Petition and Remonstrance
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Local property tax payers can help protect themselves from unwise local bond issues using the petition and remonstrance process. If a local bond issue is $2 million or more and supported by property tax revenue, 100 real property owners in the local taxing district can petition for a petition and remonstrance process within 30 days of the notice of preliminary determination to issue the bonds. After 30 more days, supporters and opponents each gather petition signatures for another 30-day period of time. If a greater number of real property owners in the local taxing district sign a petition opposing the bonds issue, the bonds issue is defeated and cannot be considered again for the next 12 months.
Instructions summary from County Form No. 201L (2004 as proscribed by the State Board of Accounts and available from the local County Auditor) relative to circulation of petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process:
1. The person who circulates a petition - County Form No. 201K (2004 as proscribed by the State Board of Accounts and available from the local County Auditor) - requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form for the purpose of obtaining signatures must be an owner of real estate located in the [Insert Name of Taxing Unit], [Insert Name of County] County, Indiana.
2. The person who circulates each petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance form must sign the verifying affidavit at the end of that form and must sign a petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form. The best practice is for the carrier to sign the petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form on the first line. It is essential that the verifying affidavit be completed and signed after signatures have been obtained, before a notary public and that the notary public block also be completed before the petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form is filed with the [Insert Name of County] County Auditor (the "Auditor").
3. One person can pick up multiple petitions requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process forms from the Auditor's office. However, each counterpart may be circulated by only one person and therefore cannot be passed around from one person to another for circulation.
4. The signatures on each petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form must be made in the presence of the person who circulates the form and signs the verifying affidavit.
5. Qualified signers are owners of real estate located in the [Insert Name of Taxing Unit], [Insert Name of County] County, Indiana, as shown by the real property tax records in the Auditor's office.
6. One person cannot sign for another. A husband and wife owning real estate jointly are each qualified signers, and it is not necessary for each to sign in order for the other to constitute a valid signer; however, each must sign separately if the signatures are to be counted as two separate signatures.
7. All names should be written and printed neatly, and as they appear on the tax records in the Auditor's office as nearly as possible.
8. Each signature must be dated the date it is applied to the petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form.
9. Additional signatures or signature pages may not be added to the petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form.
10. After a carrier has finished circulating a counterpart and before submitting it to the county auditor, the carrier must swear or affirm before a notary public that the carrier witnessed each signature and is executing the verifying affidavit.
11. The completed petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form including the verifying affidavit must be submitted to the Auditor's office.
12. No petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process form will be accepted by the Auditor's office after [Insert Time] p.m. on [Insert the Full Date of the 30th Day after Publication of a Notice of the Preliminary Determination of the Political Subdivision to Issue Bonds or Enter into a Lease].
Petition and Remonstrance changes from the Indiana State Senate Bill 0001 Enrolled Act signed by Indiana Governor Joe Kernan on December 12, 2003:
(PRINTING CODE. Amendments: Whenever an existing statute (or a section of the
Indiana Constitution) is being amended, the text of the existing provision will
appear in this style type, additions will appear in this style type, and
deletions will appear in this style type.
Additions: Whenever a new statutory provision is being enacted (or a new
constitutional provision adopted), the text of the new provision will appear in this
style type. Also, the word NEW will appear in that style type in the
introductory clause of each SECTION that adds a new provision to the Indiana
Code or the Indiana Constitution.
Conflict reconciliation: Text in a statute in this style type or this
style type reconciles conflicts between
statutes enacted by the 2003 Regular Session of the General Assembly.)
SECTION 30. IC 6-1.1-20-3.1, AS AMENDED BY P.L.178-2002, SECTION 31, IS
subdivision may not impose property taxes to pay debt service or lease rentals
without completing the following procedures:
(1) The proper officers of a political subdivision shall:
(A) publish notice in accordance with IC 5-3-1; and
(B) send notice by first class mail to any organization that delivers to the
officers, before January 1 of that year, an annual written request for such
of any meeting to consider adoption of a resolution or an ordinance making a
preliminary determination to issue bonds or enter into a lease and shall conduct
a public hearing on a preliminary determination before adoption of the
resolution or ordinance.
(2) When the proper officers of a political subdivision make a preliminary
determination to issue bonds or enter into a lease, the officers shall give
notice of the preliminary determination by:
(A) publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1; and
(B) first class mail to the organizations described in subdivision (1)(B).
(3) A notice under subdivision (2) of the preliminary determination of the
political subdivision to issue bonds or enter into a lease must include the
following information:
(A) The maximum term of the bonds or lease.
(B) The maximum principal amount of the bonds or the maximum lease rental for
the lease.
(C) The estimated interest rates that will be paid and the total interest costs
associated with the bonds or lease.
(D) The purpose of the bonds or lease.
(E) A statement that any owners of real property within the political
subdivision who want to initiate a petition and remonstrance process against the
proposed debt service or lease payments must file a petition that complies with
subdivisions (4) and (5) not later than thirty (30) days after publication in
accordance with IC 5-3-1.
(F) With respect to bonds issued or a lease entered into to open:
(i) a new school facility; or
(ii) an existing facility that has not been used for at least three (3) years
and that is being reopened to provide additional classroom space;
the estimated costs the school corporation expects to incur annually to operate
the facility.
(G) A statement of whether the school corporation expects to appeal as described
in IC 6-1.1-19-4.4(a)(4) for an increased adjusted base levy to pay the
estimated costs described in clause (F).
(4) After notice is given, a petition requesting the application of a petition
and remonstrance process may be filed by the lesser of:
(A) two one hundred fifty (250)
(100) owners of real property within the political subdivision; or
(B) ten five percent (10%) (5%)
of the owners of real property within the political subdivision.
(5) The state board of accounts shall design and, upon request by the county
auditor, deliver to the county auditor or the county auditor's designated
printer the petition forms to be used solely in the petition process described
in this section. The county auditor shall issue to an owner or owners of real
property within the political subdivision the number of petition forms requested
by the owner or owners. Each form must be accompanied by instructions detailing
the requirements that:
(A) the carrier and signers must be owners of real property;
(B) the carrier must be a signatory on at least one (1) petition;
(C) after the signatures have been collected, the carrier must swear or affirm
before a notary public that thecarrier witnessed each signature; and
(D) govern the closing date for the petition period.
Persons requesting forms may not be required to identify themselves and may be
allowed to pick up additional copies to distribute to other property owners.
(6) Each petition must be verified under oath by at least one (1)
qualified petitioner in a manner prescribed by the state board of accounts
before the petition is filed with the county auditor under subdivision (6).
(6) (7) Each petition must be filed with the county
auditor not more than thirty (30) days after publication under subdivision (2)
of the notice of the preliminary determination.
(7) (8) The county auditor must file a certificate and
each petition with:
(A) the township trustee, if the political subdivision is a township, who shall
present the petition or petitions to the township board; or
(B) the body that has the authority to authorize the issuance of the bonds or
the execution of a lease, if the political subdivision is not a township;
within fifteen (15) business days of the filing of the petition requesting a
petition and remonstrance process. The certificate must state the number of
petitioners that are owners of real property within the political subdivision.
If a sufficient petition requesting a petition and remonstrance process is not
filed by owners of real property as set forth in this section, the political
subdivision may issue bonds or enter into a lease by following the provisions of
law relating to the bonds to be issued or lease to be entered into.
SECTION 31. IC 6-1.1-20-3.2, AS AMENDED BY P.L.178-2002, SECTION 32, IS
AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 2004]: Sec. 3.2. If a sufficient
petition requesting the application of a petition and remonstrance process has
been filed as set forth in section 3.1 of this chapter, a political subdivision
may not impose property taxes to pay debt service or lease rentals without
completing the following procedures:
(1) The proper officers of the political subdivision shall give notice of the
applicability of the petition and remonstrance process by:
(A) publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1; and
(B) first class mail to the organizations described in section 3.1(1)(B) of this
chapter. A notice under this subdivision must include a statement that any
owners of real property within the political subdivision who want to petition in
favor of or remonstrate against the proposed debt service or lease payments must
file petitions and remonstrances in compliance with subdivisions (2) through (4)
not earlier than thirty (30) days or later than sixty (60) days after
publication in accordance with IC 5-3-1.
(2) Not earlier than thirty (30) days or later than sixty (60) days after the
notice under subdivision (1) is given:
(A) petitions (described in subdivision (3)) in favor of the bonds or lease; and
(B) remonstrances (described in subdivision (3)) against the bonds or lease;
may be filed by an owner or owners of real property within the political
subdivision. Each signature on a petition must be dated and the date of
signature may not be before the date on which the petition and remonstrance
forms may be issued under subdivision (3). A petition described in clause (A) or
a remonstrance described in clause (B) must be verified in compliance with
subdivision (4) before the petition or remonstrance is filed with the county
auditor under subdivision (4).
(3) The state board of accounts shall design and, upon request by the county
auditor, deliver to the county auditor or the county auditor's designated
printer the petition and remonstrance forms to be used solely in the petition
and remonstrance process described in this section. The county auditor shall
issue to an owner or owners of real property within the political subdivision
the number of petition or remonstrance forms requested by the owner or owners.
Each form must be accompanied by instructions detailing the requirements that:
(A) the carrier and signers must be owners of real property;
(B) the carrier must be a signatory on at least one (1) petition;
(C) after the signatures have been collected, the carrier must swear or affirm
before a notary public that the carrier witnessed each signature; and
(D) govern the closing date for the petition and remonstrance period; and
(E) apply to the carrier under section 10 of this chapter.
Persons requesting forms may not be required to identify themselves and may be
allowed to pick up additional copies to distribute to other property owners. The
county auditor may not issue a petition or remonstrance form earlier than
twenty-nine (29) days after the notice is given under subdivision (1). The
county auditor shall certify the date of issuance on each petition or
remonstrance form that is distributed under this subdivision.
(4) The petitions and remonstrances must be verified in the manner prescribed by
the state board of accounts and filed with the county auditor within the sixty
(60) day period described in subdivision (2) in the manner set forth in section
3.1 of this chapter relating to requests for a petition and remonstrance
(5) The county auditor must file a certificate and the petition or remonstrance
with the body of the political subdivision charged with issuing bonds or
entering into leases within fifteen (15) business days of the filing of a
petition or remonstrance under subdivision (4), whichever applies, containing
ten thousand (10,000) signatures or less. The county auditor may take an
additional five (5) days to review and certify the petition or remonstrance for
each additional five thousand (5,000) signatures up to a maximum of sixty (60)
days. The certificate must state the number of petitioners and remonstrators
that are owners of real property within the political subdivision.
(6) If a greater number of owners of real property within the political
subdivision sign a remonstrance than the number that signed a petition, the
bonds petitioned for may not be issued or the lease petitioned for may not be
entered into. The proper officers of the political subdivision may not make a
preliminary determination to issue bonds or enter into a lease for the
controlled project defeated by the petition and remonstrance process under this
section or any other controlled project that is not substantially different
within one (1) year after the date of the county auditor's certificate under
subdivision (5). Withdrawal of a petition carries the same consequences as a
defeat of the petition.
(7) After a political subdivision has gone through the petition and remonstrance
process set forth in this section, the political subdivision is not required to
follow any other remonstrance or objection procedures under any other law
(including section 5 of this chapter) relating to bonds or leases designed to
protect owners of real property within the political subdivision from the
imposition of property taxes to pay debt service or lease rentals. However, the
political subdivision must still receive the approval of the department of local
government finance required by IC 6-1.1-18.5-8 or IC 6-1.1-19-8.
petition and remonstrance process is commenced under section 3.2 of this
chapter, during the sixty (60) day period commencing with the notice under
section 3.2(1) of this chapter, the political subdivision seeking to issue bonds
or enter into a lease for the proposed controlled project may not promote a
position on the petition or remonstrance by doing any of the following:
(1) Allowing facilities or equipment, including mail and messaging systems,
owned by the political subdivision to be used for public relations purposes to
promote a position on the petition or remonstrance, unless equal access to the
facilities or equipment is given to persons with a position opposite to that of
the political subdivision.
(2) Making an expenditure of money from a fund controlled by the political
subdivision to promote a position on the petition or remonstrance (except as
necessary to explain the project to the public) or to pay for the gathering of
signatures on a petition or remonstrance. This subdivision does not prohibit a
political subdivision from making an expenditure of money to an attorney, an
architect, a construction manager, or a financial adviser for professional
services provided with respect to a controlled project.
(3) Using an employee to promote a position on the petition or remonstrance
during the employee's normal working hours or paid overtime.
(4) In the case of a school corporation, promoting a position on a petition or
remonstrance by:
(A) using students to transport written materials to their residences; or
(B) including a statement within another communication sent to the students'
However, this section does not prohibit an employee of the political subdivision
from carrying out duties with respect to a petition or remonstrance that are
part of the normal and regular conduct of the employee's office or agency.
(b) A person may not solicit or collect signatures for a petition or
remonstrance on property owned or controlled by the political subdivision.
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This page was last updated on 03/19/10 .