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NOTE: Go to Who's Your Legislator? at http://www.in.gov/apps/sos/legislator/search/ to find your Indiana State Representative and Indiana State Senator.
This Legislative Voting Record, together with Candidate Questionnaire responses and other sources (such as public comments during legislative sessions and campaign platform statements), have been used to rate each General Assembly member as either Taxpayer Friendly, Uncertain, Taxpayer UNfriendly, or POLITICAL HOG in the Indiana General Assembly & Governor Ratings.
Since November 14, 2001, the votes of General Assembly members on important bills that impact the state and local tax burdens of Hoosier working families have been recorded. Hoosier voters should consider these key votes when they make re-election decisions at the ballot box.
2013 General Assembly Voting Record:
House Bill 1001
is Taxpayer Friendly because the 2013-15 state budget
makes better use of the existing state Gasoline Tax and state Sales Tax revenues
from gasoline purchases with NO NEW TRANSPORTATION TAX INCREASES to increase
transportation funding for INDOT by 11%, cities and towns by 34%, and counties
by 23%.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Lloyd Arnold,
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Robert W. Behning, Brian C. Bosma, Steven Braun, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Martin Carbaugh, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, Tom Dermody, Dale R. DeVon, Sean R. Eberhart, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Douglas L. Gutwein, Richard (Dick) Hamm, Timothy P. Harman, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Todd Huston,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
Jim Lucas, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B.
Messmer, Bob Morris, Alan P. Morrison, Timothy Neese, Sharon Negele, Rick
Niemeyer, David L. Ober,
Phyllis J. Pond, John Price, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Harold (Hal) Slager,
Ben Smaltz, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath
VanNatter, Thomas W. Washburne, Timothy Wesco,
David A. Wolkins, Dennis J. Zent, Cindy Meyer Ziemke.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Edward O. DeLaney, Ryan M. Dvorak,
Sue E. Errington, Dan Forestal, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin,
Christina Hale, Earl L.
Harris, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Karlee D. Macer, Justin Moed, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, David L. Niezgodski, Scott
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor,
Gail Riecken, Robin Shackleford, Vernon G. Smith, Vanessa J. Summers, Shelli
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Rodric D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Crider,
Mike Delph, Doug Eckerty, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt
Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Pete Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J.
Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes:
Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Lindel O. Hume, Tim
Lanane, Frank Mrvan Jr.,
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Mark Stoops, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor.
House Bill 1011
is Taxpayer Friendly because construction of a costly light rail transportation
system cannot be approved by a new central Indiana transit district before March
14, 2014.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Lloyd Arnold,
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Steven Braun, Woody Burton, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed)
Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Bill J. Davis,
Edward O. DeLaney, Tom Dermody, Ryan M. Dvorak, Dan Forestal, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Douglas L. Gutwein,
Christina Hale, Richard (Dick) Hamm, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Todd Huston, Michael Karickhoff, Cindy
Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Karlee D. Macer, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Mark B. Messmer, Justin
Moed, Alan P. Morrison, Sharon Negele, Rick Niemeyer, David L. Niezgodski, Matt Pierce,
Phyllis J. Pond, John Price, Kathy K. Richardson, Harold (Hal)
Ben Smaltz, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R. Stemler, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh, Heath
VanNatter, Cindy Meyer Ziemke.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Martin Carbaugh, Wes Culver,
Steve Davisson, Dale R. DeVon,
Sue E. Errington, Timothy P. Harman, Clyde Kersey, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson,
Jim Lucas, Wendy McNamara, Bob Morris, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Timothy Neese, David L. Ober, Scott
D. Pelath,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Rhonda J. Rhoads,
Gail Riecken, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Robin Shackleford, Vernon G. Smith, Greg
Steuerwald, Vanessa J. Summers, Thomas W. Washburne, Timothy Wesco,
David A. Wolkins, Dennis J. Zent.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Robert W. Behning, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Sean R.
Eberhart, Terry Goodin, Kevin A. Mahan.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Rodric D. Bray, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Crider,
Mike Delph, Doug Eckerty, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Pete Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold,
John E. Broden,
Lindel O. Hume, Tim Lanane, Earline S. Rogers, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Mark Stoops, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, John M. Waterman.
Bill 1117 was Taxpayer UNfriendly because it created the
possibility for a minority of county income tax council members representing a
minority of the county population to impose a county-wide motor vehicle excise
surtax and wheel tax. (Even though HB 1117 did not pass, the 2013-15 State Budget was
unethically amended to permit a county income tax council to impose a motor
vehicle excise surtax and a wheel tax.)
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Lloyd Arnold, Terri Jo Austin, James (Jim) Baird, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Martin Carbaugh, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, Dale R.
DeVon, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R. Eberhart,
Sue E. Errington, Dan Forestal, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin,
Christina Hale, Richard (Dick) Hamm, Timothy P. Harman, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Linda C. Lawson, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
Jim Lucas, Karlee D. Macer, Peggy Mayfield, Wendy McNamara, Justin Moed, Bob Morris, Alan P. Morrison, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Timothy Neese, Rick Niemeyer, David L. Niezgodski, David L.
Ober, Scott
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, John Price, Cherrish S. Pryor,
Gail Riecken, Robin Shackleford, Harold (Hal) Slager,
Ben Smaltz, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Mike Speedy, Steven R. Stemler, Vanessa J. Summers, Randy Truitt, Matt
Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh, Thomas W. Washburne, Timothy Wesco,
David A. Wolkins, Dennis J. Zent.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon, Robert W. Behning, Steven Braun, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Edward D. (Ed)
Clere, Suzanne Crouch,
Steve Davisson,
Edward O. DeLaney, Tom Dermody, William C. Friend, Douglas L. Gutwein, Todd Huston,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Don Lehe, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Jud McMillin, Mark B. Messmer, Sharon Negele,
Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Ed
Soliday, Greg Steuerwald, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, P. Eric Turner, Heath VanNatter, Cindy Meyer Ziemke.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Brian C. Bosma, Rhonda J. Rhoads.
House Bill 1313
is Taxpayer Friendly because it (1) supports the establishment of a 2013 interim
committee to study local government regulation of residential leases and
(2) prohibits a local government from adopting regulations for landlord
licensing, mandatory landlord classes, and rental inspection and registration
fees until July 1, 2014.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Lloyd Arnold, Terri Jo Austin, James (Jim) Baird, Brian C.
Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Martin Carbaugh, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, Tom Dermody, Dale R. DeVon, Sean R. Eberhart, William C. Friend, Phil
GiaQuinta, Douglas L. Gutwein, Richard (Dick) Hamm, Timothy P. Harman, Bob Heaton, Todd Huston, Cindy
Kirchhofer, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
Jim Lucas, L. Jack
Lutz, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Mark B. Messmer, Bob Morris, Alan P. Morrison, Sharon
Phyllis J. Pond, John Price, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Harold (Hal)
Ben Smaltz, Mike Speedy, Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter, Timothy Wesco,
David A. Wolkins, Dennis J. Zent.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes:
Ron Bacon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Suzanne Crouch,
Edward O. DeLaney, Ryan M. Dvorak,
Sue E. Errington, Dan Forestal, Randy Frye,
Christina Hale, Earl L.
Harris, Michael Karickhoff, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Justin Moed, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Timothy Neese, Rick Niemeyer, David L. Niezgodski, David L.
Ober, Scott
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Robin
Shackleford, Ed Soliday, Randy Truitt, Thomas W. Washburne.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Robert W. Behning, Steven Braun, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, David
N. Frizzell, Terry Goodin, Kathleen Heuer,
Rebecca Kubacki, Karlee D. Macer, Kevin A. Mahan, Wendy McNamara,
Gail Riecken, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Vanessa J. Summers, Shelli
VanDenburgh, Cindy Meyer Ziemke.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Jim Banks, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Rodric D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Crider,
Mike Delph, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Dennis K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Pete Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden,
Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Tim Lanane, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Mark Stoops, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss, Richard D.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE: Doug Eckerty.
Bill 319 is Taxpayer Friendly because it prevents a significant
shift of the property tax burden to farm working families by (1) using the
current soil productivity factors until 2015 and (2) requiring the Department of
Local Government Finance to confer with the College of Agriculture of Purdue
University and submit a 2013 interim study committee report on soil productivity
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Lloyd Arnold, Terri Jo Austin,
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Brian C. Bosma, Steven Braun, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Martin Carbaugh, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson,
Edward O. DeLaney, Tom Dermody, Dale R. DeVon, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R. Eberhart,
Sue E. Errington, Dan Forestal, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, Douglas L. Gutwein,
Christina Hale, Richard (Dick) Hamm, Timothy P. Harman, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Todd Huston, Michael Karickhoff, Clyde Kersey, Cindy
Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
Jim Lucas, L. Jack
Lutz, Karlee D. Macer, Kevin A. Mahan, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B.
Messmer, Justin Moed, Bob Morris, Alan P. Morrison, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Timothy Neese, Sharon Negele, Rick Niemeyer, David L.
Niezgodski, David L. Ober, Scott
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce,
Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, John Price, Cherrish S. Pryor, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Robin Shackleford, Harold (Hal) Slager,
Ben Smaltz, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Vanessa J. Summers, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh, Heath
VanNatter, Thomas W. Washburne, Timothy Wesco,
David A. Wolkins, Dennis J. Zent, Cindy Meyer Ziemke.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: none.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Robert W.
Behning, Rhonda J. Rhoads.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Rodric D. Bray, John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Crider, Doug Eckerty, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt
Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke
Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Pete Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Mark Stoops, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J.
Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: none.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Jean Breaux,
Mike Delph.
Bill 389 was Taxpayer UNfriendly because it created the
possibility for a minority of county income tax council members representing a
minority of the county population to impose a county-wide motor vehicle excise
surtax and wheel tax. (Even though SB 389 did not pass the General Assembly, the 2013-15 State Budget was
unethically amended to permit a county income tax council to impose a motor
vehicle excise surtax and a wheel tax.)
Taxpayer Friendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Banks, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Jim Tomes, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Rodric D. Bray, John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Crider, Doug Eckerty, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt
Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke
Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Pete Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Mark Stoops, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Thomas J. Wyss, Joseph C.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Jean Breaux,
Mike Delph.
2012 General Assembly Voting Record:
House Bill 1003
is Taxpayer Friendly because it (1) improves public
access to government meetings and records and (2) makes it less likely that
public agencies would intentionally violate the Public Access Laws.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer,
Michael Karickhoff, Clyde Kersey, Cindy Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B.
Bob Morris, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, Cindy Noe, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce,
Phyllis J. Pond, Scott Reske, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Greg
Steuerwald, Mary Ann Sullivan, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter, Peggy Welch,
Timothy Wesco, Mike White, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes:
Terri Jo Austin, John Bartlett, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford,
Steve Davisson, Craig R. Fry, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Linda C. Lawson, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, David L. Niezgodski,
D. Pelath,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Vernon G. Smith, Steven R.
Stemler, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Vanessa J. Summers.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Jeb Bardon, John J. Day, Richard "Dick" Dodge,
Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Shelli VanDenburgh,
David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Jim Arnold, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson, Jim C.
Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Ron Alting,
John E. Broden, Ron Grooms, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Greg Taylor, John M. Waterman, Richard D. Young.
House Bill 1005
contains six Taxpayer Friendly local government Conflict Of Interest provisions
and sixteen Taxpayer Friendly local government Nepotism provisions.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon,
James (Jim) Baird, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Steve
Davisson, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Wendy McNamara, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Mark B.
Bob Morris, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, Cindy Noe, Matt Pierce, Scott Reske, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Ed Soliday, Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Mary Ann Sullivan, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Shelli VanDenburgh, Heath
Timothy Wesco, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, David Cheatham, Craig R. Fry, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin,
Douglas L. Gutwein, Clyde Kersey, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, David L. Niezgodski, Phillip Pflum,
Gregory W. Porter, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Vernon G. Smith, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Mike White.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett,
William A. Crawford, Bill J. Davis, Nancy Dembowski, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sue
Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, F. Dale Grubb, Linda C. Lawson,
D. Pelath, Phyllis J. Pond, Cherrish S. Pryor, Milo Smith, Mike Speedy, Matt
Ubelhor, Peggy Welch, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray,
John E. Broden, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Ron Grooms, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Dennis K. Kruse,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Thomas J.
Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Ron Alting, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Susan Glick, Randall Head, Lindel O. Hume, Luke
Kenley, Tim Lanane,
Jean Leising, Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, John M. Waterman.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE: Jim Banks.
House Bill 1376
is Taxpayer UNfriendly because (1) the automatic taxpayer refund excess reserves
trigger is increased from 10% to 12.5% and (2) Hoosier working families will
possibly receive an automatic taxpayer refund every even-numbered year instead
of every year.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin,
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L.
Gutwein, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer,
Michael Karickhoff, Clyde Kersey, Cindy Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B.
Bob Morris, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy
Phyllis J. Pond, Scott Reske, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed
Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Mary Ann Sullivan, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter, Peggy Welch,
Timothy Wesco, Mike White, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer Friendly
State Representative NO votes: John Bartlett, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford, Wes Culver, John J. Day, Craig R. Fry, Earl L.
Harris, Linda C. Lawson, Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor,
Gail Riecken, Vernon G. Smith, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Vanessa J. Summers.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Jeb Bardon, Richard "Dick" Dodge,
Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Shelli VanDenburgh,
David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt
Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke
Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, Thomas J. Wyss, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer Friendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Banks, Mike Delph, Johnny
Nugent, Scott Schneider, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Jim C. Smith, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Carlin J.
Senate Bill 25,
which passed the Senate 39-8 but did not get a public hearing in the House
Government and Regulatory Reform Committee, was Taxpayer Friendly because it
provided much improved oversight for redevelopment commissions and departments
by (1) the legislative or fiscal body of the taxing unit that created a
redevelopment commission or department, (2) the State Board of Accounts, and (3)
everyday Hoosiers through the public meeting and public records laws.
State Representatives did not have the opportunity to vote on the SB 25
Taxpayer Friendly redevelopment commissions oversight provisions.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Jim Arnold, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman,
Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Ron Alting,
John E. Broden, Brandt Hershman, Lindel O. Hume, Tim
Lanane, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Greg Taylor.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Dennis K. Kruse, Ryan D. Mishler,
Lonnie M. Randolph.
2011 General Assembly Voting Record:
Bill 1001 is the 2011-2013 state budget
that includes 16 Taxpayer Friendly provisions, including no tax increases and an
operating surplus in both the 2012 and 2013 fiscal years with a satisfactory
total combined state fund reserve balance on June 30, 2013.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Douglas L. Gutwein, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Timothy Neese, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Greg Steuerwald, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter,
Timothy Wesco, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L.
Harris, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., David L. Niezgodski,
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske,
Gail Riecken, Vernon G. Smith, Steven R.
Stemler, Dan Stevenson Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Peggy Welch.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Phillip
Pflum, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Banks, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Lindel O. Hume, Tim Lanane, Frank Mrvan Jr.,
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Richard D. Young.
House Bill 1002
is Taxpayer Friendly because (1) charter schools have the potential to help
attain the third-tier education reform goal of increasing the academic growth of
lower socioeconomic students so there are more Indiana high school graduates,
(2) the number of Indiana nonprofit private colleges and universities authorized
to create charter schools is limited to those thirty that offer a four-year
educational program for which a baccalaureate or more advanced degree is
awarded, (3) the Indianapolis mayor is the only Indiana mayor who may authorize
charter schools, (4) conversion from a public school to a charter school is
sufficiently stringent to offset the eruption of public passions, and (5)
property taxes are NOT improperly used to support the transportation needs of
charter schools.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Douglas L. Gutwein, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Timothy Neese, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Greg Steuerwald, Mary Ann Sullivan, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter,
Timothy Wesco, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L.
Harris, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., David L. Niezgodski,
D. Pelath, Phillip
Pflum, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske,
Gail Riecken, Vernon G. Smith, Steven R.
Stemler, Vanessa J.
Summers, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Peggy Welch.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: John J. Day, Dan Stevenson
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Banks, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Randall Head, Lindel O. Hume, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Frank Mrvan Jr., Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, John M. Waterman, Richard D. Young.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE: Johnny Nugent.
House Bill 1003
uses state K-12 tuition support money to fund scholarships for nonpublic school
students and is Taxpayer UNfriendly because (1) nonpublic private and parochial
schools are not equally open to all children, (2) nonpublic school budgets are
not approved by a directly elected public body, (3) evidence-based research does
not support greater school choice as a means to achieve overall educational
improvement, (4) it is very likely unconstitutional, and (5) state tuition
support dollars would go to nonpublic schools that are not uniformly distributed
throughout the state.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative YES votes:
Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Randy Frye, Douglas L. Gutwein, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Greg Steuerwald,
Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Matt Ubelhor, Heath VanNatter,
Timothy Wesco, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer Friendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L.
Harris, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Wendy McNamara, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski,
D. Pelath, Phillip
Pflum, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske,
Gail Riecken, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Vernon G. Smith, Steven R.
Stemler, Dan Stevenson Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Peggy Welch.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: John J. Day.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Senator YES votes: Jim Banks,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young.
Taxpayer Friendly
State Senator NO votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Randall Head, Lindel O. Hume, Tim Lanane, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, John M. Waterman, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
House Bill 1022
(which did not pass) includes a number of Taxpayer Friendly local government
provisions related to nepotism and officeholder conflict-of-interest.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Don Lehe, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Cindy Noe, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, P. Eric Turner, Heath VanNatter,
Timothy Wesco, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Craig R. Fry, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb,
Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Linda C. Lawson, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski,
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske,
Gail Riecken, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Randy Truitt, Dennis Tyler, Matt Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh,
Peggy Welch.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Jeb
Bardon, Brian C. Bosma, Tom Knollman, Phillip
Pflum, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Jim Banks, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Vaneta G. Becker, Jean Breaux, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley,
Jean Leising, Johnny Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor.
House Bill 1074,
which provides that (beginning in 2012) school board members selected by
election must be elected at November general elections and take office the
following January 1, is Taxpayer Friendly because the greater voter turnout in
general elections compared to primary elections will make it more difficult for
local vested interests to unduly influence school board election outcomes.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
James (Jim) Baird, Jeb
Bardon, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Sean R.
Eberhart, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb,
Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Cindy Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, Dennis Tyler, Matt Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh, Heath
VanNatter, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Ron Bacon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Charlie Brown, David Cheatham,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Steve Davisson, Sue Ellspermann, Clyde Kersey, Linda C. Lawson, Kevin A. Mahan, Wendy McNamara, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr.,
D. Pelath, Phillip
Pflum, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske,
Gail Riecken, Vernon G. Smith, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson,
Timothy Wesco.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Ryan M. Dvorak, Jeffrey K. Espich, P. Eric
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph,
Doug Eckerty, Beverly J. Gard, Susan Glick, Ron Grooms, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Jim C. Smith, Brent
E. Steele, Greg Taylor, Jim Tomes, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Banks, Jean Breaux, Lindel O. Hume, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Karen Tallian, Richard D. Young.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE:
John E. Broden, Thomas J. Wyss.
House Bill 1583
(which passed as part of House
Bill 1004) is Taxpayer Friendly because the 1% homeowner property tax cap
and ten homeowner property tax deductions are allowed in the year of a property
transfer if the property is determined to be exempt in the year following the
transfer year.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Ron Bacon, James (Jim) Baird, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Robert W. Behning,
Bruce A.
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis,
Steve Davisson, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Sue Ellspermann, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Randy Frye, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb,
Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Bob Heaton, Kathleen Heuer, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle,
Michael Karickhoff, Clyde Kersey, Cindy Kirchhofer, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch,
Rebecca Kubacki, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Kevin A. Mahan, Richard W. McClain, Jud McMillin, Wendy McNamara, Mark B. Messmer,
Bob Morris, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses Jr., Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe,
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Rhonda J. Rhoads, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Mike Speedy, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson
Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Matt Ubelhor, Shelli VanDenburgh, Heath
VanNatter, Peggy Welch,
Timothy Wesco, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO vote: Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Charlie Brown, Phillip
State Senators did not have the opportunity to vote separately on the
HB 1583 provisions.
2010 General Assembly Voting Record:
House Joint Resolution 1
gives voters statewide the opportunity to amend the Indiana Constitution
to (1) make the 1% - 2% - 3% property tax caps permanent and (2) protect
homestead property tax deductions from legal challenge.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, John F. Barnes, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Sheila
J. Klinker, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh,
Jackie Walorski, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, Charlie Brown,
William A. Crawford, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Earl L.
Harris, Clyde Kersey, Tom Knollman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Vernon G. Smith, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa J.
Summers, Vern Tincher, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Bauer, Dennie Oxley.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Scott Schneider, Connie Weigleb Sipes, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Sue Errington, Lindel O. Hume,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Richard D. Young.
Bill 1001 contains 21 Taxpayer Friendly
government ethics reform provisions including a 365-day wait after leaving the
General Assembly before a legislator can become a lobbyist or legislative
liaison, the reporting of certain expenditures by the legislative liaisons of
state agencies and state educational institutions, and a reduction from $100 to
$50 in the minimum reportable amount for the total daily gifts given by a
registered lobbyist to a legislative person.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, John F. Barnes, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick
Bauer, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas
L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson,
D. Pelath, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson Sr., Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent Van Haaften,
Jackie Walorski, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Dennie
Oxley, Phillip Pflum, Russ Stilwell.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 1086 contains 7 Taxpayer Friendly
provisions including the HJR 1 Constitutional Amendment ballot language and
property tax assessment review procedures.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John F. Barnes, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses, Jr., Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson, Matt Pierce, Phillip Pflum, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson Sr., Russ Stilwell,
Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent Van Haaften,
Jackie Walorski, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Dennis T. Avery, John Bartlett, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Michael B.
Murphy, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Steven R. Stemler.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Bauer, Craig R. Fry, Dennie
D. Pelath.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 1367 contains 5 Taxpayer Friendly K-12
education provisions that preserve and protect instructional programs.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, John F. Barnes, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson,
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson Sr., Russ Stilwell,
Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent Van Haaften,
Jackie Walorski, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Bauer, Craig R. Fry, Dennie Oxley.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 23 is Taxpayer Friendly because the
scheduled increase in unemployment insurance premiums is delayed for one year
until 2011 to help Hoosier employers recover from the recession and start hiring
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Jeb
Bardon, John F. Barnes, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson,
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner,
Jackie Walorski, Peggy Welch, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Dennis T. Avery, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, Clyde Kersey, Linda C. Lawson, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Dan Stevenson Sr., Russ Stilwell, Vern Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent Van Haaften, David A.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Bauer, Craig R. Fry, Dennie Oxley.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 396 is Taxpayer Friendly because the adjusted six-year average that eliminates the highest value
used to calculate
the base rate for the assessment of agricultural land will decrease the 2011,
2012, and 2013 net property tax from farmland about 8.0% while other classes of
working families will not experience a significant property tax shift.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, John F. Barnes, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria
Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque"
R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Edward O. DeLaney, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Nancy A. Michael, Charles
"Chuck" Moseley, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L. Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Joe Pearson,
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson,
Gail Riecken, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson Sr., Russ Stilwell,
Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J.
Summers, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent Van Haaften,
Jackie Walorski, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO vote: Craig R. Fry.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Bauer, Dennie Oxley.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson,
Jean Leising, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., David C. Long, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Scott Schneider, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim)
Skinner, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
2009 General Assembly Voting Record:
Joint Resolution 1 amends the Indiana Constitution to
include a cap beginning 2012 on homestead property tax in 90 counties at 1% of gross assessed
value. Until 2020, existing debt service prior to July 1, 2008, is
exempted from the 1% homeowner gross assessed value cap in Lake and St. Joseph
counties ONLY. The effective constitutional homeowner property tax caps in Lake
and St. Joseph counties are 1.88% and 1.52% respectively until their 1% cap takes
effect in 2020. NOTE: The Indiana House did not vote on SJR 1 during the 2009
General Assembly session.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse,
Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, Jean Leising, David C. Long, Teresa Lubbers, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan Jr., Johnny
Nugent, Allen E.
Paul, Brent
E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman,
Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Sue Errington, Lindel O. Hume, Tim Lanane, James (Jim)
A. Lewis Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson,
Connie Weigleb Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner,
Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Richard D. Young.
Bill 1001 SS, the 2009-2011 special session budget bill, (1)
provides enough resources for good government AND (2) satisfactorily protects Hoosier
working families from state and local tax increases. A
YES vote supports a budget that is sufficiently Taxpayer Friendly.
A NO vote would have shut down much of state
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
F. Barnes, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Bruce
A. Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W.
(Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque" R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, Nancy Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick"
Cleo Duncan, Sean R. Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend,
David N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, F. Dale
Grubb, Douglas L. Gutwein, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom
Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
L. Jack Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B. Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L.
Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy
K. Richardson, Paul J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald,
Mary Ann Sullivan, Jeff Thompson,
Gerald R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Jackie Walorski, Peggy
Welch, David A. Wolkins, David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles,
Sandra Blanton, Charlie Brown, William
A. Crawford, John J. Day, Edward O. Delaney, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Terry Goodin, Earl L. Harris, Ron Herrell, Clyde Kersey, Linda C. Lawson, Nancy A. Michael, Charles "Chuck"
Moseley, Dennie Oxley, Joe Pearson, Scott D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum,
Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott
Reske, Gail Riecken, Vernon G.
Smith, Dan Stevenson, Sr., Russ
Stilwell, Vanessa J. Summers, Vern
Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent VanHaaften.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick Bauer (told the media
that he would have voted NO).
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
Bray, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Gary
P. Dillon, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis
K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Brent E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent
Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Vaneta
G. Becker, Jean Breaux,
John E. Broden, Bob Deig,
Mike Delph, Sue Errington, Tim Lanane, Jean Leising, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers,
Vi Simpson, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Karen
Tallian, Greg Taylor.
Bill 348 is Taxpayer Friendly
because a Library Services Plan developed and approved by a Public Library
Service Planning Committee in every county (except Marion County) may result in
more effective use of working family dollars currently spent on library
services. Also Taxpayer Friendly are the "opt out" referendum
provision and the option to equitably replace public library property taxes with
a county economic development income tax.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig,
Mike Delph, Gary
P. Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, Jean Leising, David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Vi Simpson, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Brent E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent
Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Vaneta
G. Becker, Jean Breaux, Dennis
K. Kruse, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., Frank Mrvan,
Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Karen
Tallian, Greg Taylor, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE: Lindel O. Hume.
Bill 452 is Taxpayer
Friendly because it prohibits employees
of a local government unit from serving as elected officials within the same
local government unit, moves the elections of municipal officers to
even-numbered years, moves all school board member elections to the November
general election in even-numbered years, establishes the use of vote centers as
an option for all counties, and requires a city clerk-treasurer in a third class
city to attend fiscal officer training provided by the state board of accounts.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Vaneta
G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph, Gary
P. Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley, Dennis
K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, Jean Leising, David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Brent E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Richard D.
Bray, Jean Breaux, Bob Deig, Lindel O. Hume,
Tim Lanane, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., Frank Mrvan,
Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Brent
Waltz, John M. Waterman,
Richard D. Young.
The House Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform combined the local
government reforms passed by the Senate in SB 348, SB 452, SB 506, and SB 512
into a single SB 452 bill. Listed next are how the members of the House
Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform voted on March 10, 2009, for the
combined SB 452 bill.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES vote:
F. Barnes.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative NO votes: John Bartlett, Mara Candelaria Reardon, Earl L.
Harris, Timothy Neese, Steven R. Stemler, Vern
Tincher, Dennis Tyler.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE:
Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Milo Smith, Greg Steuerwald, David A. Wolkins.
Bill 506 is Taxpayer
Friendly because it (1) allows a single County
Chief Executive Officer or County Manager, (2) allows the County Council or
the Board of County Supervisors to exercise both the fiscal and
legislative powers of the county, (3) provides for voter-initiated
referendums on county government reorganization, (4) repeals the
requirement that political subdivisions must approve local government
reorganizations initiated by voters, (5) assigns the Advisory Commission on
Intergovernmental Relations four responsibilities to identify and monitor good
local government practices, (6) prohibits County Manager nepotism, (7)
repeals unproductive reporting requirements, and (8) continues to elect the
County Assessor.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Vaneta
G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
John E. Broden, Ed Charbonneau,
Mike Delph, Gary
P. Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Allen E. Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent
Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss, Carlin J. Yoder, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Bob Deig, Lindel O. Hume,
K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Jean Leising, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., Frank Mrvan,
Johnny Nugent, Vi Simpson, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Brent E. Steele, Karen
Tallian, Greg Taylor, John M. Waterman, Richard D. Young.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE:
R. Michael Young.
Bill 512 is Taxpayer
Friendly because (1) on January 1, 2013,
each township board in every county (other than Marion County) is abolished and
the county fiscal body becomes the fiscal body and legislative body of each
township, (2) a township when formulating an annual budget must consider whether
the part of the ending balance in each township fund in excess of 10% of
budgeted expenditures should be used instead of imposing additional property
taxes for the ensuing year, (3) a relative of a township officer or employee
cannot be employed by the township in a position that would put the relative in
a direct supervisory or subordinate relationship with the officer or employee,
(4) a township trustee's annual report must list separately each expenditure to
reimburse the trustee for the trustee's public business use of personal property,
(5) each township office must include the address, phone number, and regular
office hours (if any) of the township office in at least one local telephone
directory, (6) a public meeting or a public hearing of a township official or
governing body may not be held in a private residence, and (7) the State Board
of Accounts must submit an annual township examination report to the executive
director of the Legislative Services Agency and to county councils.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
Bray, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph, Gary
P. Dillon, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Luke Kenley, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Brent E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Greg Walker, Brent
Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Jim Arnold, Vaneta
G. Becker, Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Jim Buck, Bob Deig,
Sue Errington, Lindel O. Hume, Dennis
K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Jean Leising, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., Frank Mrvan,
Jr., Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, John M. Waterman,
Richard D. Young.
Bill 1607 is Taxpayer
Friendly because a referendum is required
before establishing a Northern Indiana Regional Transportation District, which
is a new tax-imposing level of Indiana government in Lake, Porter, LaPorte,
and St. Joseph counties controlled by a board with unrestricted powers (where
most board members have no real connection to the taxpayers' community).
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta
G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
Bray, Jean Breaux, Jim Buck, Ed Charbonneau, Bob Deig,
P. Dillon, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Randall Head, Brandt Hershman, Travis
Holdman, Lindel O. Hume, Luke Kenley, Dennis
K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, Jean Leising, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Frank Mrvan,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Lonnie M. Randolph, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner, Brent E. Steele, Marlin A. Stutzman, Karen Tallian, Greg Taylor, Brent
Waltz, Thomas J. Wyss,
Carlin J. Yoder, R. Michael Young,
Richard D. Young.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: John E. Broden, Mike Delph, Ryan D. Mishler, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Greg Walker, John M. Waterman, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 374 is Taxpayer UNfriendly
because a referendum of affected voters is NOT required before establishing
Regional Transportation Districts, which are new tax-imposing levels of
Indiana government controlled by boards with unrestricted powers where most
board members have no real connection to the taxpayers' community.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes:
Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Bruce
A. Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Woody Burton, Robert W.
(Bob) Cherry, Jacqueline "Jacque" R. Clements, Edward D. (Ed) Clere,
Suzanne Crouch, Wes Culver, Bill J. Davis, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick"
Dodge, Sean R. Eberhart, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend,
David N. Frizzell, Douglas L. Gutwein, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Tom
Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Matthew S. Lehman, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard,
L. Jack Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Mark B. Messmer, Charles "Chuck"
Moseley, Michael B. Murphy, Timothy Neese, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy
K. Richardson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Jeff Thompson,
Gerald R. (Jerry) Torr, Randy Truitt, P. Eric Turner, Jackie Walorski,
David Yarde II.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative YES votes: Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, John
F. Barnes, John Bartlett, Kreg Battles, B. Patrick Bauer, Robert J. Bischoff,
Sandra Blanton, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David Cheatham, William
A. Crawford, John J. Day, Edward O. Delaney, Nancy Dembowski, Chester F. Dobis,
Cleo Duncan, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale
Grubb, Earl L. Harris, Ron Herrell, Clyde Kersey, Sheila
J. Klinker, Linda C. Lawson, Nancy A. Michael, Win Moses, Jr., David L.
Niezgodski, Dennie Oxley, Joe Pearson, Scott D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum,
Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Cherrish S. Pryor, Scott
Reske, Gail Riecken, Paul J. Robertson, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Vernon G.
Smith, Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson, Sr., Russ
Stilwell, Mary Ann Sullivan, Vanessa J. Summers, Vern
Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Shelli VanDenburgh, Trent VanHaaften, Peggy Welch.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE:
David A. Wolkins.
2008 General Assembly Voting Record:
Joint Resolution 1 amends the Indiana Constitution to
include a cap beginning 2012 on homestead property tax in 90 counties at 1% of gross assessed
value. Until 2020, existing debt service prior to July 1, 2008, is
exempted from the 1% homeowner gross assessed value cap in Lake and St. Joseph
counties ONLY. The effective constitutional homeowner property tax caps in Lake
and St. Joseph counties are 1.88% and 1.52% respectively until their 1% cap takes
effect in 2020. NOTE: Neither a YES vote nor a NO vote by a legislator whose
district includes Lake or St. Joseph counties is Taxpayer Friendly or Taxpayer
UNfriendly; legislators whose district includes Lake or St. Joseph counties are
not listed below. Otherwise, a YES vote is Taxpayer Friendly
and a NO vote is Taxpayer UNfriendly.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Kreg Battles,
Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A.
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Tim Brown, Jim Buck, Lawrence L. (Larry)
Buell, Woody Burton, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, William C. Cochran,
William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day, Nancy
Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jon Elrod, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David
N. Frizzell, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric Gutwein, Timothy
W. Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. (Phil) Hinkle, Sheila
J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack
Lutz, Carolene Mays, Richard W. McClain, Joe Micon, Win Moses, Jr., Michael B.
Murphy, Cindy Noe, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Greg Simms, Milo Smith, Steven R.
Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Russ Stilwell, Marlin A. Stutzman, Vanessa J.
Summers, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald
R. (Jerry) Torr, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, John D. Ulmer, David A.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, John Bartlett, Dave Crooks, George Philip Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Scott
D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt Pierce, Michael A. Ripley, Thomas E. (Tom)
Saunders, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ron Alting, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Richard D. Bray, Jean Breaux, Mike Delph, Gary P.
Dillon, Jeff Drozda, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Brandt Hershman, Robert
N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Dennis K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Connie Lawson, James (Jim)
A. Lewis, Jr., David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks, James W.
Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Allen E.
Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Connie Weigleb Sipes, Brent
E. Steele, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax,
Thomas J. Wyss, R. Michael Young, Richard D. Young.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Bob Deig, Lindel O. Hume,
Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Glenn L.
Howard, Johnny Nugent.
Bill 1001 phases in the SJR 1 constitutional property tax caps by
2010. Also, 2008 property taxes are reduced 26% from the prior year. An increase
in the sales tax from 6% to 7% and county-wide local option income taxes will be used to
replace the property tax revenue reductions that result from the property tax
caps. NOTE: A YES vote by a legislator whose district is outside Lake and St.
Joseph counties, who also voted NO on Senate Joint Resolution 1, is Taxpayer
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes:
Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell,
Robert J. Bischoff, Sandra Blanton, Bruce A. Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C.
Bosma, Charlie Brown, Tim Brown, Jim Buck, Lawrence L. (Larry) Buell, Woody
Burton, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David Cheatham, Robert W. (Bob) Cherry, William
C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Suzanne Crouch, Bill J. Davis, John J. Day,
Nancy Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge,
Cleo Duncan, Sean R. Eberhart, Jon Elrod, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley,
William C. Friend, David N. Frizzell, Terry Goodin,
F. Dale Grubb, Eric Gutwein, Timothy W. Harris, Ron Herrell, Phillip D.
(Phil) Hinkle, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan
Koch, Linda C. Lawson, Don Lehe, Daniel J. (Dan) Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Carolene
Mays, Richard W. McClain, Joe Micon, Michael B. Murphy, Timothy Neese, David L.
Niezgodski, Cindy Noe, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy K. Richardson, Paul
J. Robertson, William J. (Bill) Ruppel, Greg Simms, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday,
Steven R. Stemler, Greg Steuerwald, Dan Stevenson, Sr., Marlin A.
Stutzman, Vanessa J. Summers, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson,
Vern Tincher, Gerald R. (Jerry) Torr, P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, John
D. Ulmer, Shelli VanDenburgh, Jackie Walorski, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO/YES votes:
Terri Jo Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, John
Bartlett, Kreg Battles, Dave Crooks, Ryan M. Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil
GiaQuinta, Earl L. Harris, George Philip Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Win
Moses, Jr., Scott D. Pelath, Phillip Pflum, Matt
Pierce, Michael A. Ripley, Thomas E. (Tom) Saunders, Vernon G. Smith, Russ
Stilwell, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: B. Patrick
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes:
Ron Alting, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D.
Bray, Jean Breaux, Ed Charbonneau, Mike Delph, Gary
P. Dillon, Jeff Drozda, Sue Errington, Beverly J. Gard, Brandt Hershman, Robert
N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Dennis
K. Kruse, Tim Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, James (Jim) A. Lewis, Jr., David C. Long, Teresa S. Lubbers, Robert L.
Meeks, James W. Merritt, Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan,
Jr., Allen E. Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers, Connie Weigleb
Sipes, Samuel Smith, Jr., Brent E. Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Walker, Brent
Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss, R. Michael Young,
Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO/YES votes: Jim Arnold, Vaneta
G. Becker, John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Lindel O. Hume,
Vi Simpson, Timothy O. (Tim) Skinner.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE:
Glenn L. Howard, Johnny Nugent.
2007 General Assembly Voting Record:
Bill 1001 is a Taxpayer Friendly
budget bill because the General Fund &
Property Tax Replacement Fund $26.0722 billion expenditures total for the 2008
and 2009 fiscal years is less than the $26.1946 billion revenues total. HB 1001
also includes additional homestead credits from the Property Tax Reduction Trust
Fund of $300 million in 2007 and $250 million in 2008.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, Kreg
Battles, B. Patrick Bauer, Robert J. Bischoff, Charlie Brown, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David
Cheatham, Duane Cheney, William C. Cochran (coauthor), William A. Crawford
(author), Dave Crooks, John Day,
Nancy Dembowski, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis,
Ryan Dvorak, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L. Harris,
Ron Herrell, Phil Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Robert Kuzman, Linda
Lawson, Carolene
Mays, Joe Micon, Win Moses, David L. Niezgodski, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce,
Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Paul J.
Robertson, Vernon G. Smith, Steven R. Stemler, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa Summers, Vern Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Trent Van Haaften,
Peggy Welch.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Bruce
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton,
Bob Cherry, Suzanne
Crouch, Bill Davis, Tom Dermody, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan,
Sean R. Eberhart, Jon Elrod, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David N.
Frizzell, Eric A. Gutwein,
Tim Harris, Phillip D. Hinkle, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Richard W. McClain, Michael B. Murphy, Tim
Neese, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J.
Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Marlin Stutzman, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Gerald R.
P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Jackie Walorski, Matt Whetstone, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Richard D. Bray,
Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Gary Dillon, Sue Errington, David C. Ford, Beverly J.
Gard, Vic Heinold, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley (cosponsor), Dennis K.
Kruse, Timothy S. Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks (sponsor), James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L. Miller,
Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan (sponsor), Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Vi Simpson (cosponsor), Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., Brent Steele, Karen Tallian, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss, Richard D. Young,
Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Bob Deig, Mike Delph, Jeff
Drozda, Earline S. Rogers, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, R.
Michael Young.
Bill 1478 is Taxpayer
UNfriendly for the following reasons: (1)
Homeowner property taxes will increase 1.2% each year from 2009 through 2013
with annual decreases in the Homestead Standard Deduction. (2) The 2% Circuit
Breaker Cap on residential property taxes passed by the General Assembly in 2006
has been watered down to the point where it is almost eliminated. (3) The new
local option income tax for property tax relief will be offset by future
property tax increases unless the new local option income tax to replace
property tax increases is implemented. (4) Using the new local option income tax
to replace property tax increases means that income tax increases on Hoosier
working families would lower the proportionate tax burden of businesses and
utilities by freezing business and utility property taxes without a
corresponding increase in other business and utility taxes. (5) A new local
option income tax has been authorized for public safety.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Robert W. Behning, Bruce
Borders, Brian C. Bosma, Timothy N.
Brown, Woody Burton,
Suzanne Crouch, Bill Davis, Ryan Dvorak, Jon Elrod, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, David N.
Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Phillip D. Hinkle, Eric Allan Koch, Win Moses, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Thomas E. Saunders, Milo Smith, Gerald R.
P. Eric Turner (coauthor), John D. Ulmer, Jackie Walorski.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, Kreg
Battles, B. Patrick Bauer, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Randy Borror, Charlie Brown, Jim Buck, Lawrence L.
Buell, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David Cheatham, Duane Cheney, Bob Cherry, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks,
John Day, Nancy Dembowski, Jerry L. Denbo, Tom Dermody, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Sean R.
Eberhart, William C. Friend, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A.
Gutwein, Earl L. Harris, Tim Harris, Ron Herrell,
Phil Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Robert Kuzman (author), Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Carolene
Mays, Richard W. McClain, Joe Micon, Michael B. Murphy,
Tim Neese, David L. Niezgodski, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil
Pflum, Matt Pierce, Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J.
Robertson, William J. Ruppel, Vernon G. Smith,
Ed Soliday, Steven R. Stemler, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell,
Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Trent Van
Haaften, Peggy Welch, Matt Whetstone, David A. Wolkins.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: Mae Dickinson.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Mike Delph, Earline S. Rogers,
Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Jim Arnold, Vaneta G. Becker, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D. Bray,
Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda, Sue Errington, David C. Ford, Beverly J.
Gard, Vic Heinold, Brandt Hershman (sponsor), Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley (sponsor), Dennis K.
Kruse, Timothy S. Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L. Miller,
Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan (sponsor), Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., Brent Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Walker, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman,
Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss, R.
Michael Young, Richard D. Young.
Bill 1835 is Taxpayer
Friendly because it uses slot machine licensing
fees and wagering taxes to establish the Property Tax Reduction Trust Fund,
which is to be used for property tax relief in any manner prescribed by the
General Assembly.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Terri Austin, Jeb Bardon, Kreg
Battles, B. Patrick Bauer, Robert J. Bischoff, Charlie Brown, Lawrence L. Buell, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David
Bob Cherry, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks,
Nancy Dembowski, Jerry L. Denbo, Tom Dermody, Mae
Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Cleo Duncan,
Sean R. Eberhart, William C. Friend, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A.
Gutwein, Earl L. Harris, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Knollman, Robert
Kuzman, Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, L. Jack Lutz, Carolene
Mays, Richard W. McClain, Joe Micon, Win Moses, Michael B. Murphy, David L.
Niezgodski, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum,
Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Paul J.
Robertson, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa Summers, Dennis Tyler, Trent Van
Haaften (author), Matt Whetstone (coauthor).
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO votes: Dennis T. Avery, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Bruce
Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney, Suzanne
Crouch, Bill Davis, John Day, Richard "Dick" Dodge,
Ryan Dvorak, Jon Elrod, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, David N. Frizzell,
Tim Harris, Phillip D. Hinkle, Phil Hoy, Eric Allan Koch, Dan Leonard, Tim Neese, Cindy
Noe, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J.
Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders, Milo Smith, Ed Soliday, Steven R. Stemler, Marlin
Stutzman, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Jackie Walorski,
Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE:
Ron Herrell.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Jim Arnold, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots,
Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Sue Errington, Vic Heinold, Brandt
Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman (sponsor), Luke Kenley, Timothy S.
Lanane (sponsor), Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Frank Mrvan, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., Karen Tallian, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Richard D.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Vaneta G. Becker, Richard D. Bray, Mike Delph, Gary Dillon, Jeff
Drozda, David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Dennis K.
Kruse, James Lewis, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Patricia L. Miller,
Ryan D. Mishler, Brent Steele, Greg Walker, Thomas J. Wyss, R.
Michael Young,
Joseph C. Zakas.
Senate Bill 401 is
Taxpayer UNfriendly because state legislators voted themselves a
perpetual pay increase that is 20% more than the typical Hoosier working family
earns during an entire year. SB 401 also eliminated
taxpayer-paid lifetime health insurance and the $4 taxpayer match for each $1 of
legislator pension contribution, but General Assembly members should not have
received an excessive salary increase in return for eliminating extravagant
perks they should not have in the first place.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb Bardon, Kreg
Battles, Robert J. Bischoff, Bruce
Borders, Jim Buck, Lawrence L. Buell, Mara Candelaria Reardon, David Cheatham, Bob Cherry,
Suzanne Crouch, Bill Davis, Nancy Dembowski, Tom Dermody, Ryan Dvorak, Sean R.
Eberhart, Jon Elrod, Craig R. Fry, Phil GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, Tim Harris, Ron
Herrell, Tom Knollman, Eric Allan Koch, Richard W. McClain, Joe Micon, Win Moses,
Tim Neese, David L. Niezgodski, David Orentlicher, Phyllis J. Pond, Thomas E. Saunders,
Ed Soliday, Steven R. Stemler, Amos Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Jackie
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: B. Patrick Bauer (cosponsor), Robert W.
Behning, Matt Bell, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma (cosponsor), Charlie Brown, Timothy N.
Brown, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks,
John Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David N.
Frizzell (cosponsor), F. Dale Grubb, Eric A. Gutwein, Earl L. Harris, Phillip D. Hinkle,
Phil Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Robert Kuzman (sponsor), Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Carolene
Mays, Cindy Noe, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J.
Robertson, William J. Ruppel, Milo Smith, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell,
Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, John D. Ulmer, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch, Matt Whetstone, David A.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: Michael B. Murphy.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Vaneta G. Becker, Mike Delph, Dennis K.
Kruse, Patricia L.
Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Johnny Nugent, Brent Waltz, R. Michael Young, Joseph C.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Phillip L. (Phil) Boots, Richard D. Bray,
Jean Breaux, John E. Broden, Bob Deig, Gary Dillon (author), Jeff Drozda, Sue
Errington, David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Vic Heinold, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Timothy S. Lanane, Sue
Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long (author), Teresa
L. Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Frank Mrvan, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers (author), Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., Brent Steele, Karen Tallian, Greg Walker, John M. Waterman, Thomas K.
Weatherwax, Richard D. Young (coauthor).
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Anita Bowser, Thomas J. Wyss.
2006 General Assembly Voting Record:
"Major Moves" House
Bill 1008 is Taxpayer UNfriendly
because it authorizes the Indiana Department of
Transportation to enter into public-private agreements with private entities
(operators) concerning tollway projects for I-69 between Martinsville and
Evansville. HB 1008 also authorizes the Indiana Finance Authority to enter into
public-private agreements with operators for the Indiana Toll Road. Any
agreement is subject to the approval of the Governor after review by the State
Budget Committee. I-69 construction is prohibited from running through Perry
Township in southern Indianapolis. The $3.85 billion proceeds from leasing the Indiana Toll Road
will be used to establish (a) a Bond Retirement Account to pay off bonds
selected by the Indiana Finance Authority, (b) an Administration Account, (c) an
Eligible Project Account for highway improvements throughout Indiana, and (d) a
$500 million Next Generation Trust Fund to
be used exclusively for the provision of highways, roads, and bridges for the
benefit of the people of Indiana. One use of the Administration
Account will be to fund reductions in, or refunds of, user fees imposed on
noncommercial cars and trucks owned by individuals who use the Indiana Toll Road.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: John Aguilera, Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, B. Patrick Bauer, Robert J. Bischoff, Carlene Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Duane Cheney,
William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks, John
Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan Dvorak, Craig R. Fry,
Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L. Harris, Phil Hoy, Clyde
Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Kromkowski, Robert Kuzman, Linda Lawson, Ed
Mahern, Carolene Mays, Joe Micon, Win Moses, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley,
Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Paul J.
Robertson, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa Summers,
Vern Tincher, Dennis Tyler, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch,
David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: Ralph D. Ayres, Robert W. Behning, Matt
Bell, Bruce Borders, Randy Borror (author), Brian C.
Bosma, Billy Bright, Timothy N. Brown, Jim Buck (author), Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L.
Buell, Woody Burton, Bob Cherry (author), Suzanne Crouch (author), Bill Davis
(author), Richard "Dick"
Dodge, Cleo Duncan (author), Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, William C.
Friend, David N. Frizzell, Eric A. Gutwein, Tim Harris, Steve Heim, Phillip D.
Hinkle, Robert A. Hoffman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz,
Richard W. McClain, Luke Messer, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Cindy Noe,
Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J. Ruppel,
Thomas E. Saunders, John Smith, Marlin Stutzman, Andrew Thomas, Jeff Thompson,
Gerald R. Torr (author), P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Jackie Walorski, Matt Whetstone, Troy
Woodruff (author), David B. Yount.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: Scott Reske.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Anita Bowser, Billie J. Breaux, John E. Broden, Allie V.
Craycraft, Lindel O. Hume, Dennis K. Kruse, Timothy S. Lanane, James Lewis, Larry Lutz,
Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan, Allen E. Paul, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel Smith Jr.,
Karen Tallian, Richard D. Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Vaneta G. Becker, Richard D. Bray,
Mike Delph, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda, David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph W.
Harrison, Vic Heinold, Brandt Hershman (sponsor), Glenn L. Howard, Robert N.
Jackman, Luke Kenley, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa L.
Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks (sponsor), James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Johnny Nugent, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Earline S.
Rogers, Brent Steele, Brent Waltz, John M.
Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss (sponsor),
R. Michael Young.
Bill 1001 is primarily a residential property tax reduction bill
that increases the homestead credit for one year in 2006 to 28% and the
homestead standard deduction for one year in 2007 to $45,000. Beginning in 2007
for Lake County and 2008 for all other counties, HB 1001 also establishes a cap
on residential property taxes equal to 2% of the assessed value of the
residential property.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: John Aguilera, Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph
D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, Robert W. Behning, Matt Bell, Robert J. Bischoff, Bruce
Borders, Randy Borror, Carlene Bottorff, Billy Bright, Charlie Brown, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney,
Bob Cherry, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks, Suzanne
Crouch, Bill Davis, John Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo Duncan,
Ryan Dvorak, Jeffrey K. Espich (author), Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David N.
Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A. Gutwein, Earl L. Harris,
Tim Harris, Steve
Heim, Phillip D. Hinkle, Robert A. Hoffman, Phil Hoy, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J.
Klinker, Eric Allan Koch, Tom Kromkowski, Robert Kuzman, Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Ed Mahern, Carolene
Mays, Richard W. McClain, Luke Messer, Joe Micon, Win Moses, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Cindy
Noe, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond, Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J.
Robertson, William J. Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders, John Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell,
Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Andrew Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, Dennis Tyler, John D. Ulmer, Trent Van Haaften, Jackie Walorski,
Peggy Welch, Matt Whetstone, David A. Wolkins, Troy Woodruff, David B. Yount.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO vote: Chester F. Dobis.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE:
B. Patrick Bauer, Brian C. Bosma,
Ben GiaQuinta, Vernon G. Smith.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Vaneta G. Becker, Anita Bowser, Richard D. Bray, John E.
Broden, J.
Murray Clark, Allie V. Craycraft, Mike Delph, Gary Dillon (sponsor), Jeff Drozda,
David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph W. Harrison, Vic
Heinold, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume (author), Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley (sponsor), Dennis K.
Kruse (sponsor), Timothy S.
Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Larry Lutz, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L.
Miller, Ryan D. Mishler, Frank Mrvan, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D.
Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., Brent Steele, Karen Tallian, Brent Waltz, John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss
R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO vote: Billie J. Breaux.
2005 General Assembly Voting Record:
Bill 1001: This budget bill includes the
Property Tax increases listed next (which overshadow the positive development of
a 2% property tax cap for Lake County). (a) $436 million over the next two years
from placing a cap on the state's Property Tax Relief Credits (PTRCs) while
providing PTRC funding equal to the amount paid in 2002 plus the revenue
generated by one percent of the sales tax. (b) School property tax
increases of 1.2 percent the first year and 1.3 percent the second year for
basic funding. (c) One to 1.2 percent school property tax increases to provide
textbooks to low-income students, recoup state cuts for transportation, and pay
for utility and insurance costs. (d) Lowered base assessed values for farmland
will benefit farmers but shift property taxes to other property owners such as
businesses and homeowners, especially in rural counties. (e) Counties can issue
bonds to be paid off with property taxes to fund about $100 million owed the
state for housing juvenile offenders. (f) $52.5 to $63 million in county levies
this year to enhance and adequately fund services to protect abused and
neglected children. (g) A new rule requiring annual assessments of homes will
increase 2007 homeowner property taxes between 8 to 11 percent.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: John Aguilera, Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Jeb
Bardon, B. Patrick Bauer, Robert J. Bischoff, Charlie Brown, Duane Cheney,
William C. Cochran (author), William A. Crawford (author), Dave Crooks, John
Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan Dvorak, Craig R. Fry,
Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L. Harris, Phil Hoy, Clyde
Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Kromkowski, Robert Kuzman, Linda Lawson, Ed
Mahern, Carolene Mays, Joe Micon, Win Moses, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley,
Scott Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske, Paul J.
Robertson, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa Summers,
Vern Tincher, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: Robert K. Alderman, Ralph D. Ayres,
Vaneta G. Becker, Robert W. Behning, Bruce Borders, Randy Borror, Brian C.
Bosma, Billy Bright, Timothy N. Brown, Jim Buck, Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L.
Buell (author), Woody Burton, Bob Cherry, Bill Davis, Richard "Dick"
Dodge, Cleo Duncan, Jeffrey K. Espich (author), Ralph M. Foley, William C.
Friend, David N. Frizzell, Eric A. Gutwein, Tim Harris, Steve Heim, Phillip D.
Hinkle, Robert A. Hoffman, Eric Allan Koch, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz,
Richard W. McClain, Luke Messer, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Cindy Noe,
Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J. Ruppel,
Thomas E. Saunders, John Smith, Marlin Stutzman, Andrew Thomas, Jeff Thompson,
Gerald R. Torr, P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Jackie Walorski, Matt Whetstone,
David A. Wolkins, Troy Woodruff, David B. Yount.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Tiny Adams, James L. Bottorff.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Rose Ann Antich, Anita Bowser, Billie J. Breaux, John E.
Broden, Allie V. Craycraft, Jeff Drozda, Glenn L. Howard, Lindel O. Hume
(sponsor), Timothy S. Lanane, James Lewis, Larry Lutz, Frank Mrvan, Earline S.
Rogers, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel Smith Jr., Brent Waltz, John M.
Waterman, Richard D. Young.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Richard D. Bray, J. Murray
Clark, Gary Dillon, David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph W.
Harrison, Vic Heinold, Brandt Hershman, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley
(sponsor), Dennis K. Kruse, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa L.
Lubbers, Robert L. Meeks (sponsor), James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L. Miller,
Ryan Mishler, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Greg D.
Server, Vi Simpson (sponsor), Brent Steele, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss,
R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 1120 includes the negative tax impacts listed next. (a)
Repeals the termination of the one percent Marion County Food and Beverage Tax
and authorizes the Indianapolis City-County Council to increase the rate of the
County Food and Beverage Tax an additional one percent; the resulting increased
revenue is to be distributed to the Marion County Capital Improvement Board for
use in paying debt service on obligations issued by an Indiana Stadium and
Convention Building Authority to finance a new Colts stadium and expanded
convention center facilities in Marion County. (b) Authorizes Marion County to
increase the following taxes: Auto Rental Excise Tax (from 2% to 4%),
Innkeeper's Tax (from 6% to 9%), Sports Venue Admissions Tax (from 1% to 6%).
(c) Imposes a Ticket Tax on Colt's Stadium events: $3 per ticket for
professional sports and $1 per ticket for other sports (excluding high
school and charity events). (d) Authorizes an increase in the amount of
state sales and individual income tax revenue that is annually captured by the
Marion County Professional Sports Development Area (from $5 million to $16
million). (e) Authorizes Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Morgan
and Shelby counties to adopt a one percent Food and Beverage Tax and
allocates half of the revenue would to Marion County stadium and
convention center projects. (f) Authorizes the municipalities of Avon,
Carmel, Fishers, Greenfield, Lebanon, Martinsville, Noblesville, Westfield, and
Zionsville to adopt a one percent Food and Beverage Tax in addition to a
Food and Beverage Tax adopted in the municipality's parent county. (g) Allows
Lake County and Porter County to adopt a one percent Food and Beverage Tax to
cover the costs associated with membership in a Regional Development Authority
to pursue expansion of the Gary Airport, regional transit projects, and Lake
Michigan shoreline development. (h) Authorizes Wayne County and its
municipalities to adopt a Food and Beverage Tax. (i) Authorizes Howard County
and Miami County to increase their County Option Income Tax rate by 0.25 percent
to fund local jail costs. (j) Authorizes Vanderburgh County to adopt a County
Auto Rental Excise Tax. (k) Authorizes Tippecanoe County to increase its
Innkeeper's Tax by one percent. (l) Authorizes Hendricks County to increase its
Innkeeper's Tax by three percent. (m) Increases the Oil Inspection Fee by
10 cents per 50-gallon barrel (raised to 40 cents).
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Dennis T. Avery, Vaneta G. Becker, Robert W.
Behning, Robert J. Bischoff, Bruce Borders, Billy Bright, Jim Buck, Bill Davis,
Ryan Dvorak, Ralph M. Foley, David N. Frizzell, Craig R. Fry, Terry Goodin, F.
Dale Grubb, Tim Harris, Steve Heim, Robert A. Hoffman, Phil Hoy, Eric Allan
Koch, Joe Micon, Cindy Noe, Scott Pelath, Matt Pierce, Paul J. Robertson, Thomas
E. Saunders, John Smith, Marlin Stutzman, Jeff Thompson, Vern Tincher, Jackie
Walorski, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins, Troy Woodruff.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: John Aguilera, Robert K. Alderman, Terri
Austin, Ralph D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Charlie Brown,
Timothy N. Brown, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney, Bob
Cherry, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks, John Day, Jerry L.
Denbo, Mae Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Richard "Dick" Dodge, Cleo
Duncan, Jeffrey K. Espich (author), William C. Friend, Ben GiaQuinta, Eric A.
Gutwein, Earl L. Harris, Phillip D. Hinkle, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker
(author), Robert Kuzman, Linda Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Ed
Mahern, Carolene Mays, Richard W. McClain, Luke Messer, Win Moses, Michael B.
Murphy, Tim Neese, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Phil Pflum, Phyllis J. Pond,
Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley,
William J. Ruppel, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, Vanessa
Summers, Andrew Thomas, Gerald R. Torr, P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Trent Van
Haaften, Matt Whetstone, David B. Yount.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Tiny Adams (author), B. Patrick
Bauer, James L. Bottorff, Mary K. Budak, Tom Kromkowski.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: David C. Ford, Brandt Hershman, Brent Waltz.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Rose Ann Antich, Anita Bowser,
Richard D. Bray, Billie J. Breaux, John E. Broden, J. Murray Clark, Allie V.
Craycraft, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph
W. Harrison, Vic Heinold, Glenn L. Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman,
Luke Kenley (sponsor), Dennis K. Kruse, Timothy S. Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie
Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa L. Lubbers, Larry Lutz, Robert L.
Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L. Miller, Ryan Mishler, Frank Mrvan,
Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers, Greg D.
Server, Connie W. Sipes, Tim Skinner, Samuel Smith Jr., Brent Steele, John M.
Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
State Senator who DID NOT VOTE: Vi Simpson.
2004 General Assembly Voting Record:
House Bill 1374 would establish a Senior and Disabled Individuals Property Tax Deferral Program. See the Watchdog Indiana Property Tax Deferral Program for detailed information. Representative Jeff Thompson authored HB 1374, which was referred to the Ways and Means Committee after a first reading in the House on January 20, 2004. Ways and Means Chairman Bill Crawford refused to give HB 1374 a hearing. Representative Thompson is Taxpayer Friendly for authoring HB 1374. Chairman Crawford is Taxpayer UNfriendly for refusing to give HB 1374 a hearing.
Bill 1005 established the Property Tax Replacement Study Commission,
consisting of 24 members, to study the elimination of all or part of the current
property tax and submit its work to the Legislative Council by November 30,
2004. HB 1005 passed the House 79-1 and the Senate 46-1 on March 4, 2004. HB
1005 was signed by the Governor on March 17, 2004.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Tiny Adams, John Aguilera, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph
D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, Vaneta G. Becker, Robert W. Behning, Robert J. Bischoff,
Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, James L. Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney,
Bob Cherry, Alan Chowning, Dave Crooks, John Day, Chester F. Dobis, Cleo Duncan,
Ryan Dvorak, Jeffrey K. Espich, John Frenz, William C. Friend, David N. Frizzell,
Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A. Gutwein, Brian Hasler, Steve
Heim, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. Hinkle, Robert A. Hoffman, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J.
Klinker, Eric Allan Koch, Dennis K. Kruse, Robert Kuzman, Brooks LaPlante, Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, Ronald D. Liggett, L. Jack Lutz, Markt L. Lytle,
Ed Mahern, Richard W. Mangus, Richard W. McClain, Luke Messer, Win Moses, Cindy
Noe, David Orentlicher (author), Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond, Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske (author), Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J.
Robertson, William J. Ruppel, Sue W. Scholer, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson,
Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Andrew Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Trent Van Haaften, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins,
David B. Yount.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO vote: Craig R. Fry.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Robert K. Alderman, Terri Austin,
B. Patrick Bauer, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Ralph M. Foley, Earl L. Harris, Tom Kromkowski (author), Carolene
Mays, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath (author), Phil
Pflum, Thomas E. Saunders, Russ Stilwell, Matt Whetstone, Dean A. Young.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Kent Adams, Ronnie J. Alting, Rose Ann Antich, Lawrence
M. Borst, Anita Bowser, Richard D. Bray, Billie J. Breaux, John E. Broden, J.
Murray Clark, Allie V. Craycraft, Nancy Dembowski, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda,
David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley (sponsor), Timothy S.
Lanane (sponsor), Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Larry Lutz, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L.
Miller (sponsor), Frank Mrvan, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Earline S. Rogers,
Greg D. Server, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Becky Skillman, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO vote: Joseph W. Harrison.
State Senators who DID NOT VOTE: Marvin D. Riegsecker, Thomas J. Wyss.
2003 General Assembly Voting Record:
Bill 1001 is Taxpayer UNfriendly primarily because (1) the
2004-05 fiscal year General Fund and Property Tax Replacement Fund spending
total of $11.48 billion exceeds the $11.4424 billion revenues total (fiscal year
2004-05 will be the eighth straight year where spending exceeds revenues), (2)
the full Property Tax relief that was promised to homeowners in last year's
special session legislation was reduced by the so-called Homestead Credit
"correction," and (3) Pension Stabilization Fund transfers were
included (these transfers worsen the $8.5 billion shortfall in teacher
retirement funds).
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Robert W. Behning, Timothy N. Brown, Jim Buck, Mary
K. Budak, Woody Burton, Bob Cherry, Cleo Duncan, Ralph M. Foley, William C.
Friend, David N. Frizzell, Eric A. Gutwein, Steve Heim, Phillip D. Hinkle, Eric
Allan Koch, Dennis K. Kruse, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, L. Jack Lutz, Richard W. Mangus, Richard W.
McClain, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Cindy Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Kathy Kreag
Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J. Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders, Marlin
Stutzman, Andrew Thomas, Jeff Thompson, Gerald R. Torr, John D. Ulmer, Matt
Whetstone, Dean A. Young, David B. Yount.
Taxpayer UNfriendly State
Representative YES votes: Tiny Adams, John Aguilera, Robert K. Alderman,
Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, B. Patrick Bauer,
Vaneta G. Becker, Robert J. Bischoff, Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, James L.
Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Lawrence L. Buell, Duane Cheney, Alan Chowning, William
C. Cochran, William A. Crawford (author), Dave Crooks, John Day, Jerry L. Denbo,
Mae Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Ryan Dvorak, Jeffrey K. Espich, John Frenz,
Craig R. Fry, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L. Harris, Brian Hasler, Ron
Herrell, Robert A. Hoffman, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Kromkowski,
Robert Kuzman, Brooks LaPLante, Linda Lawson, Ronald D. Liggett, Markt L. Lytle,
Ed Mahern, Carolene Mays, Win Moses, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott
Pelath, Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske, Paul J.
Robertson, Sue W. Scholer, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell,
Vanessa Summers, Jonathan Weinzapfel, Peggy Welch, David A. Wolkins.
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Ben GiaQuinta, Roland Stine.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Kent Adams, Anita Bowser, Richard D. Bray, J.
Murray Clark, Allie V. Craycraft, Nancy Dembowski, Jeff Drozda, Lindel O. Hume, Timothy S.
Lanane, James Lewis, Johnny Nugent, Earline S. Rogers, Tim Skinner, Samuel
Smith Jr., John M. Waterman, R. Michael Young,
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Rose Ann Antich, Lawrence
M. Borst, Billie J. Breaux, John E. Broden, Gary Dillon,
David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph W. Harrison, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Larry Lutz, Robert L. Meeks (sponsor), James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L.
Miller (sponsor), Frank Mrvan, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker,
Greg D. Server, Vi Simpson (sponsor), Connie W. Sipes, Becky Skillman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J.
Wyss, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Bill 1474 is Taxpayer Friendly because it appropriately increases property tax deductions for
older Hoosiers, veterans, and those who rehabilitate low-value dwellings.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative YES votes: Tiny Adams, John Aguilera, Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph
D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, Robert W. Behning, Robert J. Bischoff,
Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, James L. Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton, Duane Cheney,
Bob Cherry, Alan Chowning, William C. Cochran, William A. Crawford, Dave Crooks, John Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Cleo Duncan,
Ryan Dvorak, Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, John Frenz, William C. Friend, David N. Frizzell, Craig R.
Fry, Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A. Gutwein, Earl L. Harris, Brian
Hasler, Steve
Heim, Ron Herrell, Phillip D. Hinkle, Robert A. Hoffman, Clyde Kersey (author), Sheila J.
Klinker (author), Eric Allan Koch, Tom Kromkowski, Dennis K. Kruse, Robert
Kuzman (author), Brooks LaPlante, Linda
Lawson, Don Lehe, Dan Leonard, Ronald D. Liggett, L. Jack Lutz, Markt L. Lytle,
Ed Mahern, Richard W. Mangus, Carolene
Mays, Richard W. McClain, Win Moses, Michael B. Murphy, Tim Neese, Cindy
Noe, David Orentlicher, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Phil
Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond, Gregory W.
Porter, Scott Reske, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J.
Robertson, William J. Ruppel, Sue W. Scholer, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell,
Roland Stine, Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Andrew Thomas (author), Jeff Thompson, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, John D. Ulmer, Jonathan Weinzapfel, Peggy Welch, Matt Whetstone, David A. Wolkins,
David B. Yount.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative NO vote: (none).
State Representatives who DID NOT VOTE: Robert K. Alderman,
B. Patrick Bauer, Vaneta G. Becker, Thomas E. Saunders, Vernon G. Smith, Dean A.
Bill 2008 as passed by the Indiana House is Taxpayer UNfriendly because
it unwisely pays for economic development plans by establishing a Tobacco
Settlement Authority funded from the sale of bonds payable from future tobacco
settlement payments to the state. The Indiana Senate version is Taxpayer
Friendly because it uses current revenues for economic development initiatives.
Some HB 2008 economic development initiatives became a part of HB1001and will be
paid for with current revenues instead of Tobacco Settlement
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Jim Buck, Woody Burton, Craig R. Fry, Steve Heim,
Eric Allan Koch, Dennis K. Kruse, Don Lehe, Tim Neese, John D. Ulmer.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: Tiny Adams, John Aguilera, Robert K.
Alderman, Terri Austin, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph D. Ayres, Jeb Bardon, B. Patrick
Bauer, Vaneta G. Becker, Robert W. Behning, Robert J. Bischoff, Randy Borror,
Brian C. Bosma (author), James L. Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Timothy N. Brown,
Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L. Buell, Duane Cheney, Bob Cherry, Alan Chowning,
William C. Cochran (author), William A. Crawford (author), Dave Crooks, John
Day, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae Dickinson, Chester F. Dobis, Cleo Duncan, Ryan Dvorak,
Jeffrey K. Espich, Ralph M. Foley, John Frenz, William C. Friend, David N.
Frizzell, Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Eric A. Gutwein, Earl L.
Harris, Brian Hasler (author), Ron Herrell, Phillip D. Hinkle, Robert A.
Hoffman, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J. Klinker, Tom Kromkowski, Robert Kuzman, Brooks
LaPlante, Linda Lawson, Dan Leonard, Ronald D. Liggett, L. Jack Lutz, Markt L.
Lytle (author), Ed Mahern, Carolene Mays, Richard W. McClain, Win Moses, Michael
B. Murphy, Cindy Noe, David Orentlicher (author), Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath,
Phil Pflum, Matt Pierce, Phyllis J. Pond, Gregory W. Porter, Scott Reske
(author), Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, Paul J. Robertson, William
J. Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders, Sue W. Scholer, Vernon G. Smith, Russ Stilwell,
Dan C. Stevenson, Roland Stine, Marlin Stutzman, Vanessa Summers, Andrew Thomas,
Jeff Thompson, Gerald R. Torr, P. Eric Turner, Jonathan Weinzapfel, Peggy Welch,
Matt Whetstone, David A. Wolkins, Dean A. Young, David B. Yount.
State Representative who DID NOT VOTE: Richard W. Mangus.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator YES votes: Kent Adams, Ronnie J. Alting, Rose Ann Antich, Lawrence
M. Borst (sponsor), Anita Bowser, Richard D. Bray, Billie J. Breaux, John E.
Broden (sponsor), J.
Murray Clark, Allie V. Craycraft, Nancy Dembowski, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda,
David C. Ford (sponsor), Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Joseph W. Harrison, Brandt Hershman, Glenn L.
Howard, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Timothy S.
Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, Larry Lutz, Robert L. Meeks, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L.
Miller, Frank Mrvan, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers,
Greg D. Server, Vi Simpson (sponsor), Connie W. Sipes, Becky Skillman, Samuel
Smith Jr., John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J. Wyss, R. Michael Young, Richard D.
Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator NO votes: Tim Skinner.
Manufacturing Inventory Tax Credit
is amendment legislation that establishes a property tax replacement credit
for manufacturing inventory for property taxes payable in 2004 and each year
thereafter. This amendment eliminates the manufacturing inventory tax shift to
homeowners and is paid for by the so-called Homestead Credit
"correction." A YES vote for House
Bill 1001 (SS) is initially identified as Taxpayer UNfriendly. An acceptable Candidate
Questionnaire response for the November 5, 2002, General Election or a NO vote
for House
Bill 1001 (SS) is initially identified as Taxpayer Friendly.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Representative NO votes: Tiny Adams, Robert K. Alderman, Jeb Bardon, Vaneta G. Becker, Robert W. Behning, Robert J. Bischoff,
Randy Borror, Brian C. Bosma, Timothy N.
Brown, Jim Buck, Mary K. Budak, Lawrence L. Buell, Woody Burton, William A. Crawford, Jerry L. Denbo, Mae
Dickinson, Cleo Duncan, Ralph M. Foley, William C. Friend, David N. Frizzell, Craig R.
Fry, Phillip D. Hinkle, Eric Allan Koch, Dennis K. Kruse, Ronald D. Liggett, L. Jack Lutz, Markt L. Lytle, Michael B. Murphy,
Noe, Phyllis J. Pond, Gregory W.
Porter, Kathy Kreag Richardson, Michael A. Ripley, William J. Ruppel, Thomas E. Saunders,
Vanessa Summers, Jeff Thompson, Gerald R. Torr,
P. Eric Turner, David A. Wolkins.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Representative YES votes: John Aguilera, Dennis T. Avery, Ralph
D. Ayres,
B. Patrick Bauer, James L. Bottorff, Charlie Brown, Duane Cheney,
Bob Cherry, William C. Cochran, Dave Crooks, John Day, Chester F. Dobis, Jeffrey K. Espich, John
Ben GiaQuinta, Terry Goodin, F. Dale Grubb, Earl L. Harris, Brian Hasler, Ron Herrell, Robert A. Hoffman, Clyde Kersey, Sheila J.
Klinker, Tom Kromkowski, Robert Kuzman, Linda
Ed Mahern, Richard W. Mangus, Richard W. McClain, Win Moses, Dennie Oxley, Scott Pelath, Scott Reske, Paul J.
Robertson, Sue W. Scholer, Vernon G. Smith, Dan C. Stevenson, Russ Stilwell, John D. Ulmer,
Jonathan Weinzapfel, Peggy Welch, Matt Whetstone, Dean A. Young,
David B. Yount.
Taxpayer Friendly State
Senator NO votes: Kent Adams, Billie J. Breaux, J.
Murray Clark, Allie V. Craycraft, Gary Dillon, Jeff Drozda, Glenn L.
Howard, Larry Lutz, Robert L. Meeks, Johnny Nugent, Allen E. Paul,
Greg D. Server, R. Michael Young, Joseph C. Zakas.
Taxpayer UNfriendly
State Senator YES votes: Ronnie J. Alting, Rose Ann Antich, Lawrence
M. Borst, Anita Bowser, Richard D. Bray, John E. Broden,
David C. Ford, Beverly J. Gard, Robert D. Garton, Brandt Hershman, Lindel O. Hume, Robert N. Jackman, Luke Kenley, Timothy S.
Lanane, Sue Landske, Connie Lawson, James Lewis, David C. Long, Teresa
L. Lubbers, James W. Merritt Jr., Patricia L.
Miller, Frank Mrvan, Marvin D. Riegsecker, Earline S. Rogers, Vi Simpson, Connie W. Sipes, Becky Skillman, John M. Waterman, Thomas K. Weatherwax, Thomas J.
Wyss, Richard D. Young.
2002 General Assembly Voting Record:
1004 was the omnibus tax and budget plan that did not get voted out of
Conference Committee. The version of HB 1004 passed by the Indiana House
of Representatives on February 4 was Taxpayer Unfriendly because there would not
have been enough Property Tax relief in return for a 20% Sales Tax rate
increase, a new Business Franchise Tax (Business Activity Fee) based on net
worth would have been imposed, and revenues would have been increased $2.683
billion more than taxes would have been reduced through June 30, 2004. The
version of HB 1004 passed by the Indiana Senate on February 28 was Taxpayer
Unfriendly because there would have been an unneeded Income Tax rate increase, a
new business Payroll Tax would have been imposed, and revenues would have been
increased $933 million more than taxes would have been reduced through June 30,
A YES vote for HB 1004 received a Watchdog Indiana X.
A NO vote against HB 1004 received a Watchdog Indiana .
HB 1083
would have exempted just about everything done by General Assembly members from the state's
Public Access Laws. The Governor's veto of HB 1083 was upheld by the Indiana
House of Representatives on March 13. A privacy right should not be concocted to limit public
access to any political thought shared with an elected official that might
impact official state acts. A YES vote to override the Governor's veto received a Watchdog Indiana
X. A NO vote to uphold the Governor's vote
received a Watchdog Indiana .
1317, which would have increased the Gasoline Tax, did not get voted out
of Conference Committee. A Gasoline Tax increase is not needed and
would have been unwise during the current recession. The version of HB 1317
passed by the Indiana House of Representatives on February 5 was Taxpayer
Unfriendly because the Gasoline Tax would have been raised from 15 cents per
gallon to 16 cents during 2003 and 17 cents after 2003. The version of HB 1317
passed by the Indiana Senate February 27 was Taxpayer Unfriendly because the
Gasoline Tax would have been raised from 15 cents per gallon to 18 cents during
2003, 20 cents during 2004, and 22 cents after 2004. A YES vote on HB
1317 received a Watchdog Indiana X.
A NO vote on HB 1317 received a Watchdog Indiana .
Enrolled Act 506 was vetoed by Governor Frank O'Bannon. One provision of
this bill could create a new retirement benefit for General Assembly members and
legislative staff members. Past, present, and future General Assembly members
would have their health insurance paid for after serving little more than six
years. Past, present, and future legislative staff members would have their
health insurance paid for when they meet the same retirement requirements other
state workers must meet. Any available funds should be spent on balancing this
biennium's budget, not for improved retirement benefits. A YES vote to override the Governor's veto
received a Watchdog Indiana
X. A NO vote to uphold the Governor's vote received a Watchdog Indiana .
Bill 1001 (SS), the omnibus property tax relief and business tax
restructuring legislation passed by the General Assembly on June 22, 2002, is Taxpayer UNfriendly. This bill
will increase revenues $1.7782 billion from July 1, 2002, through June 30,
2005. A YES vote on HB 1001
(SS) received a Watchdog Indiana X.
A NO vote on HB 1001 (SS) received a Watchdog Indiana .
KEY: S = Sponsor
Taxpayer Friendly Vote
X =
Taxpayer Unfriendly Vote
= Did Not Vote
2002 Legislative Voting Record |
State Representatives |
HB 1004 |
HB 1083 |
HB 1317 |
HB |
Tiny Adams |
X |
X | ![]() |
John Aguilera |
X |
X | X | |
Robert K. Alderman |
![]() |
![]() |
Terri Austin |
Dennis T. Avery |
X |
X | X | |
Ralph D. Ayres |
X | X | |
Jeb Bardon |
X |
X | ![]() |
B. Patrick Bauer |
X(S) |
X | X(S) | |
Vaneta G. Becker |
X | ![]() |
Robert W. Behning |
![]() |
![]() |
Robert J. Bischoff |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
Randy Borror |
![]() |
X | X | ![]() |
Brian C. Bosma |
X | ![]() |
James L. Bottorff |
X |
X | X | |
Charlie Brown |
X |
X |
X | X | |
Timothy N. Brown |
X | ![]() |
Jim Buck |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
Mary K. Budak |
X | ![]() |
Lawrence L. Buell |
X | ![]() |
Woody Burton |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
Duane Cheney |
X |
X |
X | X | |
Bob Cherry |
X | X | |
Alan Chowning | |||||
William C. Cochran |
X |
X | X | |
William A. Crawford |
X |
X |
X | ![]() |
Dave Crooks |
X |
X | X | |
John Day |
X |
![]() |
X | |
Jerry L. Denbo |
X |
DNV | ![]() |
Mae Dickinson |
X |
X | ![]() |
Chester F. Dobis |
X(S) |
X | X | |
Richard "Dick" Dodge (appointed 2004) |
Cleo Duncan |
X | ![]() |
Ryan Dvorak |
Jeffrey K. Espich |
X | X | |
Ralph M. Foley |
X |
X | DNV | |
John Frenz |
X |
X | X | |
William C. Friend |
X |
X | ![]() |
David N. Frizzell |
![]() |
![]() |
Craig R. Fry |
X |
X | ![]() |
Ben GiaQuinta |
X |
![]() |
X | |
Terry Goodin |
X |
![]() |
X | |
F. Dale Grubb |
X |
X | X | |
Eric A. Gutwein | |||||
Earl L. Harris |
X |
X | X | |
Brian Hasler |
X |
X | X | |
Steve Heim | |||||
Ron Herrell |
X |
X | X | |
Phillip D. Hinkle |
![]() |
![]() |
Robert A. Hoffman |
X |
X | X | |
Clyde Kersey |
X |
X | X | |
Sheila J. Klinker |
X |
X | X | |
Eric Allan Koch | |||||
Tom Kromkowski |
X |
X | X | |
Robert Kuzman |
X |
X | X | |
Brooks LaPlante | |||||
Linda Lawson |
X |
X | X | |
Don Lehe | |||||
Dan Leonard | |||||
Ronald D. Liggett |
X |
X(S) | ![]() |
L. Jack Lutz |
X | ![]() |
Markt L. Lytle |
X |
X | ![]() |
Ed Mahern |
X |
X | X | |
Richard W. Mangus |
X |
X | X | |
Carolene Mays | |||||
Richard W. McClain |
X | X | |
Win Moses |
X |
X | X | |
Michael B. Murphy |
![]() |
![]() |
Tim Neese | |||||
Cindy Noe | ![]() |
X | X | ![]() |
David Orentlicher | |||||
Dennie Oxley |
X |
X | X | |
Scott Pelath |
X |
X | X | |
Phil Pflum | |||||
Matt Pierce | |||||
Phyllis J. Pond |
X | ![]() |
Gregory W. Porter |
X |
X |
X | ![]() |
Scott Reske | X | ![]() |
X | X | |
Kathy Kreag Richardson |
X | ![]() |
Michael A. Ripley |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
Paul J. Robertson |
X |
![]() |
X | |
William J. Ruppel |
X |
DNV | ![]() |
Thomas E. Saunders |
X(S) | ![]() |
Sue W. Scholer |
X |
X(S) | X | |
Vernon G. Smith |
X |
X |
X | X | |
Dan C. Stevenson |
X |
X |
X | X | |
Russ Stilwell |
X |
X | X | |
Roland Stine | |||||
Marlin Stutzman | |||||
Vanessa Summers |
X |
X |
X | ![]() |
Andrew Thomas | |||||
Jeff Thompson |
X | ![]() |
Gerald R. Torr |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
P. Eric Turner |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
John D. Ulmer |
X |
DNV | X | |
Jonathan Weinzapfel |
X |
X | X | |
Peggy Welch |
X |
X | X | |
Matt Whetstone |
X | X | |
David A. Wolkins |
X |
X | ![]() |
Dean A. Young |
X |
X |
X | X | |
David B. Yount |
X | X | |
State Senators |
HB 1004 |
HB 1317 |
Senate EA 560 |
HB |
Kent Adams |
![]() |
X | ![]() |
Ronnie J. Alting |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Rose Ann Antich |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Lawrence M. Borst |
X(S) |
X | X | X(S) | |
Anita Bowser |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Richard D. Bray |
X |
![]() |
![]() |
X | |
Billie J. Breaux |
X |
X | ![]() |
![]() |
John E. Broden |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
J. Murray Clark |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Allie V. Craycraft |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Nancy Dembowski | |||||
Dillon (when State Rep.) |
![]() |
X | ![]() |
![]() |
Jeff Drozda | |||||
David C. Ford |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Beverly J. Gard |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Robert D. Garton |
X | X | X | |
Joseph W. Harrison |
![]() |
X | DNV | |
Brandt Hershman |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Glenn L. Howard |
X |
X | ![]() |
![]() |
Lindel O. Hume |
X |
X | X | X | |
Robert N. Jackman |
X |
X | X | X | |
Luke Kenley |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Dennis K. Kruse (when State Rep.) |
![]() |
![]() |
Timothy S. Lanane |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Sue Landske |
X | X | X | |
Connie Lawson |
X |
X | X | X | |
James Lewis |
X | ![]() |
X | |
David C. Long |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Teresa S. Lubbers |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Larry Lutz |
X |
X | ![]() |
![]() |
Robert L. Meeks |
X | X | ![]() |
James W. Merritt, Jr. |
X |
X | X | X | |
Patricia L. Miller |
X |
![]() |
X | X | |
Frank Mrvan |
X |
X | X | X | |
Johnny Nugent |
![]() |
X | ![]() |
Allen E. Paul |
X | X | ![]() |
Marvin D. Riegsecker |
X |
X | X | X | |
Earline S. Rogers |
X(S) |
X | X | X | |
Greg D. Server |
X |
![]() |
X | ![]() |
Vi Simpson |
X(S) |
X(S) | ![]() |
X | |
Connie W. Sipes |
X |
DNV | X | X | |
Becky Skillman |
X |
X | X | X | |
Tim Skinner | |||||
Samuel Smith Jr. |
X |
X | ![]() |
DNV | |
John M. Waterman |
X | X | X | |
Thomas K. Weatherwax |
X |
X | X | X | |
Thomas J. Wyss |
X |
X | X | X | |
R. Michael Young |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Richard D. Young |
X |
X | ![]() |
X | |
Joseph C. Zakas |
X | ![]() |
![]() |
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This page was last updated on 04/29/13.