2004 Boone County Candidates

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Note: There are Watchdog Lebanon Candidate Questionnaire responses on this page for four elections - (1) November 2, 2004, Boone County Commissioners General Election; (2) November 2, 2004, Boone County Council General Election; (3) May 4, 2004, Boone County Commissioners Republican Primary; (4) May 4, 2004, Boone County Council Republican Primary.

KEY:   Green = Taxpayer Friendly Response/Candidate
Red = Taxpayer UNfriendly Response/Candidate
Black = Uncertain Response/Candidate


November 2, 2004, Boone County Commissioners General Election (Eaton vs Martin, Fairchild vs Lewis):

Charles Eaton (Taxpayer UNfriendly)
135 Ulen Blvd.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-7170
E-mail: cheulen@hotmail.com 

Fred Martin (Uncertain)
7978 N 950 W
Thorntown, IN 46071
Phone: 765-436-7776
E-mail: sharonplace@earthlink.net 

Dawn M. Fairchild (Uncertain)
518 S. Lebanon St.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-3848
E-mail: dawn34@insightbb.com 

Harold E. "Huck" Lewis (Taxpayer UNfriendly)
221 Fordice Street
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-6758
E-mail: huck_l@hotmail.com

Watchdog Lebanon Candidate Questions

Question #1: What is your opinion of the Duke Realty I-65 Project? Specifically, would you sign a petition to initiate the petition and remonstrance process so all Boone County real property owners can make the final decision to issue any Tax Increment Financing bonds to subsidize the I-65 Project?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (April 7, 2004, Lebanon Reporter; April 21, 2004, Lebanon Reporter; April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) Candidate Eaton is generally in favor of the Duke Realty I-65 Project, but he led an effort to have the Boone County Council pay for an independent analysis of the Project to help make certain the interests of all Boone County citizens are protected. He feels that growth in the I-65 area needs to be controlled, well reasoned, and defined. Candidate Eaton feels the use of impact fees is important so those getting the benefits of development are fully involved in helping on the cost side of the ledger. He believes the county, municipalities, and townships need to work together to secure the kind of growth that the majority will find acceptable. (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) The estimated build out of the project will take 15 to 20 years. That would indicate a rate that would be orderly and that could be absorbed with minimal disruption. The recent purchase of the first 300 acres with options on the balance through the year 2013 seems to reinforce the notion of a steady approach. The financing of needed infrastructure will be key to the project and to the county. The redevelopment commission will play an important role, approving bonds in excess of $3 million. The bonds will be backed by Duke. I have great confidence in the commission.  
Fred Martin - There is a lot to be said about it. It can go a lot of different ways. Yes, I would sign a petition to initiate the petition and remonstrance process. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Planned and well planned for the county's advantage, not for the advantage of the developer. The county should not have to give an arm and a leg to get development.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) We need growth, but this project, as well as any others, must be managed and controlled closely. In stages, with all county approval. Not a burden on the taxpayers of Boone County. Preserving an agricultural base here in Boone County is also a must. (October 26, 2004, Indianapolis Star) Growth needs to happen, but with control and stages with no burden on the taxpayers.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (April 14, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) Candidate Lewis indicated that he supports the Duke Realty I-65 Project and that he likes the fact the county is just dealing with one developer and not multiple developers. (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) He reiterated his belief that TIF bonds should not be used for residential development but should be used in areas that promote job opportunities. (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) We need to recognize the importance of I-65 to Boone County and develop our I-65 corridor by utilizing our development community and our planning staff and cooperating with other municipalities, such as Zionsville, Whitestown and Lebanon. There are important decisions that need to be made so we can create a plan that encourages and manages business and economic development in a way that benefits all Boone County residents and enhances our growth plans and expectations. Securing an equitable and stable tax base along this corridor is not only sound fiscal planning and management, but will benefit us all by striving to control local taxes.

Question #2: Do you support a new Local Option Highway User Tax (or "wheel tax") on all vehicles registered in the County?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Eaton declined as County Council President during a May 13, 2003, meeting to entertain a motion on a Wheel Tax until the impact of property reassessment is known. He had heard nothing regarding the Wheel Tax from the other local governing bodies in Boone County. He also stated that all taxpayer input he had received was against the Wheel Tax. He agreed that a Wheel Tax might be reconsidered in a few months depending on how much future revenue is received. He had a heated exchange with a Purdue University Local Technical Assistance Program representative regarding efforts to implement a state requirement for the Wheel Tax to be imposed in order to receive proceeds from any Gas Tax increase. He pointedly put the LTAP representative in his place as a result of checking with State Representative Jeff Thompson to determine that a Wheel Tax requirement to receive Gas Tax proceeds is unconstitutional.
Fred Martin - I would have to give it a lot of thought and if it was earmarked for only one thing: roads. There are a lot of vehicle owners in the county where their children go to the schools and they drive the roads. They should  help pay for the roads they drive on.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): I do not support a wheel tax.

Question #3: What portion of County Option Income Tax revenue should be returned to the Boone County Highway Department as a funding source? Should any of the County's Rainy Day Fund be dedicated to the needs of the Highway Department?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Eaton was President of the County Council that stopped allocating COIT money to the Highway Department in 2003.
Fred Martin - Maybe 10 percent. Based on the budget for that year, but it would be for roads only. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Paving the 360 miles of county roads that now exist over the next 10 years will be my top priority. This will take working with the Boone County Council to release the County Option Income Tax money. The COIT money was originally set up for the purpose of maintaining the roads of our county and it has been taken away by the council.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): I would support using a portion of COIT funds if we had a long range plan to decide how much money we need from year to year to maintain and convert roads.

Question #4: Do you support using COIT revenue to provide an increase in the homestead credit on our property tax bills by an amount up to 8% (i.e. from 20% to 28%) as allowed by Indiana Code IC 6-3.5-6-13 (b)?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Fred Martin - Yes, very much so.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): No, I feel we might need to use that money for other services or needs of the county.

Question #5: Should the County Commissioners be required to get pre-approval from the County Council before exceeding their legal services budget?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 7, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Eaton said the County Council is responsible for appropriating funds and the County Commissioners must first seek approval.
Fred Martin - Yes.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum; May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): Yes. The county council is the fiscal body for the county. There needs to be better communication between both boards. If I'm elected I will work to improve this situation.

Question #6: What should be done to absorb the 2007 reduction in inventory tax revenue without a property tax or individual income tax increase?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Fred Martin - Cut spending. If you don't have it, then don't spend it.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) The state has thrown this in the lap of local government and I feel they need to come with a plan to support the taxpayers. We need to research what other counties are going to do. One possibility might be the EDIT tax. (NOTE: the "EDIT tax" is a county economic development income tax, or CEDIT, on individuals to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes are increased to replace lost inventory tax revenue.) (October 21, 2003 Candidates Forum for Lebanon Mayor): Candidate Lewis supported a Lebanon property tax rate increase to replace lost inventory tax revenue.

Question #7: Do you support a "convention center" at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds? If so, how do you think it should be paid for?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record :Candidate Eaton cast a November 18, 2002, County Council vote in favor of building the proposed "convention center."
Fred Martin - Only if it was self supporting.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): I would support a convention center if we could fund the project. I do not feel we have the funds at this time to support it. We have more pressing issues facing the county at this time.

Question #8: Is the Lebanon Public Library Board member appointed by the Boone County Commissioners doing a good enough job of representing all the interests of affected residents?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Voted on September 14, 2004, as President of the Boone County Council to reappoint Jane Myers to the Lebanon Public Library Board in spite of her leadership efforts to construct an overbuilt and extravagant addition to the Lebanon Public Library.
Fred Martin - Questionable.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Fairchild opposed the reappointment of Jane Myers to the Lebanon Public Library Board.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I feel David Koehler is doing a fine job as a board member. He has saved the library time and money by implementing and streamlining their accounting system. He also works in the same manner as the past treasurer to keep spending under control as to keep the annual budget in line. David also works closely with the director and board members. (Vice President of the Lebanon Public Library Board) Candidate Lewis voted for the $8 million library addition at the February 26, 2003, Library Board meeting. He was called off the golf course on August 27, 2003, to cast the deciding Library Board vote in a failed attempt to put a large parking lot in the middle of a residential neighborhood

Question #9:  Do you see any potential conflict-of-interest issues that could arise during your term as commissioner?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): Mrs. Alfred Stokely (Zionsville) $200. Dr. James Strickland (Zionsville) $200. Martha O'Connor (Indianapolis) $300. Eagle Creek Nature Conservancy and Preservation, Inc. (Zionsville) $500. Geisler Trucking (Lebanon) $500. Traders Point Farm Estates, LLC (Zionsville) $500. Frank A. Hoffman (Zionsville) $1,500. J & W Brant (Zionsville) $250. W & S Chapman (Zionsville) $500.
Fred Martin - None whatsoever. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): Pat Martin (wife) $600. Newland Resources, LLC (removed as owner of Boone County Utilities by Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for abusing its position as a monopoly provider of sewer and water services) $500.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): The campaign fund raising practices of Candidate Lewis have compromised him to the point where any votes he takes involving lawyers, home builders, and realtors will be suspect.

Question #10:  If elected as County Commissioner, will you run for a different elected office during your term as County Commissioner?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Eaton is currently a County Council Member for District 3. If elected County Commissioner, the ten Republican precinct chairmen in District 3 would select Candidate Eaton's replacement for the final two years of his term.
Fred Martin - I will fill my duties as a commissioner for the full term. I feel I would be letting my supporters down if I did not.
Dawn M. Fairchild - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Lewis has not interrupted service in one elected office to run for another elected office.

Question #11: Do you wish to make some additional comments about your candidacy? Do you have a website? What is your preferred E-mail address?
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) Elected officials have a fiduciary responsibility to the voters and taxpayers to be good stewards of the tax monies they administer. While they all have this responsibility, the commissioners are the purchasing agents and must maximize the use of competitive bidding, not just when it is required by statute. Bid specifications need to be broad enough to include as many potential suppliers as possible. In those instances where they opt to delegate a portion of this activity, they need to be vigilant when auditing and authorizing the payment of claims to be sure that best practices are being adhered to. (October 26, 2004, Indianapolis Star) The top issue is zoning. Boone County is in the process of potential explosive growth due to the resolution of the utility problem. The challenge will be to control the growth, so we do not end up with massive sprawl and traffic congestion like that around I-69 and 96th Street. It will take a cooperative effort working together with the Area Planning Commission, the Redevelopment Commission and the County Commissioners. It will require serious planning, which has not been a strength in the past. I believe that I can be effective in implementing this process.
Fred Martin - I am the best man for your Commissioner. I will represent the people fairly. What we have now is taxation without representation. My experience is a businessman not a politician. All Government is, is making good sound decisions on a day to day bases in the best interest of the taxpayers and citizens of Boone County. In business they are called shareholders. Record (October 26, 2004, Indianapolis Star): The top issue is to bring decision-making back to the Board of County Commissioners and out of the hands of attorneys.
Dawn M. Fairchild - I am probably the most qualified of ALL the candidates. I built and rebuilt business after business, 29 in all, for 30 years. I certainly did not bankrupt a "given to me" business in a year's time. You want people to handle your money with that type of track record? Record: (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) My top priority is to keep local expenses of the county with Boone County vendors, not other counties. Check and recheck all expenses, getting the best price on all goods and services. Preserving an agricultural base, as we grow. (October 26, 2004, Indianapolis Star) The top issue is keeping local expenses and county values despite growth. I want to operate Boone County in a fair, honest and businesslike manner and listen to the individuals of Boone County.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPONDRecord (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) My top priority will be working to create more cooperation between county and municipal government. Since being appointed to the board of commissioners we have already started meetings to establish a joint health insurance program for the county, city and town employees. As costs rise for services, we need to work together to save money for all government entities, to think outside the box and do more cooperative ventures. I want to establish a long-range plan for our county roads, but we need a strategy to keep our infrastructure strong for years to come.


November 2, 2004, Boone County Council General Election (vote for three of the six at-large candidates):

Charles T. Ewing (Uncertain) 
485 N. Elm
Zionsville, IN 46077
Phone: 317-873-4329

Jeff Heck (Uncertain) 
220 W. 300 N.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-5024
E-mail: heck4sheriff@insightbb.com

Debby (Sanders) Shubert (Uncertain)
915 Millerwood Drive
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-3005

James "Jim" Urban (Taxpayer UNfriendly)
908 Northfield Drive
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-0766
E-mail: urban@in-motion.net 

Jim Whelan (Taxpayer Friendly) 
9781 W. 275 N.
Thorntown, IN 46071
Phone: 765-483-9268
E-mail: plfarm@in-motion.net 

Marcia C. Wilhoite (Taxpayer UNfriendly) 
215 N. West
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-4442

Watchdog Lebanon Candidate Questions

Question #1: What is your opinion of the Duke Realty I-65 Project? Specifically, would you sign a petition to initiate the petition and remonstrance process so all Boone County real property owners can make the final decision to issue any Tax Increment Financing bonds to subsidize the I-65 Project?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Our county needs to be ready for the new challenges as the pace of development quickens. We need to bring greater professionalism to county offices to prepare the county for the challenges we will face. I general, I do support tax increment finance districts. It is a good way to pay for the county share of the infrastructure costs that the development we want requires without raising taxes. However, there are times when this is misused to pay costs the developer should bear instead of the taxpayer.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) The I-65 corridor is the most logical place for any development, and Duke has a very good track record concerning these types of developments. However, Duke is not, nor should they be, the exclusive developer(October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) I support Tax Increment Finance Districts as a way to attract business development. Competition is fierce for the type of quality development that we need to attract to Boone County and TIF Districts are a way to level the playing field. We currently have an application and scoring process to determine the length of a TIF. I think employer benefits need to be closely examined when deciding whether or not to grant a TIF. Otherwise, we are creating a workforce that will be dependent on the county to be providing benefits that should be the responsibility of the employer. (Candidate Heck voted as a member of the Boone County Council to pay for an independent analysis of the Duke Realty I-65 Project.)
Debby (Sanders) Shubert - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - TIF is a very important tool in helping to finance new project without raising taxes. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): I support tax increment finance. When TIF ends, local taxes do not increase. TIF is an addition to local taxes to help keep taxes from increasing.
Jim Whelan - Boone County has some historic, beautiful, and scenic landscape. Additionally homeowners and land owners have worked and spent many years dedicated to the land they own and work. As a farmer I recognize the love I have for the land that I work and the place I call home and I would recognize and understand the feelings of the landowners in the affected area of the proposed Duke project. It is not clear if this development is an absolute necessity at this time for the betterment of Boone County. Without specific data and figures that would show the benefit for Boone County I could not support this project. This has not been shown at this time. If this or any other petition is in fact legal I would always support and sign any petition which would allow the taxpayer to express support or decline support of any issue. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): I am opposed to the concept of Tax Increment Finance Districts. Boone County has the location, infrastructure and manpower to attract business to our county. Unfortunately consideration must be given to TIF Districts in order to put Boone County on a level playing field in attracting new business. These considerations must be met: (a) do we really need this business, (b) what effect will this have on Boone County residents in the area and current businesses in Boone County, (c) what are the cost benefits to Boone County.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): I do support Tax Increment Finance Districts. This is one tool the county has to direct and support economic development in new or blighted areas. Through the use of the developer's agreement, the county can direct what types of development it will support and set guidelines for how the development will occur. (October 27, 2004, Boone County Redevelopment Commission Meeting) Candidate Wilhoite, as a member of the Boone County RDC, seconded the motion and cast the deciding vote that allowed the Duke Realty I-65 Project to continue.

Question #2: Do you support a new Local Option Highway User Tax (or "wheel tax") on all vehicles registered in the County?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I don't support a wheel tax yet. If a wheel tax were imposed it should not be done to help Duke Realty build roads in its proposed I-65 Project. (May 13, 2003, County Council Meeting) Candidate Heck did not say anything during a wheel tax was discussion. (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) Candidate Heck stated that if "forced to approve" a wheel tax there needs to be a detailed road projects plan. 
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - The users tax is OK, but I believe all residents should be included.
Jim Whelan - I do not support additional taxes in the form of a wheel tax
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum): Candidate Wilhoite stated that she opposes a wheel tax for now because it is regressive. It might be a last alternative for future road and "convention center" needs.

Question #3: What portion of COIT revenue should be returned to the Boone County Highway Department as a funding source? Should any of the County's Rainy Day Fund be dedicated to the needs of the Highway Department?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) The Highway Department is in decent financial shape even though they have been required to spend some of their reserve. I would have to see a plan in detail how each dollar would be spent before I would support COIT money to be appropriated to the Highway Department. See answer to next question. (County Council 2003 Decision) Candidate Heck was a member of the County Council that stopped allocating COIT money to the Highway Department in 2003. 
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - Yes, I believe that some of the COIT money should be used for the Highway Department. What % I would have to see the budget first.
Jim Whelan - It is my understanding that when COIT was passed this was to be used as a highway funding source. Good county roads should be a priority in any spending allocation. I feel that giving all COIT funds to the highway department would be an answer to the original purpose of this program. It does not appear to be a "Rainy Day" at this time in Boone County and this fund should be held until needed for emergency purposes.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.

Question #4: Do you support using COIT revenue to provide an increase in the homestead credit on our property tax bills by an amount up to 8% (i.e. from 20% to 28%) as allowed by Indiana Code IC 6-3.5-6-13 (b)?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): Everyone is trying to overspend the COIT Revenues. Until I feel our financial picture is stable I don't want to spend any of it.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - I would want to review this closer before raising any taxes.
Jim Whelan - COIT funds should not be used for this purpose.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.

Question #5: Should the County Commissioners be required to get pre-approval from the County Council before exceeding their legal services budget?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): The county should avoid large, unplanned, unbudgeted legal fees.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response): Every County office has been instructed not to spend unappropriated money.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None. 
James "Jim" Urban - Yes, very definitely. 
Jim Whelan - It is my understanding that all county departments including the Commissioners must have approval on all expenditures from the County Council. Yes the commissioners should have approval before spending this and any other money from taxpayer funds. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): It appears to be obvious that legal expenses were well beyond those previously approved or justified by the County Council last year. This type of spending at will should not continue.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.

Question #6: What should be done to absorb the 2007 reduction in inventory tax revenue without a property tax or individual income tax increase?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) The County Auditor has been in contact with the State as to ways to help offset the revenue loss. We are waiting on a report. (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) A county economic development income tax (CEDIT) on individuals may be needed to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes must increase to replace the lost inventory tax revenue. We will need to get more creative with the budget to provide outcomes such as the 17% reduction in the County's 2004 budget.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - I believe that by reducing the inventory tax we may have to look at an increase somewhere or lower county services.
Jim Whelan - The county must live within its means just as any homeowner must live within the income available. I am not in favor of any increased taxation. If necessary budgets must be reduced.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum): "Money will have to be raised somewhere and somehow."

Question #7: Do you support a "convention center" at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds? If so, how do you think it should be paid for?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I support a convention center, however we don't have the funds to build it or pay for its upkeep. The innkeeper's tax is not sufficient for either. (November 18, 2002, County Council Meeting) Candidate Heck cast a vote against building the proposed "convention center." (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) Candidate Heck stated that the 4-H "convention center" is a "Want" as opposed to a "Need." Candidate Heck also stated that convention centers built in other counties need to be studied.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - No, but the present building could be remodeled and added to to increase the room needed. Charge a user fee to help pay for it.
Jim Whelan - No I am not in favor of a new convention center.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum): Candidate Wilhoite indicated support for the "convention center" by stating that it would bring dollars and people to the county. She stated that private funding might be a possibility.

Question #8: Is the Lebanon Public Library Board member appointed by the Boone County Council doing a good enough job of representing all the interests of affected residents? Specifically, should Jane Myers have been reappointed as the Council's representative on the Lebanon Public Library Board?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I think they have done an adequate job(September 14, 2004, Boone County Council Meeting) Candidate Heck voted as a member of the County Council to reappoint Jane Myers to the Lebanon Public Library Board in spite of her leadership efforts to construct an overbuilt and extravagant addition to the Lebanon Public Library.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - No. Jane Myers should not of been re-appointed.
Jim Whelan - Since I live outside Lebanon City limits I have not made myself aware of the qualifications of Jane Myers and since I was not able to vote on her appointment and was not aware of any alternative candidate I cannot really comment on this issue at this time. Specifically if elected and she would come up for reappointment I would want to review her qualifications against an alternative board appointment the council would want to make.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Wilhoite lists Friends of the Lebanon Public Library as one of her community activities.

Question #9: Do you favor increasing the Emergency Telephone System (E911) Fee? Please explain.
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - Yes, I would support an increase in the E911 Fee.
Jim Whelan - No I do not favor additional fees on the 911 system.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.

Question #10: How should the county's $7,951,075 Rainy Day Fund be used?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I think it is important to be very conservative with any funds. Many like and surrounding counties have been forced to lay off personnel and limit services to the public. (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum) Candidate Heck stated that the County's Rainy Day Fund should not be spent for anything right now.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - To help finance some of the improvement needed.
Jim Whelan - There is not a rainy day in Boone County at this time and if this fund was established specifically for this purpose it should stay in this account until an emergency presents itself.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum): Candidate Wilhoite stated that the County's Rainy Day Fund should be used to convert gravel roads to paved roads, for drainage needs, and to promote growth and development.

Question #11:  Do you see any potential conflict-of-interest issues that could arise during your term as Council member?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (Hatch Act) The Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. §1502(a), states that persons employed by state, county, or municipal executive agencies that are affiliated with programs financed in whole or in part by federal loans cannot be a candidate for elective office. At the request of Candidate Whelan, the U.S. Special Counsel's office (ABell@osc.gov) has agreed to review a possible violation of the Hatch Act by Candidate Heck. Candidate Heck is a commander in the Criminal Investigation Division of the Indiana State Police. (October 29, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) Candidate Heck's duties involved no administration of federal dollars, according to the Boone County Republican Party Chairman. (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004) None.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert -
DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
James "Jim" Urban - No, but I would definitely abstain from any vote that might be. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): None.
Jim Whelan - I see no conflict of interest on my part. There is some concern about other candidates for County Council and their current employment status. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): None.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (Itemized 2004 Campaign Contributions as of October 8, 2004): Allen W. Milburn (Lebanon) $250.

Question #12:  If elected to the County Council, will you run for a different elected office during your term?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Candidate Shubert is currently a Center Township Board Member. If elected to the County Council, the fifteen Republican precinct chairmen in Center Township would select Candidate Shubert's replacement for the final two years of her term.
James "Jim" Urban - I would complete my commitment to the voters who elected me to this office.
Jim Whelan - At this time I have no specific plans for any other public office.
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: None.

Do you wish to make some additional comments about your candidacy? Do you have a website? What is your preferred E-mail address?
Charles T. Ewing - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): We should require competitive bidding for all county contracts and never employ the "good old boy" network (or nepotism) of no bid contracts. Our county agency budgets need to be reviewed to be certain that all requests fall within our long range goals.
Jeff Heck - DID NOT RESPOND. Record: (May 4, 2004, Primary Election Questionnaire Response) I would encourage anyone to contact me if they have a concern, question, suggestion, or comment. I am hopeful my answers to these questions will not be skewed in any manner. (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter) The council has to ensure we don't overspend our income. With the cooperation of our elected officials and county employees we have been able to live within our budgets without cutting services to the citizens of Boone County.
Debby (Sanders) Shubert - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 29, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Shubert states "We've got to be sure to use the tax money in the best and most efficient way we can."
James "Jim" Urban - If any further questions please feel free to contact me by phone 482-0766, E-mail urban@in-motion.net, or mail 908 Northfield Drive. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): To ensure that costs are controlled and to help minimize the tax burden on county residents, it is important to take all project bids into consideration. The lowest bid is not always the practical way to go. Even though one company's bid may be higher than another, their reputation is worth the extra cost to minimize further expenses down the road. If County Option Income Tax revenue continue to drop, some options would be to replace the revenue with grant money or state monies with the possibility of tax increases as a last resort. There should not be tougher employer benefit criteria to qualify for tax abatement. Tax abatement is a good tool to help the county bring in new businesses, increase our tax revenue, while increasing Boone County's job market.
Jim Whelan - For the first time in many years the voters of Boone County have a real choice. I present myself as a real candidate for County Council and have a desire to serve the citizens of Boone County in an honorable and honest manner. I view the responsibilities of this office as very important to the future of the county. I will take responsibility for my vote on every fiscal decision made. Office holders approaching the council must justify their need for every taxpayer's penny they are spending. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Fiscal responsibility is the primary responsibility of a county council member. The council member must take responsibility for the expenditure of every penny of taxpayer money in the budget. As a council member I will not vote for any expenditure which is not justified by the elected official or department head in their primary budget. Each expenditure must be justified by real needs of the taxpayer. In addition the council member must have the ability to recognize the priorities and needs for services in the county and have the ability to cut expenses whenever necessary. I am not in favor of any tax increases to the taxpayers of Boone County. If taxes income declines then it is imperative that a method be found for Boone County government to live within its means. Without specific numbers to deal with it would be impossible to specify where cuts could be made in budgets without substantially decreasing services to taxpayers. There are too many out of county license plates parked outside some of the businesses with tax abatements. The employer should be required to offer wages and working conditions that would permit Boone County residents to work at the business and provide a reasonable standard of living for their families. 
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. Record (October 20, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): The economy plays a large part in the falling dollars received from the County Option Income Tax. As the economy recovers these dollars should increase. If the economy does not recover, the council will have to consider either cutting services, change to CAGIT, or the tax rate will increase. The council has developed a list of guidelines to use when evaluating tax abatements. This evaluation guideline is an ever-changing document. Employer benefits is only one of many items to consider when making the decision to grant a tax abatement. My wish is to support new businesses with good employee benefits, higher paying jobs and a long-lasting commitment to the community.


May 4, 2004, Boone County Commissioners Republican Primary Election (Baldauf vs Lewis, Eaton vs Loveless):

Georgia (Jo) Baldauf (Uncertain)
7305 S. 100 W.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-4060
E-mail: baldauf@in-motion.net 

Harold E. "Huck" Lewis (Uncertain)
221 Fordice Street
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-6758
E-mail: huck_l@hotmail.com

Charles Eaton (Taxpayer Friendly)
135 Ulen Blvd.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-7170
E-mail: cheulen@hotmail.com 

Byron E. Loveless (Taxpayer UNfriendly)
1982 N. 1175 W.
Thorntown, IN 46071
Phone: 765-794-4626
E-mail: angus_cattle@netzero.net

Watchdog Lebanon Candidate Questions

Question #1: What is your opinion of the I-65 Duke Realty Project? Specifically, do you think it is appropriate for TIF bonds to pay for residential development and internal roads?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - The Duke Project has been evolving for at least 18 months and presents opportunities that we should explore. I am not yet comfortable with the size of this development, nor am I comfortable with the residential portion. Nothing is perfect, and we all know there will be some negative impacts resulting from a development of this magnitude. My hope is that we don’t make mistakes that will forever compromise the quality of development we are able to attract or our quality of life. As my ads in the last election stated, I believe that we have an asset in the I-65 Corridor and it is reasonable and logical that growth should occur along this corridor. But, we must be very careful in addressing the challenges presented by such an ambitious project. To sum it up, at this time and until I have all the necessary information, I cautiously express my support. According to our financial advisors, it is not legal for TIF bonds to be used for residential development. Development should pay its own way. I don’t have a problem with the County doing "due diligence" in land use planning or planning and installing infrastructure surrounding this development, but I do have a problem with paying for their roads. RECORD: Candidate Baldauf answered an April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum question regarding what the County Commissioners should do to balance development and the rural character of Boone County. She stated that additional sophistication is needed in the Area Plan Commission office , the Commissioners should work closely with Whitestown regarding the Duke Realty I-65 Project, the County's Comprehensive Plan and ordinances need to be updated, and development must pay for itself with impact fees
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- I would not support TIF bonds for residential development. TIF should be used in areas that promote job opportunities. The bonds are used to finance infrastructure. RECORD: In the Lebanon Reporter on April 14, Candidate Lewis indicated that he supports the I-65 Duke Realty Project and that he likes the fact the county is just dealing with one developer and not multiple developers. At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum he reiterated that he is not in favor of using TIF bonds for residential development.
Charles Eaton
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 7, 2004 Lebanon Reporter; April 21 Lebanon Reporter, April 21 Candidates Forum): Candidate Eaton is generally in favor of the I-65 Duke Realty Project, but he favors an outside firm of finance and land use professionals to study the Project to help make certain the interests of all Boone County citizens are protected. He feels that growth in the I-65 area needs to be controlled, well reasoned, and defined. He appears to support a Comprehensive Plan update rather than the Planned Unit Development approach. Candidate Eaton feels the use of impact fees is important so those getting the benefits of development are fully involved in helping on the cost side of the ledger. He believes the county, municipalities, and townships need to work together to secure the kind of growth that the majority will find acceptable.   
Byron E. Loveless
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: During a January 23, 2004, presentation to the Boone County Redevelopment Commission (BCRC), Duke Realty proposed a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for its I-65 Project. Duke suggested that $80 million in bonds would be needed from BCRC for improvements such as utilities ($46.5 million), underground fire protection ($5.5 million), internal roads construction ($20 million), and external roads upgrade ($8 million). The 1,000 homes and 400 apartment units in the I-65 Project would be included in the TIF District. Candidate Loveless attended Duke's January 23 BCRC presentation and did not offer (and has not since offered) any objection to using TIF bonds to pay for the residential development and internal roads in the I-65 Project. According to his comments in the April 21 Lebanon Reporter, Candidate Loveless feels the I-65 Duke Realty Project will be good for Boone County. He believes that Duke, as one of the largest developers based in Indiana, will provide the professionalism necessary to give the county an opportunity to grow responsibly by developing a total community and not just another warehouse district. He thinks the I-65 Project will bring substantial growth and increased employment to southern Boone County.

Question #2: What is the best way for utility services to be provided along I-65 between State Road 334 and State Road 267?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - I have steadfastly opposed Whitestown’s purchase of this utility for $8.4 million when 2 highly respected financial advisors repeatedly verified that the utility is only worth $1.5 million. I believe Whitestown’s bonds to pay for this utility are very risky bonds. This utility has a negative rate base and we studied many weeks to see if it would "cash flow." According to our financial advisors, this utility would not pay for itself if the purchase price was more than $3.2 million. This is what precipitated a joint offer between IWC and Boone County Commissioners. We also attempted to come to an agreement with Whitestown but their last proposal insisted that the County pay about $200,000 of their legal fees. We, of course, declined, and the Bankruptcy Court awarded the utility to the highest bidder, Whitestown. I do not have confidence that we won’t find ourselves in the same situation in five years. If the establishment of a Regional Sewer District had occurred, we could have surrounded BCU, reduced the greatly inflated value and purchased it for its actual value. This would have allowed the voters to have a direct voice in electing the people who would serve on the Utility Board. Because I have seen what can happen with a "developer owned" utility, and have great concerns about Whitestown’s financial plan I believe that Indianapolis Water Company’s joint proposal with Boone County would provide for lower rates, dependable service and a more stable environment for managing the coming growth. RECORD: Candidate Baldauf actively supported county ownership of Boone County Utilities where (1) the sewer system is purchased with Boone County Redevelopment Commission TIF bonds and operated by the Clay Township Regional Waste District and (2) Indianapolis Water Company is the owner and operator of the water system. On March 22, 2004, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Anthony Metz awarded Boone County Utilities to the Town of Whitestown for a purchase price of $4.2 million plus $4.3 million to pay Valenti-Held claims.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - The federal court has ruled that Whitestown has the right to purchase the Utility. I feel we need to support Whitestown in their effort. No one wins with continued litigation. RECORD (April 14, 2004 Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Lewis supports the purchase of Boone County Utilities by Whitestown.
Charles Eaton
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 7, 2004 Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Eaton opposes county ownership of Boone County Utilities. He does not support the commissioners' lawsuit against Whitestown relating to alleged open door violations.
Byron E. Loveless
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Loveless actively supports county ownership of Boone County Utilities where (1) the sewer system is purchased with Boone County Redevelopment Commission TIF bonds and operated by the Clay Township Regional Waste District and (2) Indianapolis Water Company is the owner and operator of the water system.

Question #3: Do you support a new Local Option Highway User Tax (or "wheel tax") on all vehicles registered in the County? Specifically, should a wheel tax be imposed to help Duke Realty build roads in its proposed I-65 Project?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - Our roads are paid for by COIT and taxes on gasoline. The State collects the taxes and then distributes some of it back to us. It is unfortunate that we don’t get more of this money back from the State. My answer is, no (to the wheel tax) and no (to a wheel tax for Duke Realty's benefit). RECORD: Candidate Baldauf passively supported Candidate Loveless in his 2003 efforts to have a Boone County Wheel Tax imposed.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- I do not support a wheel tax. The commissioners and council need to work together to develop a long term infrastructure plan for the entire county, and find alternative ways to fund infrastructure.
Charles Eaton
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Eaton declined as County Council President during a May 13, 2003, meeting to entertain a motion on a Wheel Tax until the impact of property reassessment is known. He had heard nothing regarding the Wheel Tax from the other local governing bodies in Boone County. He also stated that all taxpayer input he had received was against the Wheel Tax. He agreed that a Wheel Tax might be reconsidered in a few months depending on how much future revenue is received. He had a heated exchange with a Purdue University Local Technical Assistance Program representative regarding efforts to implement a state requirement for the Wheel Tax to be imposed in order to receive proceeds from any Gas Tax increase. He pointedly put the LTAP representative in his place as a result of checking with State Representative Jeff Thompson to determine that a Wheel Tax requirement to receive Gas Tax proceeds is unconstitutional.
Byron E. Loveless - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Loveless made presentations in 2003 to six local government councils and boards supporting a Boone County Wheel Tax

Question #4: What portion of COIT revenue should be returned to the Boone County Highway Department as a funding source? Should any of the County's Rainy Day Fund be dedicated to the needs of the Highway Department?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - As I understand the history, the rationale for the COIT tax was to facilitate the maintenance and conversion of our roads. For the last two years, those funds have not been allocated for those purposes. I applaud the County Council for exercising fiscal restraint and for the wisdom to utilize a "Rainy Day Fund". I don’t think it would have been wise to invest the money in our roads until we understood how the State’s budget crises would affect us. As we begin "budget time" in June, I think we will have a better picture as to whether we should use "Rainy Day" monies for roads.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- I would support using a portion of COIT funds if we had a long range plan to decide how much money we need from year to year to maintain and convert roads.
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Eaton was President of the County Council that stopped allocating COIT money to the Highway Department in 2003.
Byron E. Loveless

Question #5: Do you support using COIT revenue to provide an increase in the homestead credit on our property tax bills by an amount up to 8% (i.e. from 20% to 28%) as allowed by Indiana Code IC 6-3.5-6-13 (b)?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - If, after "budget time" there is available funding, I would support dedicating those funds to the Highway Department for badly needed road maintenance and the conversion of gravel roads.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- No, I feel we might need to use that money for other services or needs of the county.
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND.
Byron E. Loveless

Question #6: Should the County Commissioners be required to get pre-approval from the County Council before exceeding their legal services budget?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - Before we embarked on the Boone County Utility and IURC endeavor, we had a lengthy executive session with the County Council. After hearing the evidence the individual members (all but one) of the County Council expressed their support with a full understanding that this would be a long and expensive ordeal. No vote was taken in the executive session. RECORD: The County Commissioners' 2003 legal services budget of $300,562 was not exceeded only because the County's law firms agreed to delay the billing of $83,803 in 2003 legal expenses until 2004. The Commissioners' 2004 legal services budget of $270,000 and 2004 expert fees budget of $20,000 have already been exceeded by 2004 expenditures totaling $522,069 as of April 27, 2004. The 2004 budget-breaking expenditures were not pre-approved by the Boone County Council.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- Yes, The county council is the fiscal body for the county. There needs to be better communication between both boards. If I'm elected I will work to improve this situation. RECORD (April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum): The County Commissioners should be required to get pre-approval from the County Council before exceeding their legal services budget.
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 7, 2004, Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Eaton said the County Council is responsible for appropriating funds and the County Commissioners must first seek approval.
Byron E. Loveless
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: The County Commissioners' 2003 legal services budget of $300,562 was not exceeded only because the County's law firms agreed to delay the billing of $83,803 in 2003 legal expenses until this year. The Commissioners' 2004 legal services budget of $270,000 and 2004 expert fees budget of $20,000 have already been exceeded by 2004 expenditures totaling $522,069 as of April 27, 2004. The 2004 budget-breaking expenditures were not pre-approved by the Boone County Council.

Question #7: What should be done to absorb the 2007 reduction in inventory tax revenue without a property tax or individual income tax increase?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - It is a great question, but I am not sure that I have the expertise to be defining solutions. This is an area that is clearly under the auspices of the County Council.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- The state has thrown this in the lap of local government and I feel they need to come with a plan to support the taxpayers. We need to research what other counties are going to do. One possibility might be the EDIT tax. (NOTE: the "EDIT tax" is a county economic development income tax (CEDIT) on individuals to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes are increased to replace lost inventory tax revenue.)  RECORD (October 21, 2003 Candidates Forum for Lebanon Mayor): Candidate Lewis supported a Lebanon property tax rate increase to replace lost inventory tax revenue.
Charles Eaton
Byron E. Loveless

Question #8: Do you support a "convention center" at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds? If so, how do you think it should be paid for?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - Yes, I support a 4-H and Convention Pavilion at the 4-H Fairgrounds. In fact, I will take responsibility for the idea. The County owns the 4-H Fairgrounds and has leased the land to 4-H for fifty years. I strongly support 4-H as a wholesome activity for the youth of Boone County and have been aware that they are in need of a new arena to use a few times a year. Most notably for the week of the 4-H Fair. That would solve the need for the 4-H folks and at the same time the very location of this building (right on the I-65 corridor) provides revenue opportunities for Boone County. We have actually had an outpouring of inquiries from around the country from people who wanted to use the facility and book conventions in advance. This facility would be complemented by the availability for rental of other existing buildings on the Fairgrounds and our ability to provide kitchen facilities. Additionally the grounds are very nice and already have outdoor arenas for horseshows, livestock events, and we could utilize it for community events. Other events could include; car, trade, and antique shows, all of which would attract visitors who would infuse cash into our local businesses. I believe the county could finance it and get repayment from the proceeds or the Redevelopment Commission could work with the County Council to sell bonds and fund it. There are a multitude of benefits offered by this endeavor. RECORD (July 8, 2003, Lebanon Reporter): Candidate Baldauf strongly supported the "convention center" and stated it is "high on the priority list."
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis
- I would support a convention center if we could fund the project. I do not feel we have the funds at this time to support it. We have more pressing issues facing the county at this time.
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Eaton cast a November 18, 2002, County Council vote in favor of building the proposed "convention center."
Byron E. Loveless
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (September 24, 2002, Indianapolis Star): Candidate Loveless supported an increased budget for desired "convention center" amenities.

Question #9: Is there a shortage of ambulances in Boone County? If so, what solution do you propose?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - Because of the rural nature of our county, we will always have these kinds of questions. I am not receiving any calls, letters or complaints that indicate to me that there is any kind of crises with these emergency services. If someone is aware of specific issues, I will be happy to listen.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - I am not aware of a shortage. but I will look into this and get back with an answer.
Charles Eaton
Byron E. Loveless

Question #10: Is the Lebanon Public Library Board member appointed by the Boone County Commissioners doing a good enough job of representing all the interests of affected residents? Specifically, should the Commissioners' appointed member be supporting the establishment of a leasing corporation to own an expanded library building in order to circumvent state law that will not allow the Board to borrow $8 million.
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - I believe it is the job of the Commissioner’s appointment to listen to the evidence and the public before the votes are taken. No one has reported to me that this was not done. We must allow that appointee to make the best and most informed decision possible, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with their vote. I do not support the leasing corporation owning the expanded library building.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - I feel David Koehler is doing a fine job as a board member. He has saved the library time and money by implementing and streamlining their accounting system. He also works in the same manner as the past treasurer to keep spending under control as to keep the annual budget in line. David also works closely with the director and board members. Authorization to establish a lease corporation comes from state law implemented by the State Legislature. Many government entities use lease corporations for building projects including municipalities and schools. RECORD: Candidate Lewis was vice president of the Lebanon Public Library Board. He voted for the $8 million library addition at the February 26, 2003, Library Board meeting. He was called off the golf course on August 27, 2003, to cast the deciding Library Board vote in a failed attempt to put a large parking lot in the middle of a residential neighborhood
Charles Eaton - DID NOT RESPOND.
Byron E. Loveless

Question #11: Do you wish to make some additional comments about your candidacy? Do you have a website? What is your preferred E-mail address?
Georgia (Jo) Baldauf - I have run a very clean and honorable campaign predicated on issues that will have far reaching impacts on the whole county. Our record as a Board of Commissioners clearly demonstrates teamwork, leadership, dedication and cooperation. Our stand to confront corporate corruption and an improperly run utility was often lonely, criticized, misunderstood and extremely stressful. Character, integrity and courage were the only things that kept us motivated to conquer these challenges. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to participate.
Harold E. "Huck" Lewis - DID NOT RESPOND.
Charles Eaton
Byron E. Loveless


May 4, 2004, Boone County Council Republican Primary Election (vote for three of the four at-large candidates):

Terry L. Brandenburg (Uncertain)
275 W. 250 S.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-3931
E-mail: tbburg@tds.net

Ken Campbell (Uncertain)
301N. Ann St.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-7034
E-mail: KCampbell@co.boone.in.us

Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck (Taxpayer Friendly)
220 W. 300 N.
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-5024
E-mail: heck4sheriff@insightbb.com

Marcia C. Wilhoite (Uncertain)
215 N. West
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-482-4442

Watchdog Lebanon Candidate Questions

Question #1: What is your opinion of the I-65 Duke Realty Project? Specifically, do you think it is appropriate for TIF bonds to pay for residential development and internal roads?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Brandenburg stated that he supports growth which does not drive up local government costs and believes that one use of the County's Rainy Day Fund could be to build roads so as to reduce the need for TIF bonding. In the April 21, 2004, Lebanon Reporter he stated that TIF does not apply to residential development as has been suggested by certain "watchdog" organizations.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- The I-65 corridor is the most logical place for any development, and Duke has a very good track record concerning these types of developments. However, Duke is not, nor should they be, the exclusive developer. It has been said many times, TIF cannot be used for residential developments
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #2: What is the best way for utility services to be provided along I-65 between State Road 334 and State Road 267?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- The bankruptcy court has indicated Whitestown will be the utility provider, and I see no reason to waste money to challenge that decision.
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #3: Do you support a new Local Option Highway User Tax (or "wheel tax") on all vehicles registered in the County? Specifically, should a wheel tax be imposed to help Duke Realty build roads in its proposed I-65 Project?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Brandenburg stated in no uncertain terms during a May 13, 2003, County Council meeting that he opposes the Wheel Tax because it is regressive and results in the "wrong people getting hit." He believes the Gas Tax is a more equitable tax because it is paid in proportion to how much drivers actually use the roads. He thinks any increase in dedicated road funds should come from the state in the form of an increased Gas Tax. At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Brandenburg stated that he presently opposes the wheel tax but that it would be acceptable as a "last resort."
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Campbell stated during a May 13, 2003, County Council meeting that two persons told him they opposed the Wheel Tax and that "several" persons told him they would favor a Wheel Tax if the proceeds would be used to pave roads. At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Campbell stated that the wheel tax is regressive and he will support it only if all of its proceeds are used to pave County roads in accordance with a long-term plan.
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I don't support a wheel tax yet. If a wheel tax were imposed it should not be done with one project in mind. RECORD: Candidate Heck did not say anything during a May 13, 2003, County Council meeting where the wheel tax was discussed. At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, he stated that if "forced to approve" a wheel tax there needs to be a detailed road projects plan. 
Marcia C. Wilhoite - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Wilhoite stated that she opposes a wheel tax for now because it is regressive. It might be a last alternative for future road and "convention center" needs.

Question #4: What portion of COIT revenue should be returned to the Boone County Highway Department as a funding source? Should any of the County's Rainy Day Fund be dedicated to the needs of the Highway Department?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Brandenburg was a member of the County Council that stopped allocating COIT money to the Highway Department in 2003.
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Campbell was a member of the County Council that did not allocate any COIT money to the Highway Department in 2004
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- The Highway Department is in decent financial shape even though they have been required to spend some of their reserve. I would have to see a plan in detail how each dollar would be spent before I would support COIT money to be appropriated to the Highway Department. See answer to next question. RECORD: Candidate Heck was a member of the County Council that stopped allocating COIT money to the Highway Department in 2003. 
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #5: Do you support using COIT revenue to provide an increase in the homestead credit on our property tax bills by an amount up to 8% (i.e. from 20% to 28%) as allowed by Indiana Code IC 6-3.5-6-13 (b)?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- Everyone is trying to overspend the COIT Revenues. Until I feel our financial picture is stable I don't want to spend any of it.
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #6: Should the County Commissioners be required to get pre-approval from the County Council before exceeding their legal services budget?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- Every County office has been instructed not to spend unappropriated money.
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #7: What should be done to absorb the 2007 reduction in inventory tax revenue without a property tax or individual income tax increase?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 21 Candidates Forum): Because of the disappearing inventory tax, careful attention will have to be given to future tax abatement requests by businesses and developers. A county economic development income tax (CEDIT) on individuals may be needed to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes must increase to replace the lost inventory tax revenue.
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 21 Candidates Forum): We will "hold the line" when it comes to officeholder budgets. A county economic development income tax (CEDIT) on individuals may be needed to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes must increase to replace the lost inventory tax revenue. Because of the disappearing inventory tax, we will look more closely at future tax abatement requests by businesses and developers. 
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- The County Auditor has been in contact with the State as to ways to help offset the revenue loss. We are waiting on a report. RECORD (April 21 Candidates Forum): A county economic development income tax (CEDIT) on individuals may be needed to provide additional homestead credits if property taxes must increase to replace the lost inventory tax revenue. We will need to get more creative with the budget to provide outcomes such as the 17% reduction in the County's 2004 budget. 
Marcia C. Wilhoite
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (April 21 Candidates Forum): "Money will have to be raised somewhere and somehow."

Question #8: Do you support a "convention center" at the Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds? If so, how do you think it should be paid for?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Brandenburg cast a November 18, 2002, County Council vote in favor of building the proposed "convention center." At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, he stated that the "convention center" project should go forward as tourism dollars attracted by the project can "pay for a good part" of the costs with the remainder coming from existing County money. However, Candidate Brandenburg does not believe a Boone County tourism bureau is a good use of available funds
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Campbell cast a November 18, 2002, County Council vote against building the proposed "convention center." At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, he stated that the 4-H "convention center" is vital for the community but there is not enough funding available from tourism revenue; other ways will have to be found to fund the "convention center."
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I support a convention center, however we don't have the funds to build it or pay for its upkeep. The innkeeper's tax is not sufficient for either. RECORD: Candidate Heck cast a November 18, 2002, County Council vote against building the proposed "convention center." At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, he stated that the 4-H "convention center" is a "Want" as opposed to a "Need." Candidate Heck also stated that convention centers built in other counties need to be studied.
Marcia C. Wilhoite
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Wilhoite indicated support for the "convention center" by stating that it would bring dollars and people to the county. She stated that private funding might be a possibility.

Question #9: Is there a shortage of ambulances in Boone County? If so, what solution do you propose?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I think we have adequate coverage, but I think that's best addressed by the hospital.
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #10: Is the Lebanon Public Library Board member appointed by the Boone County Council doing a good enough job of representing all the interests of affected residents? Specifically, should the Council's appointed member be supporting the establishment of a leasing corporation to own an expanded library building in order to circumvent state law that will not allow the Board to borrow $8 million.
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND.
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD (February 3, 2003, Lebanon Public Library Community Forum): Candidate Campbell asked some probing questions regarding the extent and cost of the proposed Library expansion. 
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I think they have done an adequate job
Marcia C. Wilhoite

Question #11: How should the county's $7,951,075 Rainy Day Fund be used?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: Candidate Brandenburg stated at the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum that the COIT revenue in the County's Rainy Day Fund should not be used for ordinary budget items but should be conserved for capital projects, emergency funding, roads building so as to reduce the need for TIF bonding.
Ken Campbell
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Campbell stated that the County's Rainy Day Fund should not be used for day-to-day operating expenses but should be used for capital improvements after the reassessment issues have been resolved this year.
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I think it is important to be very conservative with any funds. Many like and surrounding counties have been forced to lay off personnel and limit services to the public. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Heck stated that the County's Rainy Day Fund should not be spent for anything right now.
Marcia C. Wilhoite
- DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Wilhoite stated that the County's Rainy Day Fund should be used to convert gravel roads to paved roads, for drainage needs, and to promote growth and development.

Question #12: Do you wish to make some additional comments about your candidacy? Do you have a website? What is your preferred E-mail address?
Terry L. Brandenburg - DID NOT RESPOND. RECORD: At the April 21, 2004, Candidates Forum, Candidate Brandenburg reiterated his support for an unneeded increase in the Emergency Telephone System (E911) Fee.
Ken Campbell
Jeffrey W. (Jeff) Heck
- I would encourage anyone to contact me if they have a concern, question, suggestion, or comment. I am hopeful my answers to these questions will not be skewed in any manner.
Marcia C. Wilhoite

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This page was last updated on 03/19/10.