Overlay District Questions for I-65 North Corridor Land Owners
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North Overlay District Land Owners
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(names of parcel owners)
Dear (names of parcel owners),
The Boone County Area Plan Commission will provide information and take questions at their meeting on September 4 about the proposed Overlay District for the I-65 corridor north from the Lebanon city limit to the Clinton County line. The APC meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM in the Seminar Room at the Lebanon Middle School (1800 N. Grant Street in Lebanon). The I-65 North Overlay Zoning District document can be found online at
http://www.finplaneducation.net/overlay_district_document.htm.A Special Report was prepared for Watchdog Indiana by concerned Boone County residents who believe the proposed Overlay District, which encompasses 3,776.97 acres, is poor public policy.
The proposed Overlay District document incorrectly identifies the I-65 North Corridor as a premier office and industrial business location. The carefully prepared Boone County Comprehensive Plan emphasizes agriculture preservation within the I-65 North Corridor to maintain the rural quality of life that so many Boone County residents enjoy and cherish. Watchdog Indiana believes the proposed Overlay District must not be approved to protect the balance provided in the Comprehensive Plan between future economic development, agriculture preservation, and our rural quality of life. The Special Report can be found online at http://www.finplaneducation.net/overlay_district_I-65.htm.Attached is a list of suggested Questions that you may want to ask at the September 4 APC meeting. Concerned Boone County residents have made a good faith effort to accurately prepare the Background information for the suggested Questions. Please contact Watchdog Indiana if you want more information or learn that the Background information is incomplete.
Best regards,
Aaron Smith, Founder
Watchdog Indiana
2625 Countryside Drive, Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-891-1439
Question #1:
Is the land I own included in the proposed Overlay District?Question #2: Would
the zoning of my land change if the proposed Overlay District is adopted?
Background: Your land Parcel(s) is / are now
zoned AG General Agricultural / R1 Low Density Single Family Residential / R2
Low Density Single Family and Two-Family Residential / R4 High Density Single
and Two-Family Residential / GB General Business / I1 Light Industry / I2
General Industry. Your zoning would not change if the proposed Overlay District
is adopted. However, the proposed Overlay District would make it easier for
development to occur near your land. Our Boone County Zoning Ordinance can be
found online at
Question #3: Would it
be easier for my neighbors to rezone their land to a Commercial or Industrial
classification if the proposed Overlay District is adopted?
Background: Your neighbors owning land
within the Overlay District would need the approval of the Boone County Area
Plan Commission to change their zoning. Our Boone County Zoning Ordinance today
makes it unlikely the APC would approve the spot rezoning applications of your
neighbors because they would not conform to the surrounding agricultural and
residential land uses. However, if our Zoning Ordinance is amended to include
the proposed Overlay District identifying t
Question #4: If the
proposed Overlay District is adopted and I change the zoning of my land to a
Commercial or Industrial classification, would I be able to get my land rezoned
back to its original zoning classification?
Background: You would have to get the Boone
County Area Plan Commission to approve your application to return to your
original zoning classification. The existence of the Overlay District
identifying t
Question #5: What
does our Boone County Comprehensive Plan identify as desired future uses for the
land within the proposed Overlay District?
Question #6:
Does the proposed Overlay District document meet the Indiana Code legal
requirement to "pay reasonable regard to" (a) our Comprehensive Plan,
(b) the current conditions and character of current structures and uses within
the proposed Overlay District, (c) the most desirable use for which the land in
the proposed Overlay District is adapted, (d) the conservation of property
values throughout the jurisdiction, and (e) responsible development and growth?
Background: The proposed Overlay District
document would amend our Boone County Zoning Ordinance to declare, "The
I-65 North Corridor is a premier office and industrial business location …."
This declaration does not pay reasonable regard to our Comprehensive Plan that
retains General Agriculture as the desired future land use until the year 2030
for the great majority of land parcels within the proposed Overlay District. The
few parcels at the intersection with State Route 47 appear to be the only
portion of I-65 to which the proposed Overlay District is in any way applicable
according to our Comprehensive Plan. The development plan review and approval
process included today in our Boone County Zoning Ordinance already gives the
Boone County Area Plan Commission the authority – without the proposed Overlay
District – to require responsible Commercial and Industrial development and
growth at the I-65 and State Route 47 intersection.
Question #7:
Is it true that an overlay district adopted by the County is useless if the
territory within the overlay district is annexed by a municipality?
Background: Our Boone County Zoning
Ordinance today contains an I-65 South Corridor Overlay
District that is very similar to the proposed Overlay District being considered
for the I-65 North Corridor. Like many Boone County residents, the Boone County
Area Plan Commission went on record opposing the new truck stop within the I-65
South Corridor Overlay District at Exit 133. However, after the I-65 South
Corridor was annexed by Whitestown, the Whitestown Plan Commission and
Whitestown Town Council went ahead and approved the new truck stop. The I-65
South Corridor Overlay District that is included in our Zoning Ordinance is
unenforceable because the I-65 South Corridor has been annexed by Whitestown and
Question #8: Will
Lebanon forcibly annex the I-65 North Corridor if the proposed Overlay District
is adopted?
Background: The unintended
consequences from adopting the proposed Overlay District would likely include an
involuntary annexation attempt by Lebanon like the two attempts recently
abandoned by the City of Lebanon where pro-developer interests were emphasized
ahead of the agricultural preservation included in our Boone County
Comprehensive Plan. Generally, a court must order a proposed annexation to take
place if the Indiana Code requirement is met that "the territory sought to
be annexed is needed and can be used by the municipality for its development in
the reasonably near future." A remonstrance against a Lebanon annexation of
the I-65 North Corridor might fail if Lebanon claims the existence of the
Overlay District proves the corridor is needed for development in the reasonably
near future.
Question #9: Is the
proposed Overlay District compatible with, and appropriate for, the available
Background: Our Boone County Comprehensive
Plan includes the statement that "All commercial development should occur
on public utilities," and provides that "All industrial development
should occur on public utilities." Our Comprehensive Plan also includes the
statement that "We will diversify our tax base by promoting and projecting
growth in logical extensions of existing infrastructure." There are no
realistic plans to logically extend public utilities within the proposed Overlay
District before the year 2030. Taxpayers and utility ratepayers are not willing
to subsidize developers by providing extraordinarily expensive infrastructure
within the proposed Overlay District. Therefore, the office and industrial
business uses referenced in the proposed Overlay District are not compatible
with, and appropriate for, the existing infrastructure availability.
Question #10: Is the
proposed Overlay District expected to increase property values?
Background: The proposed Overlay District
would not likely increase property values unless and until extensive electrical,
water, sewer, and drainage infrastructure improvements are provided. There are
no realistic plans to provide before the year 2030 these extraordinarily
expensive infrastructure improvements necessary for office and industrial
business development.
Question #11:
Why aren’t adult entertainment businesses an excluded use in the
proposed Overlay District?
Background: Adult entertainment businesses
are not now allowed in the land parcels within the proposed Overlay District
because our Boone County Zoning Ordinance prohibits adult entertainment
businesses where land parcels are zoned agricultural or residential. However,
our Zoning Ordinance does allow adult entertainment businesses in land parcels
zoned for office and industrial business uses. Therefore, unless they are listed
as excluded uses, adult entertainment businesses would be allowed within the
proposed Overlay District when the zoning is changed to accommodate office and
industrial business uses.
Question #12: Is the
proposed Overlay District needed because significant office and industrial
business development is anticipated in the I-65 North Corridor before 2030?
Background: Nothing has occurred since the
Comprehensive Plan was approved four years ago to justify amending the Boone
County Zoning Ordinance to include the proposed Overlay District. There is still
much room for the growth anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan for the I-65
corridor south of Lebanon. There has been no residential and commercial
development in the 3,675 acres that Lebanon annexed four years ago south along
I-65. There is also ample room for growth along I-65 south of Exit 133 because
development in the two Anson TIF districts along the east side of I-65 has been
slower than expected. If the proposed Overlay District is not approved, our
Comprehensive Plan will continue to successfully emphasize the considerable
unrealized growth opportunities in the I-65 South Corridor while preserving our
precious farmland and protecting our rural quality of life in the I-65 North
Question #13: What
can I do if I don’t think the proposed Overlay District is a good idea?
Background: The Boone County Area Plan
Commission passed a motion at its last meeting to have a public information
meeting on September 4 and a public hearing on October 2 for the proposed
Overlay District. You can testify in opposition to the proposed Overlay District
at the October 2 APC meeting. (You can also probably testify at the September 4
meeting since it has been advertised as a public hearing.) The APC members will
see your written objections for the October 2 meeting if you submit them to the
APC office in Room 101 at 116 West Washington Street in
Lebanon no later than September 27 (and no later than August
30 for the September 4 meeting).
Watchdog Indiana Home Page
Watchdog Lebanon Home Page
North Overlay District Special Report
North Overlay District Document
North Overlay District Land Owners
North Overlay District Map
This page was last updated on 08/21/13.