Donald J. Lehe (Taxpayer UNfriendly)
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Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Questionnaire
Address: 10644 S. 100 E., Brookston, IN 47923
Phone: (765) 563-3620
Watchdog Indiana Candidate Questionnaire - May 2,
2006, Primary Election
1. What will be your guiding principles for the 2007-2009 biennium
budget? Specifically, what mix of spending cuts, tax increases, and/or reserve
depletions will you support? RESPONSE: I will support as many spending
cut proposals as feasible to balance the budget and promote economic
development. I want to maintain a sufficient amount of funds in the state
reserve and expand it if possible. I do not support any form of statewide
tax increase.
2. What are your opinions regarding homeowner property taxes? Specifically, do
favor freezing all property taxes and funding budget increases through both
individual and business income tax increases? Or, do you favor a mixture of
income tax, sales tax and meals tax increases to reduce property tax growth
while providing additional revenue to local governments? RESPONSE:
Homeowners and businesses as well as farmers already pay too much property
tax. I will consider allowing local units to have power to generate funding
however they feel best for their area. I think it should be a combination of
several types of tax.
3. Considering the "Major Moves" legislation passed by the General
Assembly this year, do you anticipate the need for any state gas tax increases
the next ten years? RESPONSE: There should be no
need for increased fuel tax to fund any transportation infrastructure in
the state.
4. What is your position regarding the construction of an interstate from
Indianapolis to Evansville? Specifically, should the $500 million Next
Generation Trust Fund that is part of "Major Moves" be used
exclusively for a new terrain I-69 extension so as to avoid state gas tax
increases? RESPONSE: The I69 project should not come from the trust fund.
I would prefer it be funded by already existing sources or a private partnership
or both.
5. Do you wish to make some additional comments about your candidacy? Do you
have an E-mail address? Do you have a website?
2006 General Assembly Voting Record
Voted YES
on "Major
Moves" House
Bill 1008, which authorizes the Indiana Department of Transportation to
enter into public-private agreements with private entities (operators)
concerning tollway projects for I-69 between Martinsville and Evansville. HB
1008 also authorizes the Indiana Finance Authority to enter into public-private
agreements with operators for the Indiana Toll Road.
Voted YES on House
Bill 1001, a residential property tax reduction bill that increases the
homestead credit for one year in 2006 to 28% and the homestead standard
deduction for one year in 2007 to $45,000. Beginning in 2007 for Lake County and
2008 for all other counties, HB 1001 also establishes a cap on residential
property taxes equal to 2% of the assessed value of the residential property.
2005 General Assembly Voting Record
Voted YES
on House
Bill 1001, the budget bill that included seven significant homeowner
property tax increases.
Voted YES on House
Bill 1120, which contained thirteen negative tax impacts including a
regional Food and Beverage Tax to finance a new Colts stadium.
Watchdog Indiana Candidate Questionnaire - November
2, 2004, General Election
1. Guiding Principles for 2005-07
Biennium Budget. DID NOT RESPOND. Record:
Voted AGAINST the 2004-05 state budget where
General Fund and Property Tax Replacement Fund spending totals exceed current
revenue totals for the eighth straight year.
The 2004-05 state budget also includes Pension Stabilization Fund transfers,
which worsen the $8.5 billion shortfall in teacher retirement funds.
2. Opinions
on Homeowner Property Taxes. DID NOT RESPOND. Record: Voted
AGAINST the 2004-05 state budget where the
property tax relief promised to homeowners in the 2002 special session was
reduced by the so-called Homestead Credit
3. Position on Indianapolis to Evansville Interstate. DID NOT RESPOND.
4. Additional Comments. DID NOT RESPOND. Record: See
the Candidate Questionnaire for the November
5, 2002, General Election. Also see the Legislative
Voting Record.
Watchdog Indiana Candidate Questionnaire - November
5, 2002, General Election
1-5. DID NOT RESPOND to General Election Questionnaire.
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Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Questionnaire
This page was last updated on 03/25/10 .