), and
Shirley McClaine. Board members
Bret Lee (term expires January 1, 2019) and Doug Taylor (term expires January 1,
2017) were elected by a majority vote of the members of the
county police force. Please send an E-mail to taxless3@comcast.net
if you wish to receive a PDF copy of the Merit Board Standard Operating
Scheduled 2015 Meetings: The third Thursday of each month at 7:30
Meetings Location: Boone County Jail, 1905 Indianapolis Avenue, Lebanon,
IN 46052..
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact:
Boone County Soil and Water Conservation District Board
Description: The Board directs efforts to (1) provide information
to the public about soil, water and related natural resource conservation; (2)
identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns; and (3) connect
land users to sources of education, technical and financial assistance to
implement conservation practices and technologies. Board members are Kathy
Clawson, Allen Mohler, Chris Branaman, Gerald Shelburne, and Danny Dunbar.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings: The third Wednesday of each month at
7:40 AM.
Meetings Location: Boone County Annex Building, Connie Lamar Meeting
Room 105, 116 W. Washington St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=436.
Meetings Contact: Scheryl Vaughn, District Administrator, Mobile Phone
(765) 978-0054, Office Phone
(765) 482-6355 x134, Office Fax (765) 482-9478, E-mail svaughn@co.boone.in.us.
Boone County Solid Waste Management District Board
Description: The Boone County Solid Waste Management District is
dedicated to promoting recycling, waste reduction, and responsible waste
management within Boone County. Indiana's solid waste management districts are
supervised and ultimately governed by a board of directors made up of elected
officials that represent local governmental bodies. All board members serve by
virtue of their locally elected office. The current SWMD Board members are Marc
Applegate, Keith Campbell, Matt Gentry, Don Lawson, Kevin Spees, Marcia Wilhoite, and Jeff Wolfe, and their E-mail addresses are: mapplegate@co.boone.in.us;
kecampbell@cityoflebanon.org; MayorGentry@CityOfLebanon.org;
dlawson@co.boone.in.us; kspees@zionsville-in.gov;
wilhoite@ilines.net; wolfe.jeff@comcast.net
Scheduled 2016 Meetings: (the third Thursday of most of selected months) January
28, March 17, May 19, July 21,
September 15, and November 17 at 8:30 AM.
Meetings Location: Connie Lamar Meeting Room of the Boone County Annex
Building at 116 West Washington Street in Lebanon.
Meetings Website: http://boonecounty.in.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=162.
Meetings Contact: Darla Wethington, Administrative Assistant, Phone (765)
483-0687, Fax (765) 483-0726, E-mail bcswmd@co.boone.in.us.
Center Township Board
Description: Center Township has a trustee and three township board
members who are elected to serve four-year terms of office. Current Board
Members are Penny Bogan (psbogan73@gmail.com,
765-483-9398); Jane A. Taylor (janetaylor51@comcast.net,
and Brent Wheat (btwheat@wildindiana.com,
317-370-3442). The Trustee office hours are Monday 12 Noon to 2:00 PM,
Tuesday 12 Noon to 6:00 PM, and Thursday 12 Noon to 6:00 PM.
Regularly Scheduled 2016 Meetings: Third Monday of each month at 6:30
Meetings Location: 525 Ransdell Road, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Randall O. Large, Center Township Trustee, Phone (765)
482-1550, E-mail rlarge@ilines.net.
Perry Township Board
Description: Perry Township has a trustee and three township board
members who are elected to serve four-year terms of office.
Scheduled 2014 Meetings:
Meetings Location: Perry Township Fire Department, 7470 S. State Road 267, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website:
Meetings Contact: Mary Alice (Sam) Baldwin, Perry Township Trustee, Phone (317)
Worth Township Board
Description: Worth Township has a trustee (Clinton Bohm) and three township board
members (Jim Baldwin, Mike Hancock, Josh Myers) who are elected to serve four-year terms of office.
Scheduled 2014 Meetings:
Meetings Location: 8 S. Main Street, Suite 102, Whitestown, Indiana 46075.
Meetings Website: http://worthtownship.org/.
Meetings Contact: Clinton A. Bohm, Worth Township Trustee, Phone (317)
769-0237 and (317) 769-3560, E-mail trustee@worthtownship.org.
Witham Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees
Description: The Board of Trustees is responsible for organizational
oversight in five key areas: Mission and Planning, Quality of Care, Finance
Oversight, Management and Organizational Effectiveness. The six Trustees are all
appointed by the Boone County Board of Commissioners, and by statue must be
evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats. Three of the Trustees are John
Brand (term expires December 31, 2018), Margaret McFrye (term expires December
31, 2018), and Beverly Newhart (term expires December 31, 2018). The other three
Trustees are Archibald Hawkins, Jack Jones (appointed by the Boone County
Commissioners and term expires December 31, 2019), and Nancy Morton (appointed by the Boone County
Commissioners and term expires December 31, 2019).
Regularly Scheduled 2016 Meetings: Wednesday January 27,
Wednesday February 24, Wednesday March 30, Wednesday April 27, Wednesday May 25, Wednesday June
Wednesday July 27, Wednesday August 31, Wednesday September 28, Wednesday October
26, Wednesday November 16, Wednesday December 14.
Meetings Location: North Pavilion Community Room, Witham Health
Services, 2705 N. Lebanon St., Lebanon, IN 46052.
Meetings Website: http://www.witham.org/body.cfm?id=46.
Meetings Contact: Carla Terrill Gwinn, Witham Health Services Executive
Assistant, Phones (765) 485-8115 and (765) 485-8118, E-mail cgwinn@witham.org.
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This page was last updated on 09/06/20 .