Lebanon City Finances
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Of the eight funds that contribute to Lebanon's 2004 property tax levy, four of them show an increase from 2003. Of particular concern is the general fund, which accounts for the great majority of the total budget.
Lebanon's total 2004 general fund budget is 10.33 percent more than last year. The portion of the general fund budget allocated to the property tax levy increases16.80 percent. From 1997 to 2002, per capita general fund disbursements increased 45.75 percent, which was 3.74 times more than the rate of inflation.
There are several sources for the increase in this year's general fund budget. The $20,000 salt barn increase, $144,500 total insurance increase, and even the $100,000 fire department chassis all probably make sense. Of more concern is the $29,000 increase in consultant and engineering fees for the building inspector. Another concern is the $135,875 COIT spending increase caused primarily by the large, unpublicized and unwarranted increase in the public safety building project: all of a sudden, this $775,000 project has become a $1.25 million project.
The largest single source of increase in this year's general fund budget is a 6.50 percent increase in salaries and benefits. This increase ranges from 3.00 percent for the city attorney to 6.54 percent for the police department to 6.75 percent for the fire department to 24.79 percent for the city court. The 6.50 percent salaries and benefits increase will exceed the salary and benefits increase received by the average Lebanon citizen.
However, the concerns just stated are pretty much offset by the bottom line of this budget. The 2004 property tax levy will apparently be 3.44 percent less than the 2003 property tax levy. This good result is primarily achieved by removing $307,521 in storm water bond and interest payments from the property tax levy.
The tables below contain information about City of Lebanon receipts and disbursements from 1997 through 2002.
City of Lebanon Receipts |
(compiled August 22, 2003) |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
General Fund |
6,292,523 |
7,129,292 |
8,040,462 |
County Drug Defense |
100 |
0 |
0 |
LPD - C/F |
30,009 |
0 |
0 |
LPD - C/M |
7,920 |
0 |
0 |
LPD - 97 State Grant |
0 |
0 |
0 |
LPD K-9 Unit Fund |
0 |
0 |
573 |
Law Enforcement Contin. Educ. |
2,302 |
1,662 |
1,125 |
Dare Program |
6,717 |
685 |
12,990 |
LPD Miscellaneous Income |
3,068 |
3,127 |
10,016 |
LPD - Unrestricted Donations |
9,200 |
143 |
0 |
Police Pension |
140,427 |
121,861 |
174,187 |
Fire Pension |
122,260 |
134,436 |
175,620 |
LFD - Hazmat Fund |
152 |
0 |
300 |
LFD Unrestricted Donations |
1,750 |
21,715 |
167 |
Fire Tower Training Facility |
0 |
0 |
22,608 |
Local Road and Street |
105,092 |
130,702 |
73,725 |
Motor Vehicle Highway |
781,433 |
1,045,892 |
434,019 |
MVH Investments |
0 |
550,000 |
0 |
Parks and Recreation |
319,041 |
403,404 |
439,152 |
Parks Unrestricted Donation |
27,243 |
0 |
15,220 |
Parks Non/Rev |
8,077 |
12,199 |
14,095 |
Cumulative Capital Improvemnt |
55,563 |
54,936 |
65,729 |
Cumulative Capital Developmnt |
743,110 |
1,792,965 |
170,230 |
Cum Cap Devlp Investments |
0 |
1,350,000 |
0 |
HFD2 Project - City Match |
1,245 |
0 |
0 |
Memory Hall Gym Project |
7,684 |
0 |
0 |
Payroll |
3,954,872 |
5,131,835 |
4,734,460 |
Employee Benefit Plan |
186,859 |
352,811 |
360,043 |
Defferal Program |
9,094 |
10,725 |
5,452 |
Stenz Escrow Retainage Acct |
3 |
0 |
0 |
COP FAST Grant |
16,872 |
41,576 |
0 |
11,000 |
0 |
0 |
City Unrestricted Donations |
0 |
1,000 |
0 |
Time Deposit - National City |
11,732,792 |
14,605,599 |
9,171,364 |
Time Deposit - Key Bank |
0 |
0 |
6,248,568 |
City of Lebanon Investments |
0 |
2,840,000 |
1,420,000 |
COIT Capital Developmnt Fund |
0 |
0 |
2,753,890 |
COIT Catchup Invest. - Farmers |
0 |
0 |
3,700,000 |
COIT Catchup Inv. - Key Bank |
0 |
0 |
1,065,789 |
Enterprise Blvd. Construction |
0 |
0 |
133,719 |
Enterprise Blvd. B & I Fund |
0 |
456,846 |
3,527,930 |
Enterprise Blvd. Reserve Fund |
0 |
0 |
742,069 |
Enterprise Blvd. (TIF) B & I Inv. |
0 |
0 |
1,365,000 |
Enter. Blvd. (TIF) Reserve Inv. |
0 |
0 |
369,500 |
Bown Engineering Escrow Acct |
0 |
187,780 |
0 |
Sanitation Department |
385,202 |
378,252 |
496,930 |
Solid Waste |
14,086 |
13,610 |
14,784 |
Storm Water Bond - Phase I |
364,611 |
0 |
0 |
Storm Water Bond & Int. Fund |
602,578 |
551,701 |
665,196 |
Storm Water - Phase II Exps |
5,462,779 |
120,616 |
0 |
Storm Wtr Phase-II Investment |
0 |
8,721 |
0 |
Storm Water Invstmnts/Society |
645 |
0 |
0 |
Storm Water - Phase III Exps |
0 |
0 |
1,634,580 |
Stm Wtr III Invest. @ Farmers |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Stm Wtr III Invest. @ Natl City |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Stm Wtr III @ Union Federal |
0 |
0 |
1,000,000 |
Util. - IN Com-Wtwks Dep./Sav. |
441,789 |
0 |
0 |
Wastewater Utility - Operating |
1,739,451 |
2,570,892 |
3,249,163 |
Wastewater Utility - Bond & Int. |
697,953 |
672,403 |
3,878,104 |
Wastewater Util. - Depreciation |
443,738 |
0 |
0 |
Wastewater Utility - Construct. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Wastewater Utility - Improvemnt |
2,277,923 |
8,124,392 |
1,305,733 |
Utilities - Swge Debt Serv.Res. |
0 |
339,085 |
350,953 |
Sewage Debt Service Investmnt |
0 |
0 |
339,085 |
Sewage Depr. Reserve Invest. |
0 |
0 |
2,850,000 |
Sewage Improvement Invstmnt |
0 |
2,800,000 |
0 |
Sewage B & I Armada Invest. |
0 |
226,740 |
28,267 |
Water Utility - Operating |
1,455,968 |
3,280,189 |
3,636,029 |
Water Utility - Depreciation |
569,186 |
8,191,875 |
6,526,498 |
Water Utility - Customr Deposit |
4,795 |
3,275 |
859 |
Water Utility - Construction |
556,555 |
0 |
0 |
Water Utility - Bond & Interest |
434,423 |
459,397 |
17,153 |
Util. Water B&I Investment |
0 |
14,214 |
0 |
Water Depreciation Investment |
0 |
1,750,000 |
2,850,000 |
Water Spec. B&I Acct Key Bal. |
408,089 |
452,094 |
0 |
Util. - Water Bond BK#1227940 |
175,086 |
0 |
0 |
Util. - Wtr Depr. Inv. #1227740 |
165,690 |
181,926 |
0 |
Utilities - Electric/Water Refund |
28,136 |
17,870 |
0 |
Electric Utility - Operating |
7,916,170 |
12,179,878 |
11,092,459 |
Electric Utility - Construction |
774,855 |
Electric R & R Investments |
0 |
1,000,000 |
3,200,000 |
Electric Util. - Customer Depost |
30,500 |
15,300 |
0 |
Util. - IN Com/Elec Const./Sav. |
130,084 |
0 |
0 |
Util. - IN Com/Elec R & R/Sav. |
203 |
0 |
0 |
Utilities - Electric Ren. & Replc. |
324,985 |
4,603,454 |
8,208,049 |
Util. - Elec. R & R BK#0418340 |
1,222,574 |
67,328 |
52,469 |
51,204,462 |
60,588,971 |
84,404,403 |
76,212,861 |
93,925,986 |
96,644,311 |
(Less) Add: |
Investment Sales |
8,518,054 |
(13,613,137) |
(18,543,680) |
(18,543,680) |
Transfers In |
(41,371) |
(41,371) |
(41,371) |
92,922,457 |
62,558,353 |
75,340,935 |
78,059,260 |
Lebanon Population |
13,574 |
13,790 |
14,006 |
14,222 |
14,059 |
14,231 |
Net Receipts Per Capita |
$6,634 |
$4,398 |
$5,358 |
$5,485 |
Incr. (Decr.) From Prior Year |
(33.70%) |
21.82% |
2.37% |
160.3 |
163.0 |
166.2 |
172.4 |
178.0 |
179.9 |
Increase From Prior Year |
1.68% |
1.96% |
3.73% |
3.24% |
1.06% |
1. Receipts data from the City of Lebanon Annual Financial Report for each of the indicated calendar years. |
2. Population obtained/estimated from http://www.finplaneducation.net/boone_county_growth_projections.htm |
3. Consumer Price Index data from http://www.finplaneducation.net/consumer_price_index.htm |
A. 2001 Net Receipts Per Capita = (75,340,935) / (14,059) = $5,358 |
B. 2001 Net Receipts Per Capita Increase From Prior Year = ($5,358 - $4,398) / ($4,398) = 21.82% |
C. 2001 Consumer Price Index Increase From Prior Year = (178.0-172.4) / (172.4) = 3.24% |
City of Lebanon Disbursements |
(compiled August 22, 2003) |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
General Fund |
5,430,013 |
7,254,607 |
8,298,314 |
County Drug Defense |
LPD - C/F |
18,553 |
LPD - C/M |
LPD - 97 State Grant |
4,979 |
41,597 |
0 |
LPD K-9 Unit Fund |
2,542 |
Law Enforcement Contin. Educ. |
768 |
84 |
1,363 |
Dare Program |
6,167 |
535 |
6,340 |
LPD Miscellaneous Income |
6,975 |
LPD - Unrestricted Donations |
7,950 |
256 |
Police Pension |
130,785 |
126,303 |
143,675 |
Fire Pension |
186,298 |
143,752 |
184,701 |
LFD - Hazmat Fund |
124 |
34 |
280 |
LFD Unrestricted Donations |
17,961 |
10,440 |
Fire Tower Training Facility |
5,371 |
Local Road and Street |
65,366 |
175,236 |
88,628 |
Motor Vehicle Highway |
742,622 |
1,084,147 |
382,800 |
MVH Investments |
700,000 |
Parks and Recreation |
306,699 |
342,282 |
436,397 |
Parks Unrestricted Donation |
25,750 |
9,338 |
Parks Non/Rev |
6,261 |
14,413 |
8,589 |
Cumulative Capital Improvemnt |
166,563 |
83,770 |
Cumulative Capital Developmnt |
690,656 |
1,675,647 |
43,181 |
Cum Cap Devlp Investments |
1,600,000 |
HFD2 Project - City Match |
Memory Hall Gym Project |
7,684 |
Payroll |
3,959,996 |
5,123,284 |
4,737,783 |
Employee Benefit Plan |
156,649 |
367,539 |
356,937 |
Defferal Program |
5,548 |
9,306 |
6,012 |
Stenz Escrow Retainage Acct |
565 |
COP FAST Grant |
16,872 |
4,703 |
11,000 |
City Unrestricted Donations |
1,000 |
Time Deposit - National City |
11,703,865 |
14,592,340 |
9,283,279 |
Time Deposit - Key Bank |
6,137,928 |
City of Lebanon Investments |
3,550,000 |
1,420,000 |
COIT Capital Developmnt Fund |
2,753,000 |
COIT Catchup Invest. - Farmers |
2,000,000 |
COIT Catchup Inv. - Key Bank |
Enterprise Blvd. Construction |
512,498 |
134,964 |
Enterprise Blvd. B & I Fund |
231,859 |
1,783,934 |
Enterprise Blvd. Reserve Fund |
369,500 |
Enterprise Blvd. (TIF) B & I Inv. |
2,430,000 |
Enter. Blvd. (TIF) Reserve Inv. |
739,000 |
Bown Engineering Escrow Acct |
Sanitation Department |
339,102 |
416,217 |
450,558 |
Solid Waste |
16,415 |
7,225 |
11,179 |
Storm Water Bond - Phase I |
67,277 |
Storm Water Bond & Int. Fund |
583,141 |
585,660 |
584,359 |
Storm Water - Phase II Exps |
5,341,332 |
177,859 |
3,200 |
Storm Wtr Phase-II Investment |
225,668 |
Storm Water Invstmnts/Society |
27,588 |
Storm Water - Phase III Exps |
2,453,958 |
Stm Wtr III Invest. @ Farmers |
500,000 |
Stm Wtr III Invest. @ Natl City |
1,000,000 |
Stm Wtr III @ Union Federal |
Util. - IN Com-Wtwks Dep./Sav. |
446,600 |
Wastewater Utility - Operating |
1,800,613 |
2,204,848 |
3,678,982 |
Wastewater Utility - Bond & Int. |
685,270 |
672,270 |
366,414 |
Wastewater Util. - Depreciation |
440,560 |
Wastewater Utility - Construct. |
(3,126) |
Wastewater Utility - Improvemnt |
2,167,529 |
8,013,348 |
1,290,706 |
Utilities - Swge Debt Serv.Res. |
339,085 |
(152,003) |
Sewage Debt Service Investmnt |
339,085 |
339,085 |
Sewage Depr. Reserve Invest. |
Sewage Improvement Invstmnt |
3,820,000 |
500,000 |
Sewage B & I Armada Invest. |
333,125 |
79,472 |
Water Utility - Operating |
1,240,359 |
3,272,474 |
3,566,981 |
Water Utility - Depreciation |
407,575 |
8,202,895 |
7,917,875 |
Water Utility - Customr Deposit |
3,810 |
2,135 |
1,718 |
Water Utility - Construction |
469,036 |
Water Utility - Bond & Interest |
408,089 |
474,233 |
Util. Water B&I Investment |
550,366 |
Water Depreciation Investment |
3,930,000 |
4,200,000 |
Water Spec. B&I Acct Key Bal. |
440,863 |
452,094 |
17,153 |
Util. - Water Bond BK#1227940 |
442,474 |
Util. - Wtr Depr. Inv. #1227740 |
1,231,655 |
3,613,141 |
Utilities - Electric/Water Refund |
28,228 |
17,835 |
Electric Utility - Operating |
7,711,673 |
12,070,815 |
10,077,907 |
Electric Utility - Construction |
892,656 |
Electric R & R Investments |
3,300,000 |
7,100,000 |
Electric Util. - Customer Depost |
22,390 |
14,190 |
2,145 |
Util. - IN Com/Elec Const./Sav. |
140,506 |
Util. - IN Com/Elec R & R/Sav. |
12,730 |
Utilities - Electric Ren. & Replc. |
307,057 |
4,623,925 |
4,345,713 |
Util. - Elec. R & R BK#0418340 |
7,049 |
384,390 |
49,326,259 |
60,742,236 |
95,318,696 |
73,003,691 |
91,158,545 |
90,497,935 |
(Less): |
Investment Purchases |
(225,668) |
(15,211,200) |
(21,182,813) |
(21,182,813) |
Transfers Out |
(41,371) |
(41,371) |
(41,371) |
95,093,028 |
57,751,120 |
69,934,361 |
69,273,751 |
Lebanon Population |
13,574 |
13,790 |
14,006 |
14,222 |
14,059 |
14,231 |
Net Disbursemnts Per Capita |
$6,789 |
$4,060 |
$4,974 |
$4,867 |
Incr. (Decr.) From Prior Year |
(40.19%) |
22.51% |
(2.15%) |
160.3 |
163.0 |
166.2 |
172.4 |
178.0 |
179.9 |
Increase From Prior Year |
1.68% |
1.96% |
3.73% |
3.24% |
1.06% |
1. Disbursements data from City of Lebanon Annual Financial Report for each of the indicated calendar years. |
2. Population obtained/estimated from http://www.finplaneducation.net/boone_county_growth_projections.htm |
3. Consumer Price Index data from http://www.finplaneducation.net/consumer_price_index.htm |
A. 2001 Net Disbursements Per Capita = (69,934,361) / (14,059) = $4,974 |
B. 2001 Net Disbursements Per Capita Increase From Prior Year = ($4,974 - $4,060) / ($4,060) = 22.51% |
C. 2001 Consumer Price Index Increase From Prior Year = (178.0-172.4) / (172.4) = 3.24% |
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This page was last updated on 03/19/10 .